Monday, March 31, 2008

Spiderwick and Siberian Husky!

29th March'08

Went for a movie with B in the night! Had Macs and off we go for our movie!

Spiderwick is nice! I'd rate it 5/5! Definitely a must watch! If you hadnt catch this movie. Pls pls, go catch it! You will not regret watching it. I swear. :) It is wayyyyyy better than Rule #1! Rule #1 suck btw. It isnt nice AT ALL!

Here are some of the pics we took that day. Or maybe one pic. Haha!



Walked home with B! He went over to meet Kas&Chun for some drinking session. Hais, guys!

The dumb me actually accidentally delete some other photos of me and him. Stupid me! I wanted to delete the other pic but well, I deleted the one I wanted to keep. Bah! That pic of B is really nice and um. I deleted it accidentally. SHIT! Couldn't stop whining about it. I wanted to keep that pic one leh! Wa lao~~

30th March'08

Went for dinner at 417 with Dad&Mom. Yummy!! But I love home-cooked food the best! :) After which brought Kiki down for a stroll. Hehe! And guess what?! I saw a big time fucking huge Siberian Husky!! Omg! Coolness man! And that man breeding the dog was actually my dad's friend! How coincidence that is!


Kiki is looking elsewhere because there's somebody shouting like nuts for no reason. =.="


Look! The Husky is so huge right?! Look at my darlingboy beside him. Cannot fight ah.


Kiki was like panting so hard. Haha! Cutie him!

Btw, do you know? Siberian Husky can only live up to 5-7 years in Singapore! Poor thing right. This was what ppl tell me de la~ They couldnt adjust themselves to our climate. Moreover, they were meant for angmoh countries because of their cold weathers. So yeah. I dont know why other people still wanna import them to our country lor. Oh, FYI a dog can live up to 15 to 20 years. :) Or maybe more than that if that dog is really reallyyyy healthy or whatever shit. Thank god Kiki is only 2 years old! HAHAHAHA!

Im gonna stop animal abuse one day if I CAN! Provided that Im fucking rich! I'll fucking sue all those ppl who abuse animals! BAH! If you watched AnimalPlanet on Channel 10, you should know how ppl treat animals lor! Animal cruelty burn in HELL! Hope those ppl die and burn in hell man. Seriously..

p/s if im rich one day. im gonna donate my $ to SPCA!


Saturday, March 29, 2008

A stick.

After a stick, I felt better.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Change of cbox color.

Hello! As you can see my title of this post is "Change of cbox color". You jolly well know that the color have been changed and its no longer the red colored taggie. :) Hehe!

Zar's left for Austrailia this evening. :( Very sad. Super sad. Initially I thought that I might be able to see him the last time before he leave for his studies in Aussie. But ya, he left without us seeing him. :( He said that the school wanted him to go to Aussie asap before they remove him from the list. So ya, and he LEFT! Dont know when can we get to see him again lor. Good friend! Great friend! No more his house after MAC dinner. BOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Words cant really describe how Im feeling now. B is more sad than I am. His best best friend leh! OMG! See, friends come and go. True? Very!


A photo to cheer up my day or in fact everyday! My most guai, adorable, intelligent, handsome, sweet, funny, lovely, playful KIKI!!


Indeed, a great day!

Something I must whine about first before I start my day's out with you guys. I seriously do not like Nokia phone because its function is limited and moreover they dont provide basic editing of pics like SE does. Photo editing is so popular now and Nokia doesnt have the function. BOO! Utterly disappointed I should say.

26th March'08

Went out with my 2 beloved cuzzies! So long since I last saw them liao lor! Finally got to meet up and the 3 of us went over to IMM! You people must be thinking eeyer, so lok kok, but no lor! They sell nice clothes with reasonable prices not like FEP anyhow bomb price. :)

Me and Fiona went over to the rooftop garden to slack! Hahahha! Very nice place. Gino went to accompany his friend for some other reason. Pictures should say it all. :)


See, there are so many greens around you! Moreover, its an open area! Which means heh heh..


Its not my shot. Its Gino's. :)



You know Bugis have some kind of fountain which let kids play ard? Here also have leh~ Much better somemore.


Gino and me! I look a little tense up because its my first photo ever with him. HAHA!


