Monday, June 30, 2008

Its all about Kiki!

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.

Jim Rohn

YOHOOOO!! This post will only be consisting of Kiki's pictures!! I have to clear my phone's pictures. :DD

Anyways, Neb is at my place now!

The last picture of Kiki's face so tense up! Hahahahaha! I was scolding him and look at the way he was sitting down. :D

When I woke up in the morning, he was lying beside me sleeping. So I got up and wanted to use my clip to clip my fringe up. AND! I found out that my clip was bitten by him lor! INTO PIECES! &^#&^@ Was so angry la. Scolded him and his face was like LOL!

Btw, I am having cramps!!! Hate it. Luckily it wasnt as pain as the previous one. Still bearable this time round but it makes me all drained out.

Sigh. Hate being a girl.

Gonna go accompany my NebNeb now. :D

Sunday, June 29, 2008

An apology.


27th June'08

Im back with tons and tons of photos to be uploaded. So yeap! Enjoy~

Went here on Friday for dins with my Sis!

My PorkRibNoodle. SaltedEgg with Prawn. Spicy Tofu. XiaoLongBao.

Their food is yummmmy!! Especially the salted egg with prawn. A new taste brought to me. *MUST TRY* Porkrib noodle 5/5!! YUMMY YUMMY! The meat is tender and not tough. :DD And the soup is OH-So-NICEEE! *MUST TRY*

Btw, the restaurant my Sis&I went to was located at Parco 2nd level. :D Although the pictures I have taken in the reataurant has nobody, but after our dins, there's crowds liao lor! You people may go try. :DD

Walked over to BugisV and shopped around. Woo! Tell you what. Ah lians clothes. =.=" I have never ever been going down to BugisV for almost 3 years!! And what I saw was those AhLians clothes which was expected one la. LOL!! Anyways, there are some nice clothings out there which my Sis bought. :D

Chilled at Starbucks! Mmmmm! Yummmmy!

Mocha Frappuccino! My favvv!

Shopped again at Parco!! I didnt buy anything tho'. I am just a companion with freeflow of food and drinks! HAHAHAHA! :X And my Sis bought a very very nice dress for only 25bucks! Super nice and worth it!! LOLOL!

Bought Beardpapa and went home!

Bought 2 vanilla puffs and 2 choc puffs! Not really nice. LOL!! Kinda expensive too. 4 puffs cost us $8.80!

Enjoyed my day out with my Sis. Laughed so much in the train and we were bitching about some bitches. LOL!! Funnnny! Went over to PasarMalam and bought tea egggggs (my favv) and home sweet home!!

Love my Sis!

28 June'08
Woke up, bathed and doll myself up and headed to CCK to meet my Bro! He ride me over to NIE for my cousin's dance competition!

The weather was sooooo freaking humid that day till I nearly die!!!

I like the lady in white. She's veryyy pretty and I think she can dance very well!

Dance & dance & dance & dance! Saw my cousin dance and WA! I am very impressed lor! Everytime see him like play basketball one, didnt know that he's so flexible with his movements and he coordinates with his partner very well! Saw another side of him. Hehe! Nice nice! Make me WA WOO AND WEE in my heart. LOL!! :DD

Sorry, no pictures of him because I was too engrossed in watching him dance. XD Next time next time!

The very nice scenery outside the hall. :D

The kid's competition.

The adult's competition.

Singapore Poly.

NgeeAnn Poly!!!!~ The first dancers from the left is PRO LOR! They can really dance very very well!!

Prize giving.

And.. Headed home after that! A very ncie experience for me! Lol! I wanna go next year!!! :DD

Neb, I am sorry last night. I really hope you can understand why I am behaving this way. I can only hope that you would not be ... anymore. And you know that I hated ******* and you still wanted to .... I am sorry that I have to write here because my livejournal post is always locked. I hate to express my feelings here. I'll tell you more later. Please understand!

A need to settle down.

I need to sort things out.

I need to get back on track on what the hell I'm doing these days.

I need to ...

Badly. :(

For that person who was concerned about me(you know who you are), thank you..

