Monday, March 31, 2008

Spiderwick and Siberian Husky!

29th March'08

Went for a movie with B in the night! Had Macs and off we go for our movie!

Spiderwick is nice! I'd rate it 5/5! Definitely a must watch! If you hadnt catch this movie. Pls pls, go catch it! You will not regret watching it. I swear. :) It is wayyyyyy better than Rule #1! Rule #1 suck btw. It isnt nice AT ALL!

Here are some of the pics we took that day. Or maybe one pic. Haha!



Walked home with B! He went over to meet Kas&Chun for some drinking session. Hais, guys!

The dumb me actually accidentally delete some other photos of me and him. Stupid me! I wanted to delete the other pic but well, I deleted the one I wanted to keep. Bah! That pic of B is really nice and um. I deleted it accidentally. SHIT! Couldn't stop whining about it. I wanted to keep that pic one leh! Wa lao~~

30th March'08

Went for dinner at 417 with Dad&Mom. Yummy!! But I love home-cooked food the best! :) After which brought Kiki down for a stroll. Hehe! And guess what?! I saw a big time fucking huge Siberian Husky!! Omg! Coolness man! And that man breeding the dog was actually my dad's friend! How coincidence that is!


Kiki is looking elsewhere because there's somebody shouting like nuts for no reason. =.="


Look! The Husky is so huge right?! Look at my darlingboy beside him. Cannot fight ah.


Kiki was like panting so hard. Haha! Cutie him!

Btw, do you know? Siberian Husky can only live up to 5-7 years in Singapore! Poor thing right. This was what ppl tell me de la~ They couldnt adjust themselves to our climate. Moreover, they were meant for angmoh countries because of their cold weathers. So yeah. I dont know why other people still wanna import them to our country lor. Oh, FYI a dog can live up to 15 to 20 years. :) Or maybe more than that if that dog is really reallyyyy healthy or whatever shit. Thank god Kiki is only 2 years old! HAHAHAHA!

Im gonna stop animal abuse one day if I CAN! Provided that Im fucking rich! I'll fucking sue all those ppl who abuse animals! BAH! If you watched AnimalPlanet on Channel 10, you should know how ppl treat animals lor! Animal cruelty burn in HELL! Hope those ppl die and burn in hell man. Seriously..

p/s if im rich one day. im gonna donate my $ to SPCA!
