Monday, September 29, 2008

So what?

SO WHAT if you have stopped working?
SO WHAT if you asked me to be not be angry?
SO WHAT if you apologise?
SO WHAT if you feel sorry?
SO WHAT if you didnt want this to happen?
SO WHAT if you will make it up to me?


It doesnt seems to make any difference whether you ended your job or not. Because it still stays the same.

I blogged here because I wanted to get this message through. Normally, as my usual self, I wont blog these things out. At most, I'll just rant it over at my livej. But for now, I think that I am fuming with anger. I am extremely du lan and knn ccb feel like beating you up.

Sometimes hor, I really wanted to be frank lehhhhhhhhh!

9 months VS 3 years 1 months. \o/ YEAH~ Throws confetti in the air! Blast out loud music! Who will win?

CMON! Cheer with me!!!!! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/


The sudden breakout.

This feeling is so goooood.

I dont like lor. I dont like it. I hate it. I loathe it. I dislike it. I dont fancy it.

I am finally meeting my deardearsss tomorrow! Hahahaha! Now we are like arguing where to go. That CY LA~ :X Lol!

Anyways, I am sure tomorrow is laugh till stomach pain one lor! With me around. :X Lol! No la, I enjoy their companion! Can talk freely and everything. I like! I very long time never talk freely like how I used to already! So sad. Lol!

Six month pregnant. No, I am not strangling Kiki. HAHAHAHA!

I tell you ah. One last chance. One fucking stupid cheeb last chance okay?

POOOOF! Gonezzzz.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

All thanks to you!

All thanks to you ah~ :)

I really wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart. And to show you my sincerity, I am gonna present you with a small gift prepared by me. I'll pass it to you tomorrow. No worries. _|_

It is just a simple gift. Dont pin too much hope that it will be a wonderful gift. :)


You know but you're acting like you dont know.

I am alllllll sick because of you. Dickhead! Lalalalalalalaaaa~

This is just so shit. SHIT! Get it. S H I T! Da bian. -.-"

Illnesssss: Losing of voice, High risk of going into Coma, Brain Damage, Died of smoking, Losing of memory blah blah blah~

Okay, its all shits. I am just running with fever and losing my voice. Hoho! If it isnt because of you, I will not be sick. Dulan to the max yo!



Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.

Quoted by: Martin Luther King Jr.

Migraine came knocking on my door once I reached home. How sad. To think that I could lay down on the couch and do my cross word puzzle or watch some tv programmes. But nah. I chose to switch on the computer and lay my fingers on the keyboard typing these things down bearing the pain. Pro eh?

I dont know why, I just wanted to blog. Blog about anything. Cars, men, women, babies, bitches, bastards, irritating kids, aunties, uncles, anything~~~

I think Im love sick. Too love sick~ I think its probably because I misses Neb too much. No phone calls&messages for the past 4 few days. It was always one goodnight message which ended my day or his day. Moreover, I dont like Neb to be working in this kinda environment. I just feel that way. Dont ask me why! Maybe I might be able to express myself on "Why I didnt like Neb to be working in this environment" by speech.

Lastly, I think I am seriously lack of patience. And I need to fucking control my temper. Baaaah! I hate this feeling when I come to realise that emotions have overcome my state of character. It was more or less I couldnt control my negative emotions very well. But I know, if I dont change it I will be doomed.

Before I end my post, I really wanted to thank Neb's family for inviting me over to the Annual Chapter Friendship Gathering. :) Thanks for fetching me there and bringing me home. It was really out of the way from my house to their place and yet, Neb's dad still drove me home! :)

(It was a little awkward when Neb's not there with me, but still I managed to pull it through. Hehehehee! This shows that I am on my way to independence already! I am not relying much on Neb anymore! But, this doesnt mean that I do not need him. :D I still need his love, care and concern one hor! *GOT SEE OR NOT AH BEN AH~* Haaaa.)

Neb, I really miss a lot. I cant wait for tomorrow. :( I love Kiki a lot!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


ChunWei talked to me online just now and told me that he might be going to jail!

Like omg!!! Why is everyone around me going to jail?! Like wtf?! I dont know what else to say. :( He's a friend of mine of 7 years. Got a tattoo with me when I'm down. I still remember it very very clearly.