Fiona and me! Love her!

We joked, we laughed, we teased. What more are we lack of? Meet-ups? Maybe.. With their companion, I'll never feel lonely because they will always be there for me 24/7. :) LOVE THEM! Great cousins/friends!! And they are very wise people! Not selfish and all! Share tips with me! Hahahaha!!

And going out with them might make you fat because they are all foodlovers! But not me. How sad! Jap cuisine yesterday and I should say its superb! :)

Btw, Im looking forward to another outing with my sis! Another person I love most altho she thinks Im irritating at times. :D

p.s I miss B much much.
pss I might post pictures of my cuzzie and I when we were young! Totally awesome + funny!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

4 minutes left!

A quick post before I snuggle up to my comfy bed and talk to B on the phone. Im left with 4 mintues to finish up this post before B call.

Was chatting with AhLiang aka Kel on msn now. We were talking abt things in common between us. Surprisingly, he doesnt like chinese songs. How great! I hate chinese songs because its so typical and the rhythm of music doesnt make me wanna sing along with it.

Some times, things just doesnt seem to go your way. But, you just had to keep quiet about it. Blogging it out is of not much help either. Learnt it, and dont repeat it. :) I've been through and I know that blogging it out helped you feel better BUT it doesnt make the peeps reading it feel good about it. Only when, they are kind of paranoid person.

So yeah. Get it, cy?


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New template

A quick post before I shut down my comp and call B. He's hurrying me now! He ends his sentences with "call me."

New look for my blog. Hope you people like it. Took me an hour to edit the templates so that it wont look awkward and most importantly, you need not need to click click and click.

Btw, the tagboard color does not match my blogskin's color because I didnt manage to change the color of the taggie at cbox. So ya. Im looking forward to tmrw's outing with Fiona but Im not looking forward to B having to work tmrw.

Bah! B is gonna work again. *.* Boring~

So, I need to occupy my free time once again. Maybe watching dramas (which I usaully dont) or meet up with my cousins/friends. Yeap! Tomorrmow night will be meeting with my darling cuzzie Fiona for a tao huay(beancurd) session. Do you know? ChongPang beancurd very nice leh~ You people should go try and most importantly its an outdoor place! Means can light a ciggie, enjoy the fresh air and ... B and I used to go there every week but not now anymore. Because must walk quite a distance there. Hahahaha!


Monday, March 24, 2008

4 days of working. 1 day of campanion. 24 hours of gameplay.

This left me being alone.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

I was wondering, am I suffering from a weak bladder? You see, I keep going to the toilet every 1 hour. This has been going on for the past 2 days already! Im kind of afraid. :( Or am I thinking too much? Bah!

Im gonna be independent now before everything comes to an end.

19th March'08

Guess where I went on the 19th? Heh heh! My favourite Sakae!


My fav Chawanmushi! This particular chawan is soooo nice that day.


Ben. :) Look, he is so skinny whereas Im so fat. Boo-hoo! He should probably go find a skinny girlfriend rather than me!


That guy in this pic look like LiuYuanXi, that fucker.


Went over to Espirit and I wanted to buy this top initially. But later I found a nicer top. Moreover this top is too big for me. If not Im gonna buy this and not the one I bought.


Sweet and Salted Popcorn! Watched Rule#1 and this show isnt that nice. :) Watse of money and waste of my time. The story plot kind of suck. Although one part of it I jumped. Lol! And, I have never fancy FionaXie at all. I dont like her. But yeah! She only came up only with a few scenes. :)

Remember on my previous post I mentioned that I am gonna buy the Maybelline vol mascara? I bought it. But I didnt manage to try on it yet because I didnt go out at all. :)


Meeting Brenda darling this coming Monday. Cant wait. I wanna laugh till I die man. Seriously..

This is the most boring-est post ever on my blog.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

There's one clever soul who have make a guess about the parrot who copied what I said. Yeah!!! And guess what? She guessed it correctly. C'mon people try harder to think who was it. :) If you people guessed it correctly, be sure to laugh your ass off man.

Btw, I was thinking, since someone copied the same exact words from me. Which means that my language is better than hers and Im much more creative. BAAAAHAHAAAA!

