Monday, June 23, 2008

2 days ago.


"Fate succumbs many a species: one alone jeopardises itself."



I am back! Boo! My visitor's rate dropped when I am on hiatus for 2 days! Wahahahaha! Anyways, it doesnt matter. XD

21st June 2008.

I mentioned on the previous post that I am helping my Aunt to mend the stall. Yeap! I think I shouldnt do any talkings here because I am very very very lazy to elaborate what had happened.

This was what I had been seeing from 2pm till 6pm.

I tell you guys, I was uber bored there because my little cousin went around to play. It was some kind of carnival held by the CricketClub. So there arent much people because I think limited people knew about this carnival. So I sat there stoning like an idiot!!! #&^@(*&#^@

No sales that day. But I did managed to sell 2 items. A pat on my back!! :D From what I see from the other stalls, some no sales some only had 2 or 3 sales, like me! Hahahahaha! Im sorry that I didnt take any pictures of the jewellery my Aunt made. I totally forgotten about it. LOLOLOL! :D

Anyways, B was my saviour that day. I didnt had anything at all for the whole day till B came over with my clubsandwich. XD Super super happppyyyyy lor! I was like OMG, B you saved my life!!~~ Hahahaha!

On our way back home!

Went to walk walk at pasar malam. Bought my all time favvvvv TEA EGGS!! Wahahaha! Heaed over to B's monthly religion meeting. Sat there.

Friendly people I met.
Compliments made by others to me. :D
The first time I met really wise people.
Believes in Karma (like me).
Went home with some knowledge.

I really gained some knowledge lor!! I really did. GOOD! From now on, whenever my parents nag at me! I must feel happy. Because they are still as healthy as ever and I should seriously be glad lor. :D

22nd June 2008

Was supposed to met up with the girls do to some projects.

Bathed and doll up. Just as I was about to board the bus, everything cancelled? Ya. It some sort cancelled. =.="

So I went to meet B and his family at NorthPoint. XD

Bought things and his parents bought me a watch! Thanks!!!~ :D

B&I decided to walk back to his place because the car couldnt occupy 4 person at the backseat. LOL! Some more I also not very skinny. Wahahahahaha! Bleh!

Pictures time! I think all of the pictures is me. Scroll down at your OWN RISK! :) Press the [X] button if you think I am loathesome! Hahahahahaha! :P If you wanna kpo den scroll down loh. :D


There arent lots of photos la. Lol! MORE TO COME TOMORROW!

Know why??


Know why??

I am going to have lunch with my beloved cousins who are forever so deeeeeeeeeaar to me!! And and and!! We are gonna eat ICE-CREAM after our lunhcie at SukiSushi! OMG! Fattening. LOLOL! And and and!! A slacking session together with them at maybe some cafe or something (hopefully). XD TEEHEE! Happy anot?! I am super duper happpppy!.

YOOHOOO! Can you hear my heart singing? :D

Bye peeeeepos. Goodnight!

Lots of love from me. Take it if you want! :D