And now he was pratically complaining to me that he's not gonna get his bike anymore and whatsoever. He even got skied off his bike while the police was chasing him. Need for speed underground eh?

Anyways, I just wanted to wish him lucks for his pending case. Hope he's not gonna be jailed because of this stupid incident. I mean its really stupid to get jailed just like that. Like wtf?

No mood for anything right now. Bah~ And you arent doing anything which you're suppose to be doing. Utterly disappointed.

On a happier note, I am gonna get myself a set of MAC brushes. Gonna save up for that! I'll be heading down to the MAC store to ask for the price. :)

Once again, lucks to you boy! :)

Drama time!


Was feeling bored this afternoon! So, I logged on to to search for some dramas to kill time! Hahahahaha! So, I found this movie!

Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do.

Was quite a bore during the starting part of the show but slowly it became nicer and nicer! Lol! :D This show is kinda touching but yet I didnt sob during the show. Lol! But, I think its a little too dramatic because I dont think this will happen in real life eh? Watch it and you will know!

Rating: 3.8 + 0.2/5

Okay, I added the 0.2 because the lead actor is superrrrr charming. Nope, he's not good looking but his smile is very charming! Heeee! Oh, not to forget their korean song is kinda soothing. Not the rock&roll one if you have watched it! :D

So for now, Im gonna watch this!

Sky of Love.

Heard that its a very touching show eh? Didnt have the chance to catch it in the theatres. Lol! So for now, Im gonna watch it online!! Wahahahaha! Alright! Gonna go watch it now!

Alright, I've finished watching Sky of Love just now and WOW! I must admit that its a very nice show!!~ :D Must watch! Haaaaa!

Rating: 4.7/5

I was hoping to see more of the ending part. Hahahaha! I think the storyline was a little too short. Maybe they might want to lengthen it a little. Overall, its still nice! The Mika very pretty lor! And Hiro is OMG! Goooooood looking with his golden white hair! *Melts*

Anyways, for now, Im gonna watch Hana Kimi, the Japanese version! Heard that its a very nice drama too! :D Caaaant wait because the loading of the video is kinda sloooow. :D I hope the whole series wouldnt make me stay up whole night! Because tomorrow I must wake up early to meet Ben's family~~

So, I'm gonna end here now because the drama has finished uploaded alrdy!


Whats with what?

Whats with that schoolmate?

Sometimes, thinking too much makes you bonkers.

Am still wide awake because I slept too much in the afternoooon. Damn it! There is another reason for why am I not sleeping yet.

If I said it, will you be happy? The truth?

Friday, September 26, 2008


I think that I'm struck with some kind of illness. Bah! How can this someone have the ability to make me go weak all over when I thought of this someone? That is when you love that someone?

Neways, I downloaded a new browser from Google! :) Easy to use. Fast.

And yesterday was my Bro's birthday and yet I totally forgotten about it! Omg! What a sister I am. Lol! Having dins later with my fam~ :)

Yawns! I still have not clean my roooooom and mop the flooooor. Sian la~


I am finally back!!!!! It has been 4 days since I touch the computer and do something to my blog! :D And, I dont know where to start. Too many things on my mind! Lol! I think I'll just narrow down to what happened yesterday.

So! Yesterday met up with SS and Joyce! Like finally!

SooSian, Joyce & Laoniang!

Went to Taka for their lunch and then headed over to Wisma for Starbucks! Yummmmmm! Starbucks is a never miss lorrrr~ Chilled there and laughed there and peng there~ And find these group of girls super irritating because they actually snatch seats from us. Like duh! They practically ran over to the seat and sat their butt down on the seat. -.-" Was like totally stun to see 21st century people still doing these kinda things? They must be from Mars. :(

I asked that girl to pose because I told her that I am actually finding new looks for my model agency company. And so she smiled with her braces on with her mouth widen and I ran away. Totally scare me with her smile. :(

LOLS! No la! Idk why she smiled to Joyce's handphone while we secretly took a cheebye picture of them. Lol! Any idea which school are they from? White top and green skirt. Hmmm~

And then we headed over to paragon's Toysrus. And then we headed to.. Erm I forgot where's the place and I asked Poonie to try heeels! Like omg! Lol! Totally hilarious! Hahahahaha!


