Friday, April 4, 2008

Potatoe salad!

Since Im waiting for my mum to come back home. Im gonna post some overdue pics taken I-dont-know-when. I just happened to see it in my folder. Haha!

Last week I made an attempt to cook something nice and cold. :) POTATOE SALAD! Hahahahahaha! Very nice. Very yummy and cold~~ Btw, potatoe salad is serve chilled. :P


Boil and mash the potatoes!


Boil the eggs and mash it too!


Cut the cucumbers into small cubes.


Put the egg and cucumbers into the mashed potatoe and mix well!

AND AND! I only have these 4 pictures because my hands are oily and dirty. Moreover, Im handling food and I must be hygenic. So yeah. My hands are oily because Im battling with Mayonaise. So ya! Become oily la~

MIX EVERYTHING WELL WITH MAYO! And tadah~ Put in the fridge lor. Then eat it cold. SLURP~ Although it is kept in the fridge but pls pls pls, dont keep it for too long. because cucumbers cannot be kept too long. At most 2 days and you have to finish everything up! DONT WASTE FOOD!

p/s put salt and pepper to bring in extra taste.
pss will attempt to cook potatoe salad again with proper pictures up!