Sunday, August 31, 2008


Friends years back was shit. Really.

Till then, I am satisfied with what God gave me:

  • Benjamin Lam Jin Quan.
  • My family.
  • My adorable Kiki.
  • ChinnYee Ng & FangChee Tan.


Girls, I've read your comments on livej already. :) And Cy, I read your sms last night. Sorry that I didnt reply you. Was asleep when you message me.

Drinking session some day? ON!

Love you girls!

Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

What what in the butt.

What what in the butt.



Tell me, am I deceiving myself?

Channel 8 show is being stupid now.

I feel so alone.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


My stupid dad put a small little round shape bluetack on Kiki's forehead and now it cannot be taken out!

While trying to remove the bluetack, Kiki tries to bite my stupid dad's hand for self defense.



3rd post for today! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Access to my livej!

Those who have the permission to read my livejournal. Please get your butt there. Thank you.

Too many things cant say here.

I am not a Malay.

People often mistaken my race as a Malay.

I am so sorry to disappoint you guys that I am a Chinese. I am a freaking Chinese who speaks mandarin. 我讲华语! See, I can even find Chinese words on the net which stated "I speak madarin!"

It is very very irritating when people thinks that I am a Malay. So far, they only feel that I look like a Malay. If somebody were to speak to me in Malay. I think I would just point them both my middle finger straight to their faces and walk off. Haha! Just kidding, I would most probably speak to them in Mandarin and hoping what will their reaction be like! :D

Worst come to worst. When I am working in Robinsons at Centrepoint, those rich men would always want to keep me as their 2nd wife! HAHAHAHA! NOOOOOO! I am just kidding. Dont take it for real ok! I dont even have the potential to hook up some rich men! HAHAHAHA! Alright, most of the people there thought that I am an Eurasian. O.O


Omg! I dont feel that I look like an Eurasian. When those aunties approaches me to ask for the details of the products they would definitely speak to me in English. And some would even ask me to look for a Chinese to communicate to them. >.< How sad. Wo Shi Hua Ren leh!! How could they....

Even Baby's friend thinks that I am an Eurasian. Double O.O!

And something which irks me is that, there is quite a number of unknown Malay guys asking for my addy on Friendster. *Slaps forehead* NOOOOOOOOO! I do not like Malay guys. I prefer Chinese ones. I feel that my brain waves feels much more attracted to Chinese guys! Hahahaha! But none of them wants my addy. :( How sad. *Aww I sound so desperate.* But I must admit that to this century, the Malay guys are getting more hunky and good looking! But still, I would still prefer the Chinese ones. :DD

All in all, I have to say that I am very very very extremely to the max proud to be a Chinese. :DD *Waves* If you were to let me choose which race I would like to be in my next life... I would like to be a INDIAN! Just kidding again, of course I would still insist to be a Chinese. With Chinese traditions going on.

I enjoy speaking Mandarin lor!

So in your next life, what would you most probably want to be?

A Chinese, A Malay, A Indian, Eurasian or NONE! HAHAHHAAHHAA!

p/s i am not being racist. just some thoughts.

Friday, August 29, 2008

2nd post for today!

Hey there!

I've decided to post my bangs bangs photo on this bang bang blog!


Okay la, I do mind that I am fat. Hahahahaha!

Tomorrow and Sunday will be a lonely day for me. Baby's working for these 2 days and this upcoming Monday would be JenBen's 3rd Year Anniversary!! Applause please.

I noticed, for this week I have been sleeping hell lots. Like I can sleep from 6pm all the way to 10pm and then I'll sleep again at 12am. O.O Hence, I have been skipping my dinner these few days. Lol! Dont feel like eating. All I do was to gulp myself down with lots & lots of plain water! I feel super healthy man! Hahahahaha!

So ya!

I love oreo&milk. Great combination.

I miss my friends. ChinnYee & Fc especially. I've got so many many things to rant on!

I miss my cuzzies. Damn lots! Hope you guys are doing fine. :D

The truth revealed!

Oh uh!!

