Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Talking with Brenda on MSN now!! It has really been ages since I last see her. What do I mean by ages? 2 years ago, no contact no meet ups! Really miss the nonsense that we both once shared! Its really funny lah!! We can laugh our ass off every minute. Joker! I still remembered very clearly that she tries to seduce me on the bus but failed terribly! In which, she makes my hair stand on its end while trying to seduce me. HAHAHAHA!

I didnt know that we have the same taste in the genre of music. I like Marilyn Mason and she looooove Marilyn Manson! Omg its like, I didnt know that girls will like him. His make up kind of gore. I'll show you his peekture. Take a peep will do. I will find the supest GORE one. HAHAHAHA!



Well, seems like someone copied exact same word OFF my blog. Boohoo. :( But never credit me leh~~ But its okay lah, angry for what. Those frequent bloghoppers should know de lah. Those wanna know who click on my MSN window and feel free to gossip with me.

我已经分不清, 你是友情, 还是错过的爱情.