Sakae with B later and I hope I will be able to do some shopping because B is gonna pay for everything today!! BUAHAHAHA! Im not a bad gf hor. Dont condemn me. I want the Maybelline volume mascara leh! I wanted to buy it last month but I got the other one instead. Shiat. Wasted my money and I think B is gonna pay for that Mascara I wanna buy today! BUAHAHAHA!

And my sis went to Genting with her friend and she took the make up kit along with her. :( Basically took everything off the shelf. Btw, we share our cosmetics. We are lovely sisters! Hahahaha!

Im gonna end her. Ppl pls give me an answer quick! I'll be waiting for you. Hehehehe!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Its getting hot in here!!

Omg. I was like boiling like fuck just now and now Im feeling feverish as if I met Ryan and his hotness make me go WOOLALA~ As if Im on drugs. Hahahaha!

Brenda darling showed me this to ease my anger. LOL!!~

I wanna poke her nehneh because her nehneh so pointy. LOL! Cool! I wanna get a costume like that too! For roleplay! HAHAHAHAHA! That guy surely kena poke before we even get intimate. WAHAHAHAHA! Imagine man guys! Btw, I said this for fun. :)



Talking with Brenda on MSN now!! It has really been ages since I last see her. What do I mean by ages? 2 years ago, no contact no meet ups! Really miss the nonsense that we both once shared! Its really funny lah!! We can laugh our ass off every minute. Joker! I still remembered very clearly that she tries to seduce me on the bus but failed terribly! In which, she makes my hair stand on its end while trying to seduce me. HAHAHAHA!

I didnt know that we have the same taste in the genre of music. I like Marilyn Mason and she looooove Marilyn Manson! Omg its like, I didnt know that girls will like him. His make up kind of gore. I'll show you his peekture. Take a peep will do. I will find the supest GORE one. HAHAHAHA!



Well, seems like someone copied exact same word OFF my blog. Boohoo. :( But never credit me leh~~ But its okay lah, angry for what. Those frequent bloghoppers should know de lah. Those wanna know who click on my MSN window and feel free to gossip with me.

我已经分不清, 你是友情, 还是错过的爱情.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Firstly, a picture of me being a narcissist. :)


My eyes are like freaking pain right now!! Tsk, Im not crying but I think because Im tired. :)

Well, took a cab down to SATA and waited for half an hour for B's report. Wait again.. Shiatty place. Took another cab down to B's campus to fill in some adminstration forms and pass them his medical report. Luckily we were on time because it is almost 5 when we reach the campus. =.="

Went back to my place took the dvds, walked through the park and met Chun for dinner. Of course, its Together with B. The coffeeshop near Chun's place sell nice chicken cutlet rice! I dont know what is the block number but I know it is near Northland Primary. So yeah.


My face look sucky here. But who cares?! Im already attached and I dont need to look good in every photo right?! But of cos basic make up is definite for every girl. Agree?


Went up to Chun's place for a movie. KungFu dunk is like so lame! But Jay is cute. :) Or should I say its adorable? Haha!

I need to slp now.I have to wake up tomorrow to go down to my campus with my mom. Tiring. And look at the time now and yet Im not even on my bed. I have to wake up at freaking 7am tomorrow to get myself prepared. Damn!

B is still not yet online to send the remaining pics I took using his phone. Oh, his msn window just popped out. :)

Btw, B has really make my day today! Im so happy regardless of the tiredness that I had today. It is definitely worth it to be remembered of today. I swear.. The things B had said is totally ...


Monday, March 17, 2008

I have recently found a new love..

Take a look at this vid!

Noticed that guy in black? HOTNESS RIGHT?! Although he came up with funny faces but he still look hot! Really, I didnt know that Asian Guys are hot until I saw him. I think he is a Jap. Hahaha! WEE-U-WEE! HOT HOT HOT!

YOUUUU! YOOUUUUUUUUU~ I eat rice, I AM YELLOW! LOL!! You people should listen and read the lyrics at the same time. Laugh my ass off man! He's really creative. :) There's more vids of him on youtube. Click on the vid to go to his page. :P

Eat tofu and (Eat tofu and)
Dance (dance)
Cows go moo (Cows go moo and)

FUNNY SHIAT! Pls pls pls click on the vid. I guarantee you will laugh your ass off provided that you follow the lyrics when they're are yanking!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! SUPER HILARIOUS! See another vid of "How to be a gangster."


