Monday, May 19, 2008

My Dad is a baddie.

My blog is soooo dead these few days. :D I know I have been blogging about the poxy on me and still, the poxy on me. :D So for today, this post is gonna be a picture post! Haha! Well, these pictures are not pictures of me nor places I have been to. So... Take a look!


My bootiful leg of chicken pox! Damn disgusting I know. Teehee!


Hands of chicken pox. Another disgusting one. Teehee!

And guess what? On the 3rd day of me suffering from chickenpox, my Mom actually ate this right in front of me! @@&^#^@&*(^@ Knsknsknsknsknskns! SEE!


But I must say, this chocs is wayyyy tooooo niceeeeieee to beeeee eaaatteeen.

Rmb I told you guys that Im gonna make a card for my Mom on Mday? Yeap! I did make a card. Hah! But I didnt see her cry leh. =.= Because, the very shy me asked her to read the card while I was asleep. Hahahahahaha!

Mday CardPhotobucket

The before. And the after. :D Nice bo? I know my chinese word suck. Haven been writing chinese words for almost a year liao leh. Lol!

Last night, while my Sis&aI were watching HBO on SCV. We came across this show which makes my hair stand on its end. Tmd. These aliens have pointy heads lor. Very disgusting lor. Im sure its much more disgusting than my poxy ok! So, the kpo me wanted to continue watching la. So I actually finished watching this freaky show. But I must admit that some part of the show super hilarious. Lol! Didnt know that aliens will have sexual arousement one leh. LOL!!!


Disgusting right?! He was at the golf court playing golf la. Tmd. And my Sis find the alien cute leh!! Another freako. Lol!

For today, my Dad is sucha baddie. He actually brought back lobster for dinner today!!!! @##^@&^@#*@ I really wanted to tear so much. :( He knew that I cant eat seafood for the time being and he actually bought this back home!!! Sad anot! Knsknskns.


Tempting? YES! VERY! Everybody in my family gets to eat it but I cant. :((((

Lastly, pictures of my very cute Kiki asking for food. TEEEHEE! Super adorable ok!!


My parents are very unglam. So I uses shapes to cover up their face. :D Sorry!




I love my OWNER!!

Giggles* Kiki says he loves his owner. HAHAHAA! Buay bah. :D But he definitely 100% chop chop love me de lor. Because whenever I stay out till late night, my family says that Kiki will wait for me at the main door till I reach home. And sometimes, he will cry. TEEHEE!

For tomorrow, I will be heading down to B's place. :D He ask me over de lor. Not I wanna go one. But due to the fact that I haven been seeing him almost 2 freaking weeks, I decided to dropby his place tomorrow. Wouldnt know what time I will be heading over to his place myself, but I will try to be early. :D Therefore, I need to sleep as early as possible today!

Next post will be up regarding... You know who! Tata~ And goodnight to peepos!!