Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Up to date.

Hello peeps!

It has really been a very long time since I last blogged. Say for about 1 week plus minus here and there. Should be around a week or so. :)

Seriously speaking, I have forgotten what I have done last week but anyways just to tell you guys that I caught the show 'The Mummy(blahblahblah)' which I've clean forgotten the exact title of the show but all I am gonna say is .... Not worth the money. :)

In my point of view, the show is nice BUT I think it doesnt worth the weekend rate. Basically because I caught it on a weekend with 3 other people which cost us 11bucks each because one of them had special coupon. I somehow expected more actions and less talkings in it but ya, it didnt. Ended fast yo! So ya lor, wanna waste your money go ahead. I think watch it on a weekday better la~~ LOL!!

Ahhhhh! Shits, my comp's lagging!

All in all, I only remembered what I did on Saturday. =.="

No pictures for today because I left my phone at Baby's place. =.="

Just to end my post with.... I bought a 88 palette e/s at the cost of 28 bucks from an online supplier with b-e-a-u-tiful shades of green blue black bla bla bla colors!! Whoooop! Many people bought it and claim that the product is good. :) So yeah, this news should mark a day end for me.

BYE! Take care everybody!