Thursday, May 8, 2008

Down with fever again..

Im having fever again. Wth! Its not as high as yesterday's. 38.6 degrees this time round. I think I should go take a rest and stop staring at the comp.

I thought I've recovered from my fever. I really feel like crying. Really.. Nobody's home. I want my MUM!!!! Yeah, say Im a crybaby. But this kinda feeling is undescribable.

Hopefully I will recover in 7 days' time. I've missed alot of lessons. And BFD is having test this afternoon. Hope that the people taking the test know all of the answers. :) Goodluck ppl!

And Im deeply touched by Eileen,Joyce and SooSian. They wanted to visit me today but I rejected. I dont wanna pass my virus to them. Thanks for the concern and it is deeply appreciated. Indeed, they are a bunch of great friends. Love you guys! And, I've joined interact club as my CCA. They are having orientation tomorrow which I am unable to attend to. Im sooo looking forward to this week's orientation but Im down with chickenpox. How suay?! This is the first time during 2008 I am looking forward to something lor.

B says he's gonna dropby my house later to see me. Am happy but worried. First thing first, I dont want him to get infected. Secondly, I miss him loads. Maybe he should just stand outside the window 1 metre apart and look at me. Hais, Im in an ugly state now. With calamine lotion all over my face and body. Super scary! I dont even dare to look at myself in the mirror. Guess what? I haven bathed for 4 freaking days!!! Eeew. I wanted to bathe so much but I cant. The itch is killing me. Seriously..

One last thing, I pity Kiki lar. Usually he would sleep with me by my bedside on his crown seat. But this time round, we have to sorta quarantine him. Yes, QUARANTINE! Because, he's a doggie and you know.. I shan't elaborate much tho'. Im already half dead and my chest is painful. Tell me, does chickenpox suffer so much?? Doc says that I must visit him on the 16th again. I hope he allow me to go school after the 10days MC.

I miss school, class, B and durian puffs/cakes/logcakes/anything to do with durian.

MotherDays' coming, have you guys prepared the gifts for your lovely mommies? Im gonna make a card this year. Hmm.. the last card I make was when Im Primary2. :) Im gonna write something touching for her which makes her cry cry and CRY! Hahahaha! I wanna let her know I love her mah, altho' she's quite annoying sometimes when it comes to housework. :D


p/s I think after my recovery, I WANNA ENLIGHTEN MY TASTEBUD ONCE AGAIN! Everything is so bland. I HATE IT!