Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lover's Concerto

As you can hear.

If you're not having any hearing aids or smth. I've put a song in my blog. Everytime when I go to ppl's blog, I will definitely stop their music because their songs doesnt make me feel very affectionate leh. But for some people's blog like Joyce or Leen, I wouldnt stop their song because its nice! Im not bias or msth, but Im stating the fact. Visit their blog to listen to the songs! Joyce & Eileen. I dont like people putting stupid songs with hardcore beat la. Thats my point of view. :D

Anyways, this is the song's lyrics. Sing along with it~~

How gentle is the rain
That falls softly on the meadow
Birds high up in the trