Tuesday, August 12, 2008


First thing first.

I re-installed my Windows Live Messenger because I suspect that it was infected with some kind of unknown virus. O.O

School was such a bore today. Needless to say, its the most tiring day of all. I've been going home late and insufficient sleep result in my dark eye circle and me, walking like a dead zombie around in school.

9 August 2008
Wanted to catch a movie but cancelled. Ended up meeting Baby's friends. Nothing much to say on this day. Bah!

10 August 2008
Stayed home all day! Wanted to accompany Kiki so I gave up my whole of Sunday just for him. :D Ima such a good owner!

11 August 2008
Went for a briefing for the mass clean up for the folks. All I can say is... It kinda suck because I was "picked" to fucking clean one of the person's house who doesnt SEEM OLD TO ME and his house stink like some motherfucker rotten cb. You guys WOULD never FUCKING imagine how his house was like. Worse than a pig sty. It stinks, his flooring was basically stained with black stuffs and I think it was the cigarettes buds that he threw on the floor which turn out to be like that, he doesnt wash his clothes, his bed was infested with some kind black black things which looks like shit.

Worse thing worse hor. I was wearing a long skinny black jeans and a top from F21. Mind you, NOT T SHIRT HOR! CCB! And a pumps to go along with it. And then hor, I told you I was very very extremely "picked" to clean that house sia. And hor, others was like eng eng cheng cheng(very free) sitting down with an air-conditioned place while I was tolerating the stench and perspiring because I WAS FUCKING MOPPING THE FLOOR WEARING quite formally I guess. I tell you ah, I damn dulan.

IS KNN SIBEI FUCKING CCB NNB DE DULAN OKAY!!! Puki Mak. Other girls who was wearing like T shirts and shorts not choosen I fucking knn kena choose sia. You tell me they "pro" anot! Pro hor. I never see people SO "PRO" before leh! Hehehehe.

Eh, not I wanna gei gao la hor. Cant you tell that with this outfit Im wearing I CANNOT CLEAN THE HOUSE MEH! HOW TO CLEAN LIKE THAT! =.=" Fucking no brain-ers. If you were to made up your mind to let me clean the house that day, PLEASE BE KIND ENOUGH TO TELL ME TO WEAR CASUALLY SO THAT MY ACTIONS CAN BIG BIG, DUA DUA AND LOOK LIKE ONE FUCKING KUM GONG MOPPING THE FLOOR CAN ANOT!!!

It is not that I am unwilling to help. I've joined this type of CCA since I was in secondary school. And before I join ITE I already plan to take up this CCA liao lor. But I seriously think that they should see what situation I am in lor. If I were in T shirts and shorts I will definitely help.

Ahhhh! Shits.

Shits aside. Met this very adorable Ah Gong. :D

Cute hor! :)

Ben and Ah Gong! I hope that I will be able to meet the Ah Gong on 22nd of Aug to pass him the photo. He requested that he want one of it too! :D

Met Andre for Money Not Enough 2 and I am gonna rate it 3.5/5. :D More improvements to be made. I didnt cry tho'. =.=" Dont know why while I was blog hopping they said that they cried? -.-" I think the music quite sad la but not to the extend to cry. Lol! Own preference bah.

K la.