Thursday, May 22, 2008

My gratitude towards these people. :D

Firstly, I wanna say that JENNNGLF is super duper tired. Or I should say that Im almost onto the fatigue side. I slept at almost 1 last night and I woke up at a freaking 5.45am this morning. I believe that my eyebags are quite obvious. Unless you are blind or cock eye, you cant see it. :D Hahahaha!

Anyways, I learnt Tables this morning. Its like everything is back to square one. =.= I think that I should practice at least 4 times a week on WPB. Guess WHAT?!

OFA do until Progress Test 2 liao lor! @&^#&^@^# Although I did do at home but Im stuck on Assignment 22. I know I can continue other assignments but BUT BUT, blame it on my laziness. Damn!

On a happier note, I enjoy my day with the girls today. Very much love from me. :)

Cheeky! I wanna say that you are very much loved by me. :D You're the first person I met in school and surprisingly we click WELL. Am really glad to meet you. I feel honoured to have sucha nice friend like you. You are always the JOKER OF THE DAY which makes us laugh our ASS off. Continue this way SO I WILL LOOK FORWARD TO SCH! :X W/o you, life would be so dull in school. LOVES!

Teehee, like what I said to Joyce, I LURRB EUU DEEP DEEPX WORRXZX. :X The first time we actually talk was during the decoration of our class's notice board. :D From then on, I find that you are a very nice girl and cheerful too. And SURPRSINGLY, I click well with you too! Glad to know you as my friend. And, thanks for helping me with my work when I was absent for school for nearly 3 weeks!! You are very much appreciated by me! LOVES!

She's the most gullible YET adorable girl I have ever met!
Like what I said to Joyce and Eileen, you are LOVED BY MIIEEE TTOOOOSSXX. :D C'mon bring me some HOT HOT gossips like how you always did. Teeheeee! And, you are the girl that I dote on the most in the clique because you always blur blur. Im scared you kena cheat by ppl!! And, thanks for helping me with my work when Im absent for 3 weeks!! Very much appreciated. LOVES!

I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW YOU MORE! The forever so quiet girl. :D Nevertheless, I love your quietness because I LOVE YOU LIKE HOW I LOVE LEEN, JOYCE AND SS! :D LOVE YA!

Thats alL! Im very tired thats why I anyhow write. But its from the bottom of my heart. BYE!

p/s CY! Yours will be up on the next post becos Im feeling very tired. Sorry! Mwaks!