Sunday, March 16, 2008


Im feeling super lethargic now! I dont know why I wake up so early today, by this time Im still in bed sleeping like a log. Maybe Im too excited to blog what had happened last night!! Hahahaha!

So yeah, I met baby in the night at ard 8.30! Initially, we wanted to catch a movie. But I dont know what had happened yesterday that the queue is fucking long can! See the people queing up my mood dropped to 0%. I think Yishun's GV must be earning big bucks yesterday. I had never see YishunGV so many people before lor! So, baby and I was like "wa lao, nothing to do." Chun not at Yishun, Kas at tpy and Zar dont want come out. Then blah blah blah, head down to ECP.

Helped those peeps buy beer and took a cab down. VERY EXP LOR! Cab there and cab back leh! But cab back is Cy's dad brought us home. Baby took another cab with the other guys. :( Chor anot? Super chor I tell you. After baby board the cab left me and Cy alone at the eerie ECP lor! Dont believe? Take a look.



This time was like alrdy 1+am liao lor. Imagine its like only the both of us walking that long stretch of road. Can die sia! We almost walk for 2.4km leh~~ Okay lah, not only the both of us. Got couples doing soft porn lor! LOL!!!!!! Alot of couples hiding in the car or in the shade leh~ Adults liao can go home do but they dont want. LOL! What they want was excitement and kena caught by us right!

Walked to the main road and sit here for Cy's dad to arrive.


Of cos will erhem, camwhore lah~



EEE! Why got ghost behind me?! Hahahaha! Im lazy to keep typing typing typing typing.

*cut short*

Guess who welcome me home?


My boyboy! Cuteness right? Hahhahaha!

Okay lah. Bye! I lazy blog liao.

p/s Baby I love you so much lah! Your message yesterday is sweet! Totally drown me with all your sweettalks lor!!~ Anyway, promise what you had said last night alright? You're being loved, BY JENN!

This is the first time I write mushy things on my blog ok! So dont kp!

With love,

Friday, March 14, 2008

This feeling suck man!~


Oblivion suck Oblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suckOblivion suck


Whoever is gonna piss me off at this point of time, Im gonna give you hell. Trust me, Im very sarcastic with my words. You wanna taste my sarcasm, try me. You see, I cant blog everything out here because somebody is gonna give me hell later. BUT I SO WANNA BLOG WHAT HAD HAPPEN!!!

Im not looking forward to the bbq tomorrow. I dont know why. Shall I go or shall I not? Life's boring. I met boring people with boring life. I wanna cry so much because IM FUCKING BORED AND FUCKING PISSED! Kiss my ass.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hello peeps!

I came to tell you that do not go SATA because it makes you wait like hell to get your medical check up. Super fucked up can?! Baby and I waited for 5 hours! 3 hours for the registration and 2 hours for the check up to be done. I was sitting there like a fucktard and freezing as if Im being locked up in a cold room. But baby and I did enjoyed ourselves there because we were basically cracking jokes and making fun about each other. Hahahaha! Oh btw, dont wear slippers these few days. KEEP RAINING SIA! =.=" I feel like Im not 18 leh!! I think Im very childish leh! Wa lao.

Baby always said this to me, "Baby, you're already 18 and is considered as an adult. But you dont behave like one. And I noticed that when you get older you become more childish." Wtf.. I dont look like 18 and I dont feel like Im one. HOW COME?! Shitty sia. I rmbered that day when I met Fiona and I was like smoking and a police car passed by and I was like wtf? I told Fiona got police leh. And she told me, "My girl,you're alrdy 18!" I was like "Ya hor, I 18 liao leh!" See. D-O-N-T F-E-E-L 18 AT ALL!


I wanna zi lian abit. I was wearing Baby's Everlast shirt. HAHAHA! He left it at my house the other day.

Im not feeling very well. My heart tells me soo..

Anyways, chatted with Kasson on the phone last night till 3+am. I know, ridiculous. But somehow, after talking to him I feel relieve and Im not so tense up anymore. It made me feel kind of relax. He can definitely be a good friend but a no no to a boyfriend. :) I still remembered last year when Ben and I had some conflict, Kasson accompanied me for almost 2 hours to see my tearing like fuck. I really miss the time when all of us hang out together and laughter was always one thing that we never miss. And yeah, people change due to the surrounding. Agree?