My dad saw my tattoo last night while Im still in my uniform sleeping away. HAH! He was shocked to see it and he went to complain to my bro. Went to the bathroom to shit and he came out keeping quiet. Weird eh? Thats so not like him! I think he was just keeping his cool. Thats all. :D

Anyways, you guys always thought that having a tattoo is a very very bad thing. It spoils your image. But for me, I dont think so. So WHAT if I've got a tattoo. I study, I go to school, I am a student. I scored A's for my subjects in ITE. See! You get my point. People always thought that having a tattoo is a AhLian, AhHuay or Ah simi sai one. All in all, I dont steal, I dont go against the law, I dont do drugs and SO WHAT if I've got a tattoo?! Right! Agree! YES!

And people always have the wrong image of having a tattoo is bad thing because it was normally those chao Ah Beng/Lians who go against the law that have one. Like you see ah, those loansharks. Most of them have got tattoo one right! Thats why people ALWAYS have the wrong image.

So what I wanna say is that. You people dont always pin point others who have tattoos on their bodies ok! Having tattoo doesnt makes me you a AhLian/Beng it is how you portray yourselves that makes you one. So, portraying yourself is very important than you having a tattoo which makes people pin point you!

SO! Start portraying yourselves in a better way!! :DD

(I know la, my English is a little broken for this post because comes to describing smth, I suck big time!)


Anyways, I did mention that I cut my hair BOB and BANGS right?!

So here goes...

I know it doesnt look as tho's I've got bangs because I took it sideways. Will post an upfront photo of my bangs next post or smth!

So yeap!

Read this if you want. Something for my Babyboy.

Baby, I know that it has been hard on you because you have to work just for our anniversary and yet I am at home sleeping and playing the computer. :( Just wanted to tell you that I misssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss you so much!!!! So much so much! Every Fridays would be Gf/Bf day but today it is your WORK DAY! How sad. I went home early and I didnt know what to do! How I wish you're right beside me now. I dont want you to work anymore! No more next time!

Love ya Baby. Loads.

p/s 3 more days. :DDDDDDDD

Monday, August 25, 2008

What a day!

It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.

I didnt attend school again. This time round it is something confidential. Anyways, it was just revision & revision throughout the whole day.

Exams are nearing and I hope that I am able to handle the stress. Bah! I hate examinations! Worst come to worst I hate subjects which needs alot of memorising work. :( It totally bores the shit outta me. How I wish that I have some supernatural powers. With just a glimpse of the notes, am able to memorise everything!!

*Slaps forehead*

Oh dear! The dear me must be dreaming again!!

All in all, for today, I have been playing TheSims 2. Busy making babies for the characters. HAHA! TheSims 3 is coming out!! I wanna buyyyy!

p/s 1 more week to go. :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008




I cried upon watching this.
China people eat Monkey's brains, Dog's meat and blah blah blah. Whatever living thing that is standing its 4 feet on the ground they would motherfucking chaocheebye eats it!
I seriously hope that one fine day China would sink to the bottom of the sea and there wont be a country called China ANYMOREEEEE!

Perfect Moment.

Is my life being threatened?

Hello Earthlings.

There is some kind of rituals going on at my house's voideck and I feel that my life is being threatened. Yes in a very bad state, I should say. Because they have been using some kind of whip and kept whipping the grassland for the whole day already! And I mean non-stop.

Nope, not the Chinese one.

I feel that they should be stopping this kind of shits now because the sun's down and the moon's up. It's already 8.30pm now and they are still noise polluting MY environment which makes my heart thump a little when they started whipping again.

If they aint gonna stop by 10pm. I am gonna throw pigs down from the 11th floor. Imagine me living so high up and I could still hear what they were doing. Shitass. Seriously, shouldnt they be resting at home watching the Olympics closing ceremony rather than sitting down at the voidecks doing some rituals which makes me feel that my life is in an endangered state?

This has never ever happen before till today... Today that they suayly chose my block to do some rituals. Please, I need to study. Be wise, built a tent far away from blocks and do your rituals when you know that this is gonna be a whole day event. Please be considerate next time.

