Friday, March 28, 2008

Change of cbox color.

Hello! As you can see my title of this post is "Change of cbox color". You jolly well know that the color have been changed and its no longer the red colored taggie. :) Hehe!

Zar's left for Austrailia this evening. :( Very sad. Super sad. Initially I thought that I might be able to see him the last time before he leave for his studies in Aussie. But ya, he left without us seeing him. :( He said that the school wanted him to go to Aussie asap before they remove him from the list. So ya, and he LEFT! Dont know when can we get to see him again lor. Good friend! Great friend! No more his house after MAC dinner. BOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Words cant really describe how Im feeling now. B is more sad than I am. His best best friend leh! OMG! See, friends come and go. True? Very!


A photo to cheer up my day or in fact everyday! My most guai, adorable, intelligent, handsome, sweet, funny, lovely, playful KIKI!!