I was really dumbfounded yesterday. I dont want things to happen this way. But well, it happened. There's nothing I can really do because the situation cannot be change at that point of time. Sorry? No. I hurt them. Its a fact and I cant change it. Whats the point of apologising when I had already hurt that particular person. Sorry cant change anything but only to make you feel better. Other than sorry, I dont know what else am I gonna say. It is just a point of view and everything got messed up. All thanks to me. Haha! I would just pray that nothing will ever happen again. And I'll guarantee that I'll just shut up from now on. Be it this or that, I'll just keep my fucking mouth shut.

I was being scolded till the point of time that I didnt defend myself at all because I knew that Im in the wrong. But the things you said last night was hurtful. It really hurt me big time and I knew that its out of anger. But still, you hurt me.

Sing this along with me. It helps!

Zip a dee do dah Zip a dee a
My oh my what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine waiting my day
Zip a dee do dah zip a dee a

With love,

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lesson learnt. Shut up next time.

With love,

I'm home! My dad bought me a new computer desk at Ikea today. :) Happy!

Let me show you something. Very funny. Hold your laughter okay? This girl super pretty and she's like the prettiest girl I have ever seen on the Earth man!
Dont laugh too loud alright?
Control your laughter.
Alot of guys sure go gaga over her one.
I love the thick eyebrows

PRETTY ANOT! LOL!!! Thats me! HAHAHAHAHA! HOW COME GOT MOUSTACH(spell?)!! HAHA! A male wannabe~ Seems to be flat-chested in this photo. Why ar? Wrong angle isit? But in real life I got breast one hor! Dont want tell you which cup later you guys horny. HAHAHAHA! Just joking. :) Cannot take jokes ar? Dont read lor.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I've changed my blogskin. A little messy with my post but this is the nicest blogskin I found! Super pathetic, I know. Bare with it for a few weeks because Im not gonna blog that often anymore. Baby has stopped work and all my time was on him for the next few weeks. :) So ya, will be updating for like twice or thrice a week. Or maybe even more than that! You will never know~~ Hahaha. One thing for sure, Im gonna assure you with peektures updated. XD

My mom asked me out tomorrow for a shopping trip. But I think its more of her shopping trip. :X She told me that she wanna get Marks&Spencer's face moisturizer or something. Which means, I will be able to buy my favourite bubbly chocolate!! Im salivating now! Hahahaha! And on tuesday, its a day out with Baby! We will be going down to Challenger to get his super bass speaker and maybe a shopping trip for me, if he allow. :) Soooo long since I buy any new clothings.

Hmm.. I didnt know guys gossip too! No nighty talks tonight with Baby because he went to meet Chun after his work. :(


With love,

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hello peeeeeps!~

I have just uploaded a new song in my blog. Hmm.. its not exactly a new song but its a nice song. Hahaha! So yeap. Interested in that song's title tag me. Im not gonna name it out here. :) Im so so so in love with this song can. I LOVE MIKA! Too bad, he's a gay. But he's one good-looking gay lor. So sad can!! Why would he want to be a gay when there's so many pretty girls in the world love him so much! Erhem, that is inclusive of me also lah~ I mean Im not in the pretty part. Im a girl too right!! Awww.. He sings well, he's good-looking, tall and talented what more is he lack of? Hmm.. he's a lil' too skinny, I think. I dont like skinny guys. BUT! Its excluding him. Wakakakaka!! Skinny till his jawline is sooooo visible k! Guys with visible jawline is HOT HOT HOT! Thats why you see angmoh guys so HOT right?! Wa lao, unfair SG guys 0 out of 10 got visible jawlines lor.

Take care siol!

p/s baby is gonna work tomorrow and leaving me alone again. :( How sad? Very..

Friday, March 7, 2008

To get rid of those unhappiness. Lets play some game!!! :)

Family Restaurant

Click here to play this game

Or you can visit to play this game instead! Have fun ppl!!
I deleted the previous post. I was being forced to. Hah! Guilty?