Hmmm.. I wonder do they get any license when they are doing these things?

1 hour 15 mins to throw pigs time!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It is just another day!

"Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go."

Oh wells, I have been either lying on bed or on the sofa for the whole day. Worst come to worst, I only ate a few pieces of fishcake for my breakfast + lunch + dinner. This is so not me!

Anyways, MassCleaning yesterday was alright. Quite a bore I would say. :)

On Thursday, I have finally received my package of 88 color palette e/s!! Luckily my package is not broken if not some of the eyeshadow cannot be used already! :D My Sister love it more than I do. She has been claiming that "Girl ah, tomorrow what colour should I use ar? Black or purple?" LOL!

Cool colors!!

Lastly a picture of the very unglam Benjamin.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Overdue Pictures!

Say Hello to this geek yo!

Anyways, my hair is now BOB and BANGS. Super short. :D

Baby's stay last night was awesome! Had loads of fun. He taught me BFD which makes me understand better! Wahahahahaha!! Till now, I still would remember what he taught very clearly! :D Thanks Baby!

Much loves! <3

Last Friday was Chun's birthday. So Chun&gf and Ben&gf went over to TheCathay for a movie. Bought tix for 4bia. Amazingly nice because I covered my eyes with Baby's cap throughout the whole show! All in all its nice la~~ :DD

A candid yet not so candid shot. Chun and his gf, Yan Ling.

All time favvv Mocha Frappe.

After the movie, took a cab to send Chun's gf home and the 3 of us went back to Yishun. Chun went home and Ben&gf went over to find Ben's friends. :D Sat his friend's car, Sean over to OCH. Ermmmm, scarrry! Home sweet home aftermath. Got home around 6am in the morn. :)

p/s BABYYYY! When are you gonna get your fucking license so that you can get on the road?!?!?!?! And send me home late night where I need not cab back to my place everytime when Im at your place. :( QUICCCK!

-.-" Okay, photobucket died on me. Shits! So another post will be up. Sorry!

Oh ya, I got an A for my OFA. CHEEEEEEERS! And some idiots copied my work and he dont fucking care. Where's my lunch you copycat!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Apology.

Hey guys!

I am feeling much much much better already! :D

I took a leave from school yesterday. Got my migraine cured, hence, MC is given. So yeap! Aftermath I went over to Baby's place to do my OFA assignments. Lunch at his place and home thereafter.

OH YA! Baby's parents got him a LG Secret! So good lor! So for the past 3 days, I've been playing with his a little laggy but yet stylish kind of phone. HA-HA-HA!


So now, am waiting for Baby to come over to my place after his hair cut! Dinner and stayover for the night. :DD

Sorry for not posting any pictures lately. Not into the taking-picture-mode nowadays. HAHAHAHA!

Dear cousins, when are we gonna meet up? Have not been meeting you guys for a very long time. Text me if all of you are free, and that will be after the 8th of Sep and thats when Im free. :)


Monday, August 18, 2008

You're Not Alone.

Michael Jackson - You're Not Alone.

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone

'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone

Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there

You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

For you are not alone...


Something has been troubling me since last night. For these few days, I have been sleeping my way through and have not been doing anything at all.

I didnt use the net.
I cant be bothered about my surroundings.
I dont wish to talk to anybody.

In short, I need a getaway.

While listening to this song, do you feel a tinge of sadness overwhleming you?

Some thing I dreamt last night made me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Please understand.

I realise, I really need a getaway.

Sometimes, I would hid myself under the blanket and reminisce the past. The past I am so afraid that it would happen again. The past that I lied to myself that I had let it go and I am strong. The past that I lost 4kg in a week leaving me so weak and helpless. The past that I will never ever forget. The past that I am fearing every now and then. The past that me, being so dumb couldnt even be myself. The past that I showed people the weakest side of me. The past that even me myself is so afraid of myself..

The past that had hurt me so deep that I find no ways am I gonna forget it... Yes no way..

