Monday, March 17, 2008

I have recently found a new love..

Take a look at this vid!

Noticed that guy in black? HOTNESS RIGHT?! Although he came up with funny faces but he still look hot! Really, I didnt know that Asian Guys are hot until I saw him. I think he is a Jap. Hahaha! WEE-U-WEE! HOT HOT HOT!

YOUUUU! YOOUUUUUUUUU~ I eat rice, I AM YELLOW! LOL!! You people should listen and read the lyrics at the same time. Laugh my ass off man! He's really creative. :) There's more vids of him on youtube. Click on the vid to go to his page. :P

Eat tofu and (Eat tofu and)
Dance (dance)
Cows go moo (Cows go moo and)

FUNNY SHIAT! Pls pls pls click on the vid. I guarantee you will laugh your ass off provided that you follow the lyrics when they're are yanking!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! SUPER HILARIOUS! See another vid of "How to be a gangster."