Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Everybody in my class was hooked on Viwawa. =.=" Played during lessons! Talked about it during breaktime! Jio-ed each other play after school. =.=" Viwawa craze eh? Lol!

Side track a little, do you guys find the weather nowadays is freaaaaking stuffy and HOT?!?! I hate it! My room has got no air-con and I have to on the fan at the maximum rate! That was how hot it is!

Nvm, no mood to blog already! Hahahahaha! Bye!


I was wondering, when can I ever get the treatment that I longed for? How long do I have to wait till my turn comes?

Why do we have so many WHYS and HOWS in life?

Indeed, life is odd with its twist and turn. I do not like this state that Im going through now. Questions after questions. Queries after Queries. Heartaches after heartaches. Seriously, I dont know what am I thinking. Why does things always comes to a bad end when you wanted it to end it in a happy way?


It has been so long since I feel this way. I dont know what has got into me. I've been feeling so restless and moodless these few days. Im not as jovial as before. What happened??! Pre-menstrual symtomps? Or is it all in my mind? I need to take a break from the outside world. I need to be alone sometimes with my cellphone switched off. I dont want to hear any sounds or conversation. The sound of the crickets when night falls is the best. But living in a 4room flat with 5 family members and an adorable dog, I cant keep myself away for even a minute. I wanna sit down at the playground with Kasson 3 years ago in the morn 3am and stare quietly at the stars. The feeling is undescribable. Its soothes your mind inside-out.

Dont worry, B and I is okay. But this is the mixed feelings that Im struggling with now.

Our 2 years and 8months is coming. I wonder, what is he gonna surprise me with. Or is it just another day pass. Does newly couples behave intimately at first and then the intimacy dies off after some time?

I wonder, are we gonna pull through this 2 years?

Sorry for this emotional post. I haven't been feeling this way for a very long time but these thoughts just came rushing through my mind once again.

I needa puff again. When is this cravings gonna stop!!! I really wanna quit. HELP!! Please stop me from the addiction. It kills me big time and make me cant think. But on 2nd thought, it sometimes soothes my mind too. I guess Im not quitting for this moment.

p/s I didnt know that Im kinda good in Daidee. :D

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My hair suck!

Need I say more?

I hate my hair!! I look like a guy now!! Damn! So sad. The more I see my hair, the more sad I am. I dont even want to look at myself in the mirror. I hate the hairstylist!! I wanted the other person to cut it for me but she was so so sooooo busy. End up, I think a Malaysian girl helped her. So damn!

My hair turns out to be like a bloody guy's hair. No no, not exactly a guy's hair but its so short and ugly and ugly and UGLY! I hate thin hair. Shithead.

Damn. For this month, Im gonna stay emo till my hair gets longer and NICER. I believe that if my hair grows longer, it will look at least a wee bit nicer than THIS CURRENT STUPID ONE! Im not gonna enjoy life these few days because this feeling s-u-c-k.

On a happier note which doesnt makes me go WOW and YEAH and YES, I got a new specs. Will only be collecting on Thursday.

Im extremely sad. :'( I feel like crying. Never once did I ever feel sad about my haircut. But this time, its an exception. :'(:'(:'(

B said that my hair looks better. My parents said that my hair looks nice. My grandma nodded her head in approval of my hair. But, I am not satisfied with this hair on my head right now!

And.. I went over to 924 to thread my eyebrow today, it also turns out to be sucky lor. Normally they do my brows till very nice de. But today there's one stupid aunty help me thread. End up! Like nvr thread like that. Waste my 7bucks! Hais! Im really down on my luck today!! Shitty!!! Hais.

One day gone just like that. Boo-hoo! :'(

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Something funny to share with you guys! But I shall not name that person out. :) Privacy mah~ :D

I walked out of the toilet and somenody taps on my shoulder, and asked me in chinese "Wei shen mo wo gen ni jiang hua ni bu yao hui da wo?" It simply means, "Why is it that everytime when I talked to you, you wont reply me?" L-O-L. I looked at her, and I said "HUH?" And I turned away. L-M-F-A-O. Aiya, you must be at the scene then you will know how hilarious it is. :D

Anyways, I slept super early these few days! Maybe like before 10 and Im already sleeping like a log. This is how tired I am everyday. I stay in Yishun leh! Travel to Clementi very tiring de. :(

Below are all candid shots either by me or by CheekyJoyce.