SooSian went shopping with her cousin after our dins. Joyce went home. I went to meet Neb&friends at KFC. Lol! Again!!!!


The pictures below are some overdue pictures. Mostly it consists of Kiki. Lol! Not gonna say much tho'. Im extremely lazy to blog nowadayssssss! And I might be going MIA again! HGahahahahaha! :D

This is my dadddd! :)

Spot Kiki!

I think I'll just stop here because Im dozing offffff. So tired! Not forgetting, I have to clean the house and pack my roooom! My room is in a mess. Haven been staying at home for quite a few days already!

And, Neb's working for the F1 race. Bah. I miss him alot. And its alot alot alot! Cant wait for Monday. :(

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Hey sorry guys!

I will be on a short hiatus for a period of time. :) Been busy busy busy. Sorry people!

And btw, Soosian! I received your message on my taggie! Ok! Thursday, 1pm at Orchard Mrt station! See you girls there.

And FC! Do you mind only the both of meet up on Wednesday because Cy's isnt free on that day! Text me on my phone. :) Mocha Frappe? Hehe!

And cousins! Tell me when you guys are gonna be free because I dont know how to plan when you guys didnt tell me anything. :(

And erm, JOYCE! My internet is seriously driving meeee crazyyy! Hence, you wont be seeing me online that often unless Im over at Neb's place. :) Dont miss me too much! Hahahahahaaaa!

Take care peeeeeps!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

By the way, taggie is up! Do tag tag tag. Sure got 1010 or not?
CY! FC! When want meeeet? Wednesday hor! I on the both of you liao! :) My sister jio me out I rejected lor! See, the both of you so important to meeeeee. :D
And! SS! POON! Thursday what time?! You 2 decide liao tell me horrrr. Dont make me kok kok tan (wait like fuck). Hao bu hao?

A new beginning.


I just got home! :P

Neb came to my place earlier this evening before his parents come to fetch us for... How should I say it. Erm.. For the religion. ? Idk how should I put it.

Anyways, had Mac for my dins and headed down to the place.

I prayed silently in my heart. I prayed for the wellness for my family and kiki. I prayed for my studies. I prayed for what I ought to pray for. Something confidential which I dont wanna share. :)

Im afraid of what that man said. I really am...

I think that I will be hit down by too many .... Yes. Im very scared about it.

ANYWAYS! Till then..

Sometimes when we touch - Dan Hill

Changed of blog song! :D

I've heard this during my cousin's wedding! So I decided to put this as my blog song! Nice aint it?

Btw, there's a girl version of sometimes when we touch. Purely the girl's singing. But I prefer this one tho'. Its up to own's preference.


Friday, September 19, 2008

I screw it up again!


I noticed that I have been screwing my whole damn blog with the html codes and hence I kept chaing blogskins again and again.

I really couldnt stand myself keep chaging my blogskin but the html codes are driving me fucking crazy to the damn fucking core! I hope this blog looks much more neater then the previous one!

And fuck! Im down with food poisoning!!!! Sibei kickass hor?

I go laosai liao la! _|_

Words of encouragement, just for you.

I know it has been tough for you these years. Be it in the things you did, people did or your close ones did. But nevertheless, you will always have my assurance. My assurance to your everything. I promise, I will stand by you from time to time. I promise that you will never ever fall from the top of the cliff. In short, I'll protect you like how you protected me these years.

I know you're disappointed in some things that you cant commit and achieve. But no worries, you will achieve it one day. :) One fine day, I will see you standing proud telling me that you have finally achieved it. I know you can do it. With your determination and my encouragement you will make it one fine day. Not now, but in the near future. Fret not, I will still be by your side watching you succeed in life and achieving something that you longed for.

Dont give up on yourself yet cus Im not giving up on you. Never will I will..

For people who doesnt appreciate you, ignore them. :) For once, you've got me who learn&want to appreciate my dear dear darling.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I found a new love!

He has got millions of views. Remember the Ryan Higa guy I talked about? This guy here named Kevin is wayyyyy better than him. :D HAHAHAHHA!

Play this vid! I guarantee that its very funny!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To my beloved BenjaminLam.