How I wish that I can point them _!_ right at their faces. I cannot stand people who point their fingers at me blaming me for things which never happen before. I did not make him to become this way. I repeat myself, I DID NOT!

Im starting to hate ....

I feel that I need to blog everything out but I cant. Because somebody forbids me to do this. I just wish that I could just vent everything out to make myself feel better. Can I tell you everything? No. :) Because you would blabber non stop. Not because of the things that I told you. But some unrelated stuffs. You would make me feel worst than ever.

See, why get into a relationship when the other party is dumb-headed. HA-HA! This feeling suuuuucccccccck.

I wish that I have never been close to you. I regret everything!!! I seriously do. The feelings couldnt be taken back anymore.

Sometimes.. keeping quiet is the best solution. Maybe...

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Wasn't feeling well yesterday. :( I vomitted 4 times yesterday and the feeling is hell.

Nothing much to blog about. Lol!!

Knew something last night. Hmm.. It hurts. Its up to your decision. I cant do anything. But you can, so its up to your decision.

Sometimes, how I wish there's no such thing as reality. Nobody likes to face it. Cos it hurts much much~~

bleeding love

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Met Baby in the evening. Had our dinner. And yeap, Im home again! Feel so good to be home because the weather out there is freezing cold lor!! Baby and I were like shivering in this kind of cold cold weather. It seems like its still in the month of December. :)

Sometimes I wish that Im a nerd. :( Although its a little sad to be a nerd but they seem so carefree loh. They dont know whats the outside world is like. To them its all about studying, studying and studying. Whats to them about fights? Arguments? Gangs? Nothing at all. Isn't it good to be like that? How I wish I know nothing about all these things. Shouldn't have know all these from the start. I kind of regret it. I want to be carefree also loh!!!! Argh.

I want those useless people to be out of MY LIFE! Damn it. Its better to be OUT OF MY SIGHT TOO!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Another boring day at home! Have been watching dramas at youtube lately. *.* See, Im bored to that extend that I had to watch something so that the time will pass faster! =.=" Im really bored.

Chat with Kasson last night. :) I dont know why when Im talking to him memories kept on flashing back. Good? Bad? Sian~ Anyway, cant wait for him to be back to Yishun!! Miss those times together with Chun they all lor~~ So fun and enjoyable. After Kasson left everything change.

I dont know if Im able to pull through. But well, I hope you read this to understand what Im going through now. Insecurity. Its not all about me now. Its all about them.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Im feeling kind of uneasy. Not sure why.. Maybe my period is coming. HAHAHA!

So yeap. Went out with my mom in the evening. Had our dinner and I went over to JohnLittle to buy braaaaaaa. Bought b-e-a-u beautiful braaaaaaa. I love braaaaaa. LOL!~ Sorry if Im kind of a little open with my words. Thats me. ;) I love my new braaaaaa. HAHAHAH!

Thats all. Btw, I dont know if Im eligible to say this. But oh well, why are kids nowadays so irritating ar?! Tmd! Hate hate hate hate them. Especially those fucking ah bengs and ah lians. GET A LIFE LAR! Useless bunch of stupid people with low-down life. PUIIII~ I pui you on your face loh. Erk. Colored jeans. WAAHAHAHA! Especially red in color. O-M-G lor!

I dont wanna elaborate more. But ya, you people are not gonna touch him one single hair I tell you. How old already still want play this kind of things. Hais!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Seriously, I feel like giving up at this point of time. I noticed that I didnt know you well enough. Hais! I really dont know what to do.

My parents are back. Im gonna have my dinner now.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


WTTTTFFFF! It took me a fucking half an hour to finish this shit thing when Im just suppose to some sort like fill in the blanks!!! Knn! Waste of time man. When Im on the verge of giving up, I just wanted to try for the last time. So I ctrl c and ctrl v! And tadah that stupid lollipop picture pop out. :) I chose this kiddy skin because the words are big enough for me to see. Nowadays ar, those skin-makers make their words so small for ants to see one lah! I cant even see the words lor! I have to fucking squint my eyes to see those words.

As you can see, Im a very kind person. I dont want my readers to feel tired by squinting their eyes and reading thru my bloggie. SO! I believe that these words should be big enough for you to read lah! Hahahahaha! Unless you pah jiao one lah. Then I got nothing to say.