Her name is SinYee and she's a very very very EXTREMELY quiet. I think one day she talk less than 10 sentences lor. LOL! Anyway, she's nice! :D










B! Smart uni!~ Lol! Anyways, I waited for B for 1 hour yesterday! He told me he's gonna end his lesson so I intend to wait for him. Who knows, the lesson drag on till 6! Was happy to see him!! Haha!

Overdue pics. :D


:D candid shot! Lol! No la, I asked B to help me take one. Sometimes in life you must act act abit mah. :D



Once in a lifetime Zi-Lian abit nvm la. :D






Im just a plain-jane. :D

Thats all! Finally all pics are up! A pat on my back!

Was talking to Kuek just now and he told me that he didnt go to the MayDay concert!! Omg. I was like wtf? He can go but he didnt?! Guess what was his reason? Because the gf&him had an argument!! And he has to pay for the tix which he didnt go and it cost him 340bucks! Poor thing lor. Didnt go still must pay. Hais! Sometimes, I must agree that we girls are a huge HUGE burden to guys.

I miss B!! :( Im gonna cut my hair tomorrow. :D Im tired of tieing my hair up every morning. Burden~ Lol! Bye!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Finally, Jennng is sick. Not to the extend that Im feeling weak all over but its those common sickness such as flu. :D I cant stop sneezing. Irritating and tears wouldnt stop flowing. Argh! I think Im over exhausted. Woke up at 5.45am everyday and slept at almost 12am every night. Seriously, I do not enjoy this kinda life Im leading right now. Or in fact, I hate it to the core. But.. I so wanna do well. :(









Where's my eyebrow?! Hahahahaha! Time to do some threading this weekend! Now they increase the price liao lor. Sian~

B kept asking me to take a day off tomorrow. But NO! I need to attend all the lessons so that I wont miss out anything. See, I've never ever been so hardworking before. Hahahaha! During secondary school days... Hais! Pathetic shit. Lesson learnt. :D BYE!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life's boring.

Life got boring when school starts. Yes! Indeed its super duper boring.

I have to wake up at 6 on every weekdays. Yes, its 6am in the morning! Whenever I reached school, I'll be like a walking zombie, with a heavy heart and feet. I dreaaaad going to school! :( My eyebags are heavy and I am seriously lack of sleep. What more can I say? SCHOOL WHAT~~~

On a happier note, I did enjoy the lessons. :P Hahaha! Its just the waking up part that irks me. Other than that, Im okay with everything. Oh oh, and the going home part irks me too! Because, there will be fucking lots of people of different ages boarding the train with no fucking manners when they are wearing a super duper smart outfit. I noticed, the more educated you are, the more you suck in your manners. Agree?

Something pissed me off big time today. Fuck her man. I really dont feel like talking to her. Boo! Shall not elaborate more about her because she's sucha f-r-e-a-k!!!! Eeeww! Where's your fucking manners, bitch? Shall care less about this kinda people because they aren't worth my attention. Blah~

Did I say Im tired? No?

Okay, Im tired and B is still taking his ownnn sweeeet timeeee to bathe. Its so unfair that his lessons will only start at a feaking 2pm tomorrow!! What has got into this school?

Ciaos ppl!

Monday, April 21, 2008


Hello! Just got home with B. :D Met him at 654 to slaaaack. Love slacking with him! :D Pictures time!


B, you are being loved by Jen!!



He's mine! Shuai hor this pic. Hehe! FYI, he's not an ah beng. Its a candid shot by me!! Everyone can smoke. So dont judge people. :D Btw, I love B's orh ki near his eyes! So mesmerizing. *DROOLS*


I think B loves me too! He took a candid shot of me playing with my toes. :X


My fatty legs! MUAHAHAHA!


