Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Everybody in my class was hooked on Viwawa. =.=" Played during lessons! Talked about it during breaktime! Jio-ed each other play after school. =.=" Viwawa craze eh? Lol!

Side track a little, do you guys find the weather nowadays is freaaaaking stuffy and HOT?!?! I hate it! My room has got no air-con and I have to on the fan at the maximum rate! That was how hot it is!

Nvm, no mood to blog already! Hahahahaha! Bye!


I was wondering, when can I ever get the treatment that I longed for? How long do I have to wait till my turn comes?

Why do we have so many WHYS and HOWS in life?

Indeed, life is odd with its twist and turn. I do not like this state that Im going through now. Questions after questions. Queries after Queries. Heartaches after heartaches. Seriously, I dont know what am I thinking. Why does things always comes to a bad end when you wanted it to end it in a happy way?


It has been so long since I feel this way. I dont know what has got into me. I've been feeling so restless and moodless these few days. Im not as jovial as before. What happened??! Pre-menstrual symtomps? Or is it all in my mind? I need to take a break from the outside world. I need to be alone sometimes with my cellphone switched off. I dont want to hear any sounds or conversation. The sound of the crickets when night falls is the best. But living in a 4room flat with 5 family members and an adorable dog, I cant keep myself away for even a minute. I wanna sit down at the playground with Kasson 3 years ago in the morn 3am and stare quietly at the stars. The feeling is undescribable. Its soothes your mind inside-out.

Dont worry, B and I is okay. But this is the mixed feelings that Im struggling with now.

Our 2 years and 8months is coming. I wonder, what is he gonna surprise me with. Or is it just another day pass. Does newly couples behave intimately at first and then the intimacy dies off after some time?

I wonder, are we gonna pull through this 2 years?

Sorry for this emotional post. I haven't been feeling this way for a very long time but these thoughts just came rushing through my mind once again.

I needa puff again. When is this cravings gonna stop!!! I really wanna quit. HELP!! Please stop me from the addiction. It kills me big time and make me cant think. But on 2nd thought, it sometimes soothes my mind too. I guess Im not quitting for this moment.

p/s I didnt know that Im kinda good in Daidee. :D