I was rearranging my photo albums in my computer and I found some old photos of me&ben. :D Sweetness warmed my heart thoroughly. Indeed, we have been together for 3 years and in 2 weeks time it would be our 3years1month of being a couple. :)

Time passes so fast!! Heeee.

This was taken during his 16th birthday!

During these 3 years, we have been through so much hardships and not forgetting the happiness&laughters we shared. Laughter was one we will never miss when we meet up. We are full of nonsense and we tend to gossip a lot. Yes, my boyf gossips with me. :D Basically its everything under the sun!

Us, this year after our voluntary work.

See, how much the both of us changed!

Being together for 3 years aint easy. :) I just wanted tell Neb that I love you more than anyone could ever think of. :D

Feeling unwell.

Boy, I miss you so.

Im feeling so worn out. :( Like some kind of aliens invaded me and took over my soul to do some unkind things, leaving me feeling so sick&tired. Hopefully a cup of coffee will perk me up a little. Just a little to make me feel energise. And I hope the pain will subside by Friday. Terrible.

Mel's (my cousin) wedding was indeed a very grand one. But comes to food wise, it was way beyond my expectation. :S 6 star hotel serving 4 star hotel's food? It doesnt taste awful but it was just not how a 6 star restaurant food should taste like isnt it? Maybe they aren't specialize in Chinese food. Well, that may be one reason. Duh!

Mel was like WHOA! Gorgeous on Monday night. :D My Da Gugu and Er Gugu also very pretttty lor~ :) Met a lot of my cousins from the paternal side whom I only meet once a year. LOL! They said that I changed a lot and couldnt recognise me. Hahahahaha! Well, change as in a positive way la~~ :D Cousin Patrick wedding this 27th December! All of them already married except for My brother, My sister and Me!! I think when they attend my wedding they would already be by the age of 40s liao~ Lol!!

The cocktail area.

Real roses. Should have pluck one home. :X

The Menu.

The Live Band.

My fav pic.

All right. I only snap these few shots. Hahahaha!


I have not been staying home for the past few days. Been neglecting Kiki and my family due to I-want-to-have-fun mode. :( Feel uber apologetic and hence, I stay home the whole day. :D Yes, its the whole day my dear. I didnt even open the door and whatsoever. Moreover, I am feeling kind of sick and unwell. Appetite lost overnight. Bah!

On Monday, Neb&I watched WALL.E online! I watched it a few days ago with my Bro and I told Neb that is was super cute&kind of touching. :D So we watched it together again! :)

Prawn Crackers from Marks&Spencers. :D Cute packaging hor?

His 2nd wife. Lol!

Oh! Did I mention that I looooove my eye makeup that day! I mix turquoise color with a very dark blue together. I love the outcome of it! I did mix a little of black tho'. :DD


Take care! I gotta go rest now. Feeling super weak. Heee!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Im very busy this week. Sorry FC!

My beloved boy.

Hey FangChee, I just got your msn offline message this morning. Am sorry to tell you that I cant make it to meet you today. Im really really sorry about it. :( I'd really wanted to meet you but Im very busy this week. Maybe next week when ChinnYee is back from her trip we'll discuss it again. :D Nvm mah, we still got a long way to go for our hols. Do take care! Once again, Im really sorry that I couldnt make it for this trip.


As you people can see the message I wrote to FangC, Im very buzzzzie! Bahhhh~

I need to run run now! Take care people. I wont be blogging as much already! And probably you wont see me online for this week unless Im able to squeeze out some time just for you guys! Misses!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hello? Fullerton Hotel?

Hey guys!

I wont be blogging today! Heeheheheeeee.

Im heading down to Fullerton Hotel later because Neb's having his cooking competition later on in the evening. :D HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA! Im feeling sooooo proud of him man! I mean as his gf, I should be showing him my utmost moral support. Erm... Physically and mentally. Physically as in, taking the pom pom and shouting his name BENJAMIN GO! BENJAMIN YES! BENJAMIN IS THE BEST! Ya, that kind of physically. And as for mentally, hehehehehe. Erm, Idk! Like maybe in my heart I secretly wants him to win. If he didnt win, I will..... HAHAHAHAHA! And if he wins, I am gonna be the winner's gf and every photographer will flash their cameras in front of me and take a picture of me. And... I'll be popular overnight. HAHAHHA! :DD SHIOK OR NOT! Too bad, you dont have. :X HAHAHAH!


