Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Get smart!


Greetings to everyone!

Hmmm.. I wonder how should I start my day's out with you guys again. I think I got speech defect lor. Lol! Anyways, didnt I say that last night event was an awesome one?

Know why?

Because.. We got to watch the show for freeeeee! Wa lao, free one who wont like?! Initially we went there just to help to disperse the crowd and entertain the beneficiary. :D For your info, I am not paid. :D No, I am not grumbling that I am not paid, I did this somehow for charity or smth. Dont get me wrong. And I feel happy lor! :) Moreover, this is my CCA!!

I talked to one of the elderly and I can sense that she is very erm.. sad? Although 3/4 of the time I dont understand what she was talking about but it is the facial expression that I came into a conclusion. Hais.. I dont know what to say but to tell her in hokkien, "You still got us. :)" And I can see the gleam in her eyes. My heart somehow feel ... Good? I couldnt find any vocab to actually describe this feeling deep inside me. :)

But overall, I think the event was a success. I believe everything runs smoothly like how they plan it to be. :D Luckily the theatre that I was told to handle was not a hassle. Everyone cooperates. XD So yeap!

Your long awaited pictures! :D

The shirt that we were told to wear. Helps to differentiate between the patrons and us only la~ LoL!

Teehee! I censored my mouth. :D Every girl wants to look nice in photo isnt it?

I used the self timer and the outcome suck. =.="


For the show, we get to watch Get Smart! Hahahaha! It is a MUST watch! Super hilarious! Woots! I would rate it 8.9/10! :D I believe there is still room for improvement. But trust me, although I didnt rate it full, the show is worth your moolahs! Go catch it! :D And ya, we were sitting in the front. :( My head nearly drop off after the show. But what to do, it is free mah. XD So cant expect much also. At least I get to catch it! :)

After the show, I changed and headed to 745 for MincePorkNoodle! Yummy yummy! Must try also! LoL! Very nice!!!! Maybe because I am hungry? Hahahah!

After our dinner! Look how tired the both of us were.

And know what?! B cooked scramble egg for our supper. YUMMY LOR! It has been so long since I eat eggs. :( LoL!!!! Happy happy. Below pictures very digusting la. It is me with my pyjamas. Wahahahaha! Dont laugh la.


My beloved Boyboy!!!

Boyboy very poor thing lor. His sai kang (anus) become red red leh~~ I dont know what is behind this reason but it just becomes red last night. Apply lotion for him but it is still as red as ever. But I believe his itch has stopped. So, it was a relieve somehow.

I'll blog till here! BYE!