Monday, September 8, 2008


Didnt I say that in my previous post, I will be either switching over to livej or worst still delete my blog?

But I guess..


I realise, I cant stop myself ffrom blogging about my daily life. I wanna people to be kaypoh and know about my daily life everyday. Be it in a kind way or in a hateful way. I still WILL want to blog. If I were to delete everything from this page everylilthingabtjen, it will be gone forever. The memories I have kept will be long gone.

Yes. Just a little something to share, those previous post I have set up have not been deleted. But I guess I will be deleting it away soooooon. Yes, very soon. I find no point keeping those memories because the memories seriously suck big time and I dont think I ought to just keep it. Should just delete it away. :DD

And if that somebody is reading this. I just wanted to say that I dislike you. Idk why. But I see your face very kiam pah. Really! Even ChinnYee says that your face is kiam pah face. Typical ah lian with no sense of dressing. Oh, i forgot, ah lian dress with only skinnies & more skinnies (different color somemore). Just to tell you, I HATE YOU! I DONT LIKE YOU! Idk why so many people think that you are cute. Darn! They must be pa jiao one laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. _!_