Im heading down to Fullerton Hotel later because my cousin aged 28 female is getting married to a doctor age unknown male. Nothing to be shiok of for me leh~ As if Im the one married to the doctor. Bah! Heard that this guy here is some rich man! And my cousin is actually an eye specialist cum doctor. Huh? Dont ask me. Thats what my dad said to me. Ask my dad pleaseeee. :D

And I might be in the danger mode in the evening because my aunties&uncles confirm chop chop 100% nag AND nag AND NAG! Sian~~ Im the youngest in the NG family. Get what I mean? And maybe the naughtiest also lor! Thats why hor, Im very scared of CNY and the paternal side people getting married one. LOL!!!! But, for the sake of food, I'll have to go. Bo bian mah~ Right?


Sunday, September 14, 2008

When there's school & when there's no school.

Eons ago.

Met Neb last evening for dinner. :D Mind you, we cooked it together! Okay, I must admit that yesterday's cooking was shit. :( The pan fry dory tasted weird. I find no words to describe it. It was urgh! Ya, urgh!! But, for the butter potatoe & the broccoli with button mushroom was heavenly!! (Am a potatoe&veggie lover!) Hence, thats the reason why I love this 2 side dishes!

Alright, so Neb & I bascially work our way through the whole evening for the preparations and cooking. *Phew* Very tiring ahhhh~ I kept washing and washing and washing so as not to cock up the whole working area. Ate & clean up again~ :DD

Fishballs?? O.O


It was actually button mushroooooms! Love It!!

Alright, some pictures of my adorable Kiki! You guys must be missing him. Especially Joyce! Hahahaha! :P

When my Mom's not around, he would climb up the table and sleeeep there for the whole day! Hahahah!

He loves sitting on the newspaper, cushions, my pillow & my blanket!

Lying on his cushion!

With his fav. cup! He knows whats cup ok! Heeee. I'll always say: "Kiki where's your cup?" And he'll go find it! Cooool~

For fun.

Mom shouted "KIKI COME DOWN!"

The 2 sleepyhead. HHAHAHAHAHA! Opppps!

Alright, when I get the recipe of my fav. butter potatoe & broccoli from Neb I'll post it up here. :D

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Next year birthday prezzie?

Baby baby, can I have The Sims 3 on my next birthday? Pleaseeeee!

Good news: The Sims 3 will be released on 20th Feb 2009!

Heeeeeee! And that will be 7 days after my birthday! WOOOOOOO!

Cooking later with Neb over at his place. Pan fry dory and butter potatoe? :D

p/s i also want sims 2 ikea leh! coool!

Friday, September 12, 2008

My best friend in ITE.

The ever so...

  • irritating

  • funnnneh

  • caring

  • real

  • retarded

  • tomboyish


Btw, I bluffed you about the ghost zoooom past behind you. Hahahahaha! Thought that you'll be scared but you told me you hack care. KNS! Not fun one. BOOOOO!

Nipple star?

Sounds like nipple star eh?


Actually, it was supposed to be underneath the star. XD

About the nuffnang thingy. I still know nuts about it. Like whats unique visitor? How do I get advertisement? And so on... There's so many questions popping out one by one about nuffnang. I think that the community should really explain more of it rather than keep emphasizing about cash in cash out bla bla bla! =.=" This really makes my eyes widen man! O.O

Im lost about blogging these days. :( I think I should really get my interest back in blogging again.

p/s livej is my daily ranting ground these days. i feel comfortable there.

How should I put it?


So for yesterday.. Hmm.. How shall I put it.

Alright, for yesterday I met Neb&his friend for a movie!

Yeap! This is the movie that we watched. :D The Days. Nice and keep making me kan jiong lor! Worth the 8.50! Hahahahahha! Well, am gonna rate it 4.5/5! Because there are some parts which I feel that they should emphasize on. Like why the girl suddenly peng over to another gang leh? Ya la, that kind. I dont know how to say. XD

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I dont what else to blog anout anymore. -.-

K la. Bye.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sign up for fun!

I signed up Nuffnang for fun! And some other purposes!


Dont intend to make any money also~ Hahahahaha! So ya lor. If you all want me make money also can la~


Things to do todayyyy~

Things to do today..

