Friday, August 8, 2008

Regarding that enthusiasm I am referring to.

YEAHNESS! WPB'S TEST IS OVER! Overall I think you must read through the questions a few times before you know what they want lor. But neways, the paper is still manageable for me!

So yesterday's was KBOX day with Joyce&co. :D Let the pictures do the talkings ya? XD


The lunch provided and it kinda suck.

The center of attraction.

4 bad and 1 good.

Sad enough, I only manage to post these few photos up. I asked Joyce to send me the photos but some of it couldnt be received. So ya lor. Down with these few only. :D


The stupid music on Channel5 is so lok cock lor. @#$%


Party or Fireworks tomorrow? Hmmm.. Shall decide tomorrow because I need to see my mood first. HAHAHAHAHA! No mood how to squeeze with those barbarians later on during the night when NDP Parade ended?! HOR!!! Last 2 years was already a nightmare when attending the parade liao lor. Wonder how will this year be like? HAHAHAHAHA!

Baby, you know I'd love&miss you dearly. :) Counting down to 3 weeks to our 3rd Year Anniversary. This journey isnt the easy one but we managed to pull it through. This shows how much I mean to you & you mean to me.

Sorry for the lousy attitude today. :( You know what happen later on right? It just totally pisses me off when it has already ended but it came back again!

Sorethroat is coming to knock on my door soon!