Friday, June 27, 2008


I have been writing in LiveJournal at most 3 times per week. :)

I feel that I am unable to open my emotions up in here. I feel stress blogging here because many of the things was resticted. I hate restrictions.

Someone help me..

I am feeling lost.

Baby, I need you now.
I am feeling troubled..


I am starting to... And I .... I cant .... I .... I feel ....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

This is the way we love, and it is forever.

Hatred ever kills, love never dies. Such is the vast difference between the two. What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves a burden in reality for it increases hatred.

Mohandas K. Gandhi.

Hello everybodehhhh~

I still had not finished blogging on yesterday's entry! Hahahaha! Actually it was me who had forgotten about it. I still had quite alot more to blog about. But blame it on the Sukisuhi which makes me mad.

Anyways, I know I have been MIA-ING on MSN for a very long time. That is because.. I AM APPEARING OFFLINE! WAHAHAHHA! I just dont feel like communicating with people sometimes. :D I know, WEIRD! LOL! When I feel like talking, I will put online! So no worries. I am still FINE! LOLOLOL!

I have been enjoying my life to the fullest these few days! Although 3/4 of the time I had no money with me to enjoy spending, but I still enjoyed! LOLOL! Moreover, I haven been home for almost 2 weeks. :X

Few days ago, I went to the Popular to buy this!

FUN LOR I TELL YOU! Train your patience also! Because the last word is always so difficult to find! Cheap cheap only. $3.40! Even my Sis play it! Mind you, she's already a aunty liao lor! LOL! No la, she's only 24. :D B&I challenge with each other also leh! LOL! Most of the time I play cheat. TEEHEE!

I AM HIS GF! HE MUST LET ME WIN!! DONT CARE LOR! THIS IS THE RULE. :D Just joking. At most when I lost I'll smack his buttock!!


I was drinking Latte 2 days ago and Kiki came up to me, sat down straight and ask for it! He automatically gave me his hand w/o me asking for it! Cutenessssss! HAHAHA! So I give him drink a lil. Just a lil. :X He's not suppose to drink one la. But the Latte is NOT SWEET AT ALL AND IT SUCK! But Kiki enjoys it. LOLOL!




Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Everybody's gonna love today!


Do you guys love today today? :D I hope you guys LOVE today today!!

There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.

DONT EVER dine in at SukiSushi (Cinieleisure). :)

Just a warning because it is kinda expensive and the food there is NOT nice at all. Okay, I should rephrase it. The food there did not meet my expectations. :) Better?

1) The sushiSS are not fresh.
2) I dont like the service there.
3) The people doesnt take orders correctly.
4) Some of their food is terrible.
5) The food takes forever to be served (some are even served cold).

The only thing I like about it was the Chawanmushi. And thats it! Nothing else. I wanted to complain AND complain but my deear cousins are such kind people, they stopped me. :S


Pictures time!

Firstly, a pic of the "I LIKE" part of Suki.


NOT NICE!! The seaweed "lao hong" which means the seaweed already soften already lor! And the softshell crab is cold~~~~ And not crispy AT ALL!

Still can make it.

Please dont be deceived by this picture. The tofu may look wobbly and soft. But in actual fact, it was NOT SOFT AND WOBBLY. You practically have to use some force to cut that tofu. And this tofu you HAVE to chew it several times in order to swallow it down! It just doesnt melts one lor! &#(*&@&# All in all IT SUCK!

Thats all for the pictures! :D Not much also. LOLOL!

After which headed over to Vivo for B&J'S ice cream. I didnt eat. Nat didnt eat. Fiona didnt eat. Tiff ate. LOL! The 3 of us were too full already la~ LOL! Although not nice but still must stuff those food which adds up to $21.10 for each person right?!

I prefer Sakae lor. Headed home after that because I feel like sleeping sia! Anyways, nice outing with them! Laughed so hard while we were eating. LOL!!

Btw, my Sis told me that B&J'S ice cream cannnnooooootttttt be eaten!

Know why?

Because the ice cream ingredients consist of ABSFEDGSFGETSHS thing that I didnt know which WILL cause cancer.

And do you know?