  • Change bedsheeeet.

  • Bathe Kiki.

  • Tidy my table.

  • Bank in cheque together with love.

  • Eat lesser.

  • Shop for an appropraite top for an upcoming wedding dinner.

  • Buy compact powder.

Till then!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What has it got to do with you?

The C*B what has it got to do with you siaaaaa.

Trying to make people know your prescence? Save it!

The things that you're doing makes you a.. Bitch. Own it slut. You're just one.

New skin! {Edited}

Hey dude and dudette!

A change of new skin for my blog! Hahahaha! Finally I've stopped using the navigation sites already! Had a hard time editting it tho'. Because when it comes to the navigations sites, I'll just have to copy and paste everything in. But for this, I have to edit, edit and re-edit aagin!

Its a total waste of time, I know. :DD

Yawns The Sims 2 time!

Baby baby where are you.
Jen Jen, Jen Jen here need you..


Seriously, I think I should stop blogging laaaa. I've been hooked onto blogging these few days. Mainly because Im bored at home and Idk what else should I do rather than...

  • Sim-ing.

  • Wahjong-ing.

  • Eating. (I realise when Im home, I tend to eat ALOT.)

  • Shitting/Urinating.

  • Playing puzzle games at ShockWave.

  • Downloading games.

  • Singing to they rhythm of this song.

  • Playing with Kiki. (He sleeps the whole afternoon away most of the time.)

  • Plucking my eyebrow.

  • Sweep/Mop the floor.(This is the least I would do.)

So... All these really bores me. Therefore!


is what I like to do! Say, for example, you cant blog the same things over&over again right? Everytime you clicked on "Posting" you would definitely come out with something new to blog about. (For sure.) I like to think about what to write about post today and bla bla bla..

But! Whenever I've got so much thoughts on my mind, I tend to forget everything when I am about to blog. Short term memory? Lol! Yes, mine is the shortest. :D

Okay, this post is crap.

Can YOU please stop COPYING?! FFS!

Irritating piece of shit. Bah!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First of all, I wanna say Happy Birthday to my Mom!!

Was her birthday yesterday and her children bought her a sweater & a bag! :DD That is including me lor. I also got pay for it. Heeeeeee. Anyways, for dinner last night was an outdoor dins at Sembawang Park's restuarant named Berlian House Restaurant. :D Hmmm.. Was is Berlian? I forgotten. But there's only one restaurant there. So yup, its easy to find. :)

So, for the food wise, it is suuuuuuperbbbb! They sell very yummy&tasty food! Oh, they sell both chinese&western cuisine. :DD So ya. Should go patronise it if you've got the transport. :DD

And... As an animal lover, I saw many many many kittens. Let me count, there's roughly 7 to 9 kittens there! Surprisingly, all of the are of the same color! I've never seen kittens with all the same color before lor! Suuuuuuperrrr adorable! The mother cat eyes are amazingly huge&gorgeous! Gleaming dark green eyes. Heeeeeee! And one of the kitten actually brush herself against my leg. Heeee. Im not scared lor! :X Luckily I never bring Kiki out last night, if not he would have gotten himself high. (He chase cats.)

Baby, this is for you. I know you loveeee kittens! You would have gotten yourself as high as Kiki yesterday if you went.

I only managed to take pics of these 2 kittens because they are not afraid of strangers. :D Others run like siaooo when I approach them!


Who says Kiki doesnt know how to keep his hands while lying down like how cat does!

Sometimes, am wondering is my Kiki a dog or a cat! O.O Sometimes he behaves like a cat and sometimes a dog. He eats fish&pork&carrot&potatoe. He loves to climb up&down down&up.


Took my BFD paper yesterday and surprisingly it is manageable! Yipppppie! I attempt all questions and most of the answers I know it would defnitely be the correect one! Hahahahahaha! So I am very very very happy yesterday! After my paper I went to CWP for my brunch. XD With Babylove of cos! Bought myself a handmade pendent and very nice lor! Loooove it!!~ Neb bought it for me tho'. HEEEE!

SO all in all, for yesterday I am on cloud nine. XD

2 more days and its gonna be Neb's hols! So we are gonne hit the gym on preferably 3 working days per week. XD STAY HEALTHY MAH!

Take care everybodeh!