Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To my beloved BenjaminLam.

I was rearranging my photo albums in my computer and I found some old photos of me&ben. :D Sweetness warmed my heart thoroughly. Indeed, we have been together for 3 years and in 2 weeks time it would be our 3years1month of being a couple. :)

Time passes so fast!! Heeee.

This was taken during his 16th birthday!

During these 3 years, we have been through so much hardships and not forgetting the happiness&laughters we shared. Laughter was one we will never miss when we meet up. We are full of nonsense and we tend to gossip a lot. Yes, my boyf gossips with me. :D Basically its everything under the sun!

Us, this year after our voluntary work.

See, how much the both of us changed!

Being together for 3 years aint easy. :) I just wanted tell Neb that I love you more than anyone could ever think of. :D