Thursday, June 5, 2008


First of all, I wanna warn you guys that I've got 22 pictures of my darlingKiki to be uploaded to this post. :) Hahahaha! When I got home I immediately snap photos of him. :P Whenever my days' down, when I reached home, seeing him greeting me with eagerness, it really makes me day. :D Love my darlingBoy much much!!

Alright, school was alright. Nothing much happen. Watched some vids with Leen and SooSian on the net. Hahahaha! Showed them the plastic surgery queen of the queen, DawnY.

And and and.. Today I saw a very nice heartagram!! I wanted to tattoo a heartagram for my 2nd tattoo but with deep consideration, I think I'll tattoo something memorable. So, I chose to tattoo a pawprint at the back of neck. XD Maybe not at the neck but at some parts of my bod. Not gonna tell where! Hahaha! This pawprint resemble Kiki. :) If I have got the money and courage, I'll fly over to Miami to get inked by Ami James or I'll fly over to LA to get inked by Kat von D, with Kiki's picture on my bod. If only I have the money.. AND! The courage.. :(

Back to topic. :D I didnt go for the dragon boat class outing because it is very inconvinient for me. Moreover, my poxy is still on the verge of recovering. Aww! FYI, I've yet to be fully recovered ok! I somehow think that I still look scary with all those scars on my body. Lol!

Ya-da ya-da~ So wordy. Ok! Pictures time! :D

Hello, My Name Is Kiki!

The Greenie is Kiki's fav. treat! :D

AND LASTLY.. A super close up shot of Boy Boy!!

My Kiki is super adorable + loving right!! Wahahaha! Whose dog can be better than mine? :X Ok la, just joking. Cannot take jokes ar. Leave lor.


I've finished editting and putting up the border for all the photos. Is there exactly 22 pics? Because, I might miss out some. >.< I can be quite blur sometimes.

Babble babble,
Bitch bitch,
Rabble rabble,
Party party!

THIS IS THE NEW SHIT! Hahaha! Not gonna tell you what new shit Im talking about. ^^

I feel that I am not a oh-so-affectionate kind of girl. But I expect my boy to be one. How weird? =.=" Maybe I expect to receive than giving. :D

Btw, girls! Hols are coming! Ask me out please!! But its not on the first week of hols. All of my time is with Ben and my cuzzies. :)

CY!! When you gonna meet me. I see your blog keep meeting others but not me. Who can be more important than me!! :( Dont want friend you liao la~ Humph!~ Lol!

Contdown to B's BIRDBIRD DAY: 9 days!!

I'll secretly eat smth good on B's birdbirdday because birthday ma. Must enjoy! I dont care lor!


Hmm.. I wonder when can I satisfy my wants. Somebody please spare some ka ka ka KACHINGS~ I bet B's birthday is gonna cost a BOMB. But its worth it. ^^ I'd rather pay something which is worth it.

Anybody heard of the song, I Can Make It Through The Rain, by Mariah Carey? Its nice! Touching too. Go YouTube to listen to it. Btw, her neh neh very big hor!!!