My fatty legs & his hairy legs.



So sinful! But who the hell can resist the yumminess of Lays Sour&Cream?!


This bird bird ate one of B's chips! Naughty naughty!



My reflection!


See that paw? Im gonna put that as my 2nd tattoo in memorable of Kiki!

Im dreading school tmrw! Why cant school end earlier. Maybe like 2 or 3? This life is no difference from poly life lor. Its just that we are wearing school uni. Thats all. Im tired.

Thats all folks!

p/s B, altho' the time spent were insufficient. But Im really happy to be with you!!
p/p/s Anyone knows how to cure acne using the fastest and easiest way? Pls tell me! IMP!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Saw what my title says?

Yeah. Im already half-dead. I feel my body is in a different state. Maybe Im falling ill very soon. My head is spinning and my body is aching. I dont know why but I just dont wanna get into bed and have a good night's rest.

Im waiting for you.. to call me..

Seriously, what has got into me? Me, myself dont know it either.

Maybe I should play some games.. But Im too tired to do so. But I just dont wanna go to bed yet. I think I should drain out all of my energy and slowly crawl up to my bed..

A visit to the vet & Vegetable Farm!

Hello people!! Im happy today! ^^

Early in the morning was awaken by my Dad. He woke me up at 8+AM!! Omg, I cant even have a nice beauty sleep. :( Its all because of Kiki that I had to wake up so early. Need to bring him the vet for his yearly vaccination. DrTan says that Kiki is very healthy and he gained weight! Yeah!! Im so so so relieved to hear that. All dog owners should know why eh? :D Btw, Kiki weigh at 6.6kg now! Fatty bump bump. Hehe!


Kiki after his vaccination! He's still so energetic as ever! Healthy boy!

Went to the next door coffeeshop to have our DimSum breakfast! Yummy! Its really very Yummy! Btw, that shop is located at Sembawag road beside MountPleasant Animal Clinic. You people can go try try la. Haha!


CharSiew Bun & GlutiniousRice!





CenturyEgg Porridge.


My fav! CheeCheongFun with prawn filling! Sorry for the half eaten plate! HAHAHA!



For breakfast, how can you miss out soft-boiled eggs? Its a must have. (To me.)

After our very filling breakfast. My Mum wanted to go to the VegetableFarm at ChuaChuKang. Yeap, my Dad drove us there and WHAO! Very humid lor! And.. that place is very dirty. Ewk!! But I did enjoy myself there. Gonna be pictures all the way! So yah. Enjoy!








Love birds. Ben&I. LOL!!!



AloeVera! Its good for the skin! :) I've got one at home but not as huge as those you seen on the pics.





LOL! The other side of me. Super fugly, I know! No proper hairdo and clothes! It was a last minute decision lor! But I dont care. Lol! Im still gonna post my photos. See my face, so happy! :PI know la, Im very sitff. LOL!


My fat fat Dad! Lol! Like me, fat fat one. :X


Old people like to pose when they take pictures one. Lol! Dont know why leh! But I also like to pose! AHAHAHA!










Look at what the cat is eyeing on. Bird's head lor!! Omg, erxin. But cute la. :X



Lastly.. Im gonna present you the sweetest and adorable living thing on Earth. :)


HAHAHAHA! Adorable right?! Omg, I love my darlingboy so much la!! Hehe!

My Mum bought home hell lots of veggies! Yeah! I love eating veggies! :P Went home straight after this and B dont allow me to rest. He kept urging me to meet him. :( So, I bathed and went out to meet him! Im sucha sweet gf right?! Went to collect his altered pants and vroooommm~ Off to his house. I slept all the way till evening and I went home. :( Didnt accompany him tho'. So sad! Argh! Shouldnt have fall asleep and not spend time with each other. HAIS!! Im already missing him!!


ILOVEYOU! BUAIZ!~ Longest and full of photos post.

p/s I hope I will be able to meet you tmrw and have breakfast!! Mwaks!