When will it happen again? Does the dream I dreamt is signalling me, telling me to stop?

I really wish to be alone some times. Alone from everything. I wanna roam about and head to an endless road and continue walking with my mind blank.

How long did I since figure out how am I feeling? How long did I not let my emotions out? How long did I not been myself, the Jennifer that I used to be?

The Jennifer always so funny, vulgar and soft-hearted?

All long gone...

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Finish up my WPB project. (Only left with Forms.)
Have Sakae Sushi if possible. Have been craving it since yesterday!
Cut my damn bloody hair.
Get my nose pierced again.
Get daily disposable lens.
Thread eyebrow.
Bathe Kiki!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back to my old ways.

Hey dudes and dudettes!

This shall be a no-picture-kind-of-post. :D

I know I know, my blog has been so wordy nowadays due to the lack of photo whoring. Hahahahaha! Will be back with pictures soooon because Baby say Sentosa this Saturday with his friends. :) Shall see about that then.

So, for today I only attended 1 and a half hour of lesson and POOF! I went for my brunch and TADAH! I went to help out for the blood donation thingy. :D Very stuffy and my perspiration can be compared to 300ml of blood donated. :(

Okay. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait! I've got pictures for you guys!

Background: People waiting to donate their blooood.

Foreground: In the process of donating blooood.

The bag of bloooooooooooood!

Do you dare? Do you even dare to see the needle piercing its way through your skin then to your veins?

For me, I dont. I'm scared of the pain and my Mom says that I've got low blood pressure. Not suitable for blood donating and she even warn me about it. Moreover, I had my chicken pox recently and hence, "No no to blood donation!". :D

I am okay with other kinds of donations but not blood donation. :( So, for people who went for blood donation, a pat on your back! Brave!! Very very very brave! :DD



  1. Finish up my WPB project. (Only left with Forms.)
  2. Have Sakae Sushi if possible. Have been craving it since yesterday!
  3. Cut my damn bloody hair.
  4. Get my nose pierced again.
  5. Get daily disposable lens.
  6. Thread eyebrow.
  7. Bathe Kiki!!!!

Thats all! Simple task and yet it is difficult to be done within a day. :( If only that I've got more time rather than just the 24hours a day! Maybe 30 hours per day. :D HAHAHAHA!

Shall I go for a touch up for my tattoo? Hmmm.. Wanna find a nice&good tattoo artist. My color's fading badly. Damn!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Regarding the mopping floor thing.

For god's sake.

On Monday it was actually BRIEFING.

Not house cleaning. House cleaning is supposedly to be on the 22 August 2008.

Get it?!?! Its not that I wanna wear till nice nice then go for the house cleaning thing hor!! Ccb.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


First thing first.

I re-installed my Windows Live Messenger because I suspect that it was infected with some kind of unknown virus. O.O

School was such a bore today. Needless to say, its the most tiring day of all. I've been going home late and insufficient sleep result in my dark eye circle and me, walking like a dead zombie around in school.

9 August 2008
Wanted to catch a movie but cancelled. Ended up meeting Baby's friends. Nothing much to say on this day. Bah!

10 August 2008
Stayed home all day! Wanted to accompany Kiki so I gave up my whole of Sunday just for him. :D Ima such a good owner!

11 August 2008
Went for a briefing for the mass clean up for the folks. All I can say is... It kinda suck because I was "picked" to fucking clean one of the person's house who doesnt SEEM OLD TO ME and his house stink like some motherfucker rotten cb. You guys WOULD never FUCKING imagine how his house was like. Worse than a pig sty. It stinks, his flooring was basically stained with black stuffs and I think it was the cigarettes buds that he threw on the floor which turn out to be like that, he doesnt wash his clothes, his bed was infested with some kind black black things which looks like shit.

Worse thing worse hor. I was wearing a long skinny black jeans and a top from F21. Mind you, NOT T SHIRT HOR! CCB! And a pumps to go along with it. And then hor, I told you I was very very extremely "picked" to clean that house sia. And hor, others was like eng eng cheng cheng(very free) sitting down with an air-conditioned place while I was tolerating the stench and perspiring because I WAS FUCKING MOPPING THE FLOOR WEARING quite formally I guess. I tell you ah, I damn dulan.

IS KNN SIBEI FUCKING CCB NNB DE DULAN OKAY!!! Puki Mak. Other girls who was wearing like T shirts and shorts not choosen I fucking knn kena choose sia. You tell me they "pro" anot! Pro hor. I never see people SO "PRO" before leh! Hehehehe.

Eh, not I wanna gei gao la hor. Cant you tell that with this outfit Im wearing I CANNOT CLEAN THE HOUSE MEH! HOW TO CLEAN LIKE THAT! =.=" Fucking no brain-ers. If you were to made up your mind to let me clean the house that day, PLEASE BE KIND ENOUGH TO TELL ME TO WEAR CASUALLY SO THAT MY ACTIONS CAN BIG BIG, DUA DUA AND LOOK LIKE ONE FUCKING KUM GONG MOPPING THE FLOOR CAN ANOT!!!

It is not that I am unwilling to help. I've joined this type of CCA since I was in secondary school. And before I join ITE I already plan to take up this CCA liao lor. But I seriously think that they should see what situation I am in lor. If I were in T shirts and shorts I will definitely help.

Ahhhh! Shits.

Shits aside. Met this very adorable Ah Gong. :D

Cute hor! :)

Ben and Ah Gong! I hope that I will be able to meet the Ah Gong on 22nd of Aug to pass him the photo. He requested that he want one of it too! :D

Met Andre for Money Not Enough 2 and I am gonna rate it 3.5/5. :D More improvements to be made. I didnt cry tho'. =.=" Dont know why while I was blog hopping they said that they cried? -.-" I think the music quite sad la but not to the extend to cry. Lol! Own preference bah.

K la.


Something joyable to share with you guys. :D

I know I know, altho' Im not going place like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Austrailia, England, Venice and many many nice yet expensive trips, but I believe this would be a well spent vacation with my family. :DDBut my bro is not gonna go to the trip with us. :( HAHAHAHA!
My Sis&I cant wait to have our hands on the beaches and those finger licking foooood! And most importantly, my Sis&I is gonna get ourselves tanned. Gonna go for a shopping trip with her to get MY LONG AWAITED YELLOW BIKINI I SAW AT SUNTEC CITY!!!!! I die also wanna get that bikini lorrrr! Dont care! :X
Like I said, this is not an expensive trip but I believe it will be fun fun fun & fun!! :) It's not the money that matters most, its the time spent together with your family members that matters.
p/s im in sch right now. will blog again tonight. so many many things to rant on. >.<

Friday, August 8, 2008

Regarding that enthusiasm I am referring to.

YEAHNESS! WPB'S TEST IS OVER! Overall I think you must read through the questions a few times before you know what they want lor. But neways, the paper is still manageable for me!

So yesterday's was KBOX day with Joyce&co. :D Let the pictures do the talkings ya? XD


The lunch provided and it kinda suck.

The center of attraction.

4 bad and 1 good.

Sad enough, I only manage to post these few photos up. I asked Joyce to send me the photos but some of it couldnt be received. So ya lor. Down with these few only. :D


The stupid music on Channel5 is so lok cock lor. @#$%


Party or Fireworks tomorrow? Hmmm.. Shall decide tomorrow because I need to see my mood first. HAHAHAHAHA! No mood how to squeeze with those barbarians later on during the night when NDP Parade ended?! HOR!!! Last 2 years was already a nightmare when attending the parade liao lor. Wonder how will this year be like? HAHAHAHAHA!

Baby, you know I'd love&miss you dearly. :) Counting down to 3 weeks to our 3rd Year Anniversary. This journey isnt the easy one but we managed to pull it through. This shows how much I mean to you & you mean to me.

Sorry for the lousy attitude today. :( You know what happen later on right? It just totally pisses me off when it has already ended but it came back again!

