Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I'm home! My dad bought me a new computer desk at Ikea today. :) Happy!

Let me show you something. Very funny. Hold your laughter okay? This girl super pretty and she's like the prettiest girl I have ever seen on the Earth man!
Dont laugh too loud alright?
Control your laughter.
Alot of guys sure go gaga over her one.
I love the thick eyebrows

PRETTY ANOT! LOL!!! Thats me! HAHAHAHAHA! HOW COME GOT MOUSTACH(spell?)!! HAHA! A male wannabe~ Seems to be flat-chested in this photo. Why ar? Wrong angle isit? But in real life I got breast one hor! Dont want tell you which cup later you guys horny. HAHAHAHA! Just joking. :) Cannot take jokes ar? Dont read lor.