Thursday, June 26, 2008

This is the way we love, and it is forever.

Hatred ever kills, love never dies. Such is the vast difference between the two. What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves a burden in reality for it increases hatred.

Mohandas K. Gandhi.

Hello everybodehhhh~

I still had not finished blogging on yesterday's entry! Hahahaha! Actually it was me who had forgotten about it. I still had quite alot more to blog about. But blame it on the Sukisuhi which makes me mad.

Anyways, I know I have been MIA-ING on MSN for a very long time. That is because.. I AM APPEARING OFFLINE! WAHAHAHHA! I just dont feel like communicating with people sometimes. :D I know, WEIRD! LOL! When I feel like talking, I will put online! So no worries. I am still FINE! LOLOLOL!

I have been enjoying my life to the fullest these few days! Although 3/4 of the time I had no money with me to enjoy spending, but I still enjoyed! LOLOL! Moreover, I haven been home for almost 2 weeks. :X

Few days ago, I went to the Popular to buy this!

FUN LOR I TELL YOU! Train your patience also! Because the last word is always so difficult to find! Cheap cheap only. $3.40! Even my Sis play it! Mind you, she's already a aunty liao lor! LOL! No la, she's only 24. :D B&I challenge with each other also leh! LOL! Most of the time I play cheat. TEEHEE!

I AM HIS GF! HE MUST LET ME WIN!! DONT CARE LOR! THIS IS THE RULE. :D Just joking. At most when I lost I'll smack his buttock!!


I was drinking Latte 2 days ago and Kiki came up to me, sat down straight and ask for it! He automatically gave me his hand w/o me asking for it! Cutenessssss! HAHAHA! So I give him drink a lil. Just a lil. :X He's not suppose to drink one la. But the Latte is NOT SWEET AT ALL AND IT SUCK! But Kiki enjoys it. LOLOL!