Sorethroat is coming to knock on my door soon!


Thursday, August 7, 2008


Helly dudes and dudettes!!

Jennng is back with many many many pictures to be uploaded to this blog! Be honoured k! My blog has been so dead this few days! :( But fret not! I am back with pictures for you guys to salivate or whatever shit all of you want. Vomit also can! :DD

Firstly... A photo of ME ME ME before you guys have forgotten how ugly I am already! :D

Say "HELLO" to this geek yo!

Alrighto! So how did you guys spent your day today?

Hmmm.. Mine was a bore! The excitement and enthusiasm comes in during the later part of my day! I will go into detail of what this excitement I am referring to. :DD

During the last weekend. Baby went to the doctor regarding his skin(pimple) loh. His face so jia lat one sia! So now Baby is on medication. :) And I can see some improvements on his skin already. Pimple has subside quite alot tho'. So happy for him la! Hahahahaha!

Went over to a person's place and did some craftwork. AND THEN HOR! The owner owned a dog sia!!! *Jumps with excitement* Okokokokokkkkk. Pictures of the doggie.


I tell you ar. The smoothest fur coat I have ever touched lor! Machiam silk like that. I put tissue paper will ownself slide down its fur one leh. LOL!!! Okay la, not so exaggerating la. Lol! But the fur is really OMG DE SMOOTH LOR!

YOU SEEEE! She ownself dombalek(turn upside down) for you to rub her tummy leh! See her face so shiok hor. Lol!

Her name is Y-U-K-I. LOL!!! Eh, got one person name herself as Yuki hor? :X WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!






2 days ago when I came home from school, I saw my Boyboy turned PURPLE!! I nearly chua sai okay! I was like O.O and :DD and :S when I saw him. I was wondering if this dog of mine was really my dog or not lor! LOL! Anyways, Kiki looks nice with the purple head. Therefore it was :DD for me! HAHAHAHA! Uber cutenessss!


I dont how the hell he got himself purple. LOL! In fact, nobody knows! :D

Me with the purple dog! HAHAHAHA!

Lastly.. A photo of me and Baby!

Angle abit wrong. LOL!


Phew, finally finish uploading all these photos! Bah!

Anyways, I am having pizza for my dins later on! Woolalalala~ WPB'S web test tomorrow! I am kinda confident in this paper. Teeheeee! I dont wanna let people copy my test again lor! Knn! Never study you prepare to dig a grave for yourself.

Sucha long post for today!


Be back later. One more post to go! STAY TUNE! THANKEUUUSSZZXXSZZ WORSXZXXZZ!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A new look.


I have changed my skin to this current one because I added this cute little thingy on top of my post. :DD CUTE HOR!

I've got a purple doggy at home. Hehehehehe! Kiki turned purple! O.O

Tell you more later or tomorrow because I gotta edit my script for my PP. :(

Up to date.

Hello peeps!

It has really been a very long time since I last blogged. Say for about 1 week plus minus here and there. Should be around a week or so. :)

Seriously speaking, I have forgotten what I have done last week but anyways just to tell you guys that I caught the show 'The Mummy(blahblahblah)' which I've clean forgotten the exact title of the show but all I am gonna say is .... Not worth the money. :)

In my point of view, the show is nice BUT I think it doesnt worth the weekend rate. Basically because I caught it on a weekend with 3 other people which cost us 11bucks each because one of them had special coupon. I somehow expected more actions and less talkings in it but ya, it didnt. Ended fast yo! So ya lor, wanna waste your money go ahead. I think watch it on a weekday better la~~ LOL!!

Ahhhhh! Shits, my comp's lagging!

All in all, I only remembered what I did on Saturday. =.="

No pictures for today because I left my phone at Baby's place. =.="

Just to end my post with.... I bought a 88 palette e/s at the cost of 28 bucks from an online supplier with b-e-a-u-tiful shades of green blue black bla bla bla colors!! Whoooop! Many people bought it and claim that the product is good. :) So yeah, this news should mark a day end for me.

BYE! Take care everybody!