Friday, June 13, 2008

It is Friday the 13th today!

So how did you guys spend your today? Fun? Sad? Or down with bad luck because it is Friday the 13th today?

Anyways, I spend my day like shit today.

First thing first, school was uberly bored today! There were no lessons conducted and I practically slept my way through BFD lesson. And for WPB, watching videos is what I called lesson conducted.

Secondly, after school I met B. And halfway through to have our lunch, he fucking show his cb fucking lj attitude at me. So, for the whole journey to the coffeshop, I didnt talk at all. I kept quiet all the way back to his place. No, practically I kept quiet for the rest of the day.

Thirdly, I think I am having serious moodswings now because I feel that my day today is fucked up and nothing is going on smoothly for me for the whole day. Except for school, everything suck big time. And I dont know why I feel that my heart is heavy and there is something that I need to fucking sort it out.

Fourthly, tomorrow is his fucking birthday and I am not looking forward to celebrating it with him because, I feel that I am fucking useless as I couldnt come up with a proper celebration for him. Hence, he went out with his fucking friends today till next morning while I am still sleeping like a log. So, I need not need to say what is going to happen tomorrow because everything will be so fucked up because he will be sleeping his way through the whole day.

Is all these things happening because it is one FRIDAY THE 13TH??!?!?!?!!!

Wa lao! Why must it befall on me and not on those fucking useless shit ppl?!?!?!!! Fucking unfair lor! Argh!!!!

Okay, suay things aside. I am now gonna blog a proper post regarding yesterday.

Hmmm, after deep consideration, I have decided to only post pics up but not rant on anything. So ya, enjoy loh.

The place I went to was called OrchidVille and it is located at Mandai Road. :D

The very nice ambience of the dining area.

Altho the abalone is small but the dish only cost $19.80 inside fot consist alot of those expensive things la. Lol!

I tell you hor, the mango pudding very nice lor!! The red bean paste biscuit also very nice! Serve HOT one leh.

So after our dins, we went out to walk walk. As you can see, the place we visited is called OrchidVille therefore of course got nice nice flowers to see la. LOL!

Dont laugh at me, I know I am short and my Bro&Sis is tall.

And lastly...

Okay, I am all done. But I am still pissed about what had happened.

Not even a msg sent. Think you are fucking enjoying yourself now. Shitty!