Tuesday, April 15, 2008

School's out!

I guess lots of people will be telling you guys what happened during the first day of sch. :) Im one of them too!

Well, first day school was a total hectic. :( Tired, friendless and blah blah blah. I did make some new friends but not that close. And I dont really fancy my school's hall because its super duper stuffy. Damn! Blah blah blah..


Today was fun lor!!!!!! I knew almost all of my classmates and they were erm. Kinda friendly. Some only. Lol! I love my new friend! Bnuch of great people. :)


Her name is Joyce and she's very very very cute la! Lol! Cant stop laughing when Im with her. :D


I helped to decorate my school's noticeboard. Part of the effort is to me. :) Eileen has the greatest effort tho'.


I dont really like my timetable for this sem. I hope they will change next sem lor. :( I think I will die waking up early everyday. Hais. I must wake up at freaking 5.30am everyday!!!!!! I dont like. Humph. And ends at 4 or 5 everyday. Maybe friday is an exception day but you know. Hais. Sad thing is, B has got different timetable as me. He start school at either 2pm or 9am and ends at 6. Friday he's gonna end at 1. Our time is like so wrong lor. I really dont like it!!! No more time spent tgt. :(

Im tired already. My eyebags are super duper heavy now. Guess what? I slept at 9pm yesterday!!!!