Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back to my old ways.

Hey dudes and dudettes!

This shall be a no-picture-kind-of-post. :D

I know I know, my blog has been so wordy nowadays due to the lack of photo whoring. Hahahahaha! Will be back with pictures soooon because Baby say Sentosa this Saturday with his friends. :) Shall see about that then.

So, for today I only attended 1 and a half hour of lesson and POOF! I went for my brunch and TADAH! I went to help out for the blood donation thingy. :D Very stuffy and my perspiration can be compared to 300ml of blood donated. :(

Okay. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait! I've got pictures for you guys!

Background: People waiting to donate their blooood.

Foreground: In the process of donating blooood.

The bag of bloooooooooooood!

Do you dare? Do you even dare to see the needle piercing its way through your skin then to your veins?

For me, I dont. I'm scared of the pain and my Mom says that I've got low blood pressure. Not suitable for blood donating and she even warn me about it. Moreover, I had my chicken pox recently and hence, "No no to blood donation!". :D

I am okay with other kinds of donations but not blood donation. :( So, for people who went for blood donation, a pat on your back! Brave!! Very very very brave! :DD



  1. Finish up my WPB project. (Only left with Forms.)
  2. Have Sakae Sushi if possible. Have been craving it since yesterday!
  3. Cut my damn bloody hair.
  4. Get my nose pierced again.
  5. Get daily disposable lens.
  6. Thread eyebrow.
  7. Bathe Kiki!!!!

Thats all! Simple task and yet it is difficult to be done within a day. :( If only that I've got more time rather than just the 24hours a day! Maybe 30 hours per day. :D HAHAHAHA!

Shall I go for a touch up for my tattoo? Hmmm.. Wanna find a nice&good tattoo artist. My color's fading badly. Damn!
