Sunday, September 28, 2008



Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.

Quoted by: Martin Luther King Jr.

Migraine came knocking on my door once I reached home. How sad. To think that I could lay down on the couch and do my cross word puzzle or watch some tv programmes. But nah. I chose to switch on the computer and lay my fingers on the keyboard typing these things down bearing the pain. Pro eh?

I dont know why, I just wanted to blog. Blog about anything. Cars, men, women, babies, bitches, bastards, irritating kids, aunties, uncles, anything~~~

I think Im love sick. Too love sick~ I think its probably because I misses Neb too much. No phone calls&messages for the past 4 few days. It was always one goodnight message which ended my day or his day. Moreover, I dont like Neb to be working in this kinda environment. I just feel that way. Dont ask me why! Maybe I might be able to express myself on "Why I didnt like Neb to be working in this environment" by speech.

Lastly, I think I am seriously lack of patience. And I need to fucking control my temper. Baaaah! I hate this feeling when I come to realise that emotions have overcome my state of character. It was more or less I couldnt control my negative emotions very well. But I know, if I dont change it I will be doomed.

Before I end my post, I really wanted to thank Neb's family for inviting me over to the Annual Chapter Friendship Gathering. :) Thanks for fetching me there and bringing me home. It was really out of the way from my house to their place and yet, Neb's dad still drove me home! :)

(It was a little awkward when Neb's not there with me, but still I managed to pull it through. Hehehehee! This shows that I am on my way to independence already! I am not relying much on Neb anymore! But, this doesnt mean that I do not need him. :D I still need his love, care and concern one hor! *GOT SEE OR NOT AH BEN AH~* Haaaa.)

Neb, I really miss a lot. I cant wait for tomorrow. :( I love Kiki a lot!