The Ben and Jerry (one of them) eat their own made ice cream and he died. O.O Must be too much of it, idk. IT WAS ON THE NEWS LOR! Not I anyhow say one. :D Died of cancer, I think. LOL!! Ya, dont eat too much from now on if you're a B&J's lover. :)

Just a very random note, B and I will be cooking our lunch together tomorrow!! I am sick of eating outside food for 2 weeks. :( HAHAHAHAHA!

Jen says: YOU SukiSushi, made me liao lui (waste money) on your lousy quality of food AND bad bad service! HATE YOU!

MY $21.10!!!!!!!!!!

Shopping trip with Sis on Friday. :D

p/s oh dear! i have not been * for 2 days! i am feeling so t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e. :(

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

10 Promises to My Dog.


Are you gonna bring me to catch this movie?

Your Baby.

Monday, June 23, 2008

2 days ago.


"Fate succumbs many a species: one alone jeopardises itself."



I am back! Boo! My visitor's rate dropped when I am on hiatus for 2 days! Wahahahaha! Anyways, it doesnt matter. XD

21st June 2008.

I mentioned on the previous post that I am helping my Aunt to mend the stall. Yeap! I think I shouldnt do any talkings here because I am very very very lazy to elaborate what had happened.

This was what I had been seeing from 2pm till 6pm.

I tell you guys, I was uber bored there because my little cousin went around to play. It was some kind of carnival held by the CricketClub. So there arent much people because I think limited people knew about this carnival. So I sat there stoning like an idiot!!! #&^@(*&#^@

No sales that day. But I did managed to sell 2 items. A pat on my back!! :D From what I see from the other stalls, some no sales some only had 2 or 3 sales, like me! Hahahahaha! Im sorry that I didnt take any pictures of the jewellery my Aunt made. I totally forgotten about it. LOLOLOL! :D

Anyways, B was my saviour that day. I didnt had anything at all for the whole day till B came over with my clubsandwich. XD Super super happppyyyyy lor! I was like OMG, B you saved my life!!~~ Hahahaha!

On our way back home!

Went to walk walk at pasar malam. Bought my all time favvvvv TEA EGGS!! Wahahaha! Heaed over to B's monthly religion meeting. Sat there.

Friendly people I met.
Compliments made by others to me. :D
The first time I met really wise people.
Believes in Karma (like me).
Went home with some knowledge.

I really gained some knowledge lor!! I really did. GOOD! From now on, whenever my parents nag at me! I must feel happy. Because they are still as healthy as ever and I should seriously be glad lor. :D

22nd June 2008

Was supposed to met up with the girls do to some projects.

Bathed and doll up. Just as I was about to board the bus, everything cancelled? Ya. It some sort cancelled. =.="

So I went to meet B and his family at NorthPoint. XD

Bought things and his parents bought me a watch! Thanks!!!~ :D

B&I decided to walk back to his place because the car couldnt occupy 4 person at the backseat. LOL! Some more I also not very skinny. Wahahahahaha! Bleh!

Pictures time! I think all of the pictures is me. Scroll down at your OWN RISK! :) Press the [X] button if you think I am loathesome! Hahahahahaha! :P If you wanna kpo den scroll down loh. :D


There arent lots of photos la. Lol! MORE TO COME TOMORROW!

Know why??


Know why??

I am going to have lunch with my beloved cousins who are forever so deeeeeeeeeaar to me!! And and and!! We are gonna eat ICE-CREAM after our lunhcie at SukiSushi! OMG! Fattening. LOLOL! And and and!! A slacking session together with them at maybe some cafe or something (hopefully). XD TEEHEE! Happy anot?! I am super duper happpppy!.

YOOHOOO! Can you hear my heart singing? :D

Bye peeeeepos. Goodnight!

Lots of love from me. Take it if you want! :D

Saturday, June 21, 2008

First and Last day of work.

Hellooooooooooo peeps!

I will be working at a Cricket Club later located at Cityhall. Idk where is the exact place la, never been there before. Moreover my dad will be fecthing me over. :D I will be Selling handmade jewellery.

Anyways, was just helping out my aunt to tend the stall. XD Hope the business will be good today. Lol! *prays*

So yeap!

I will be back with pictures. If you people like the jewellery my aunt made, can order from me and I will pass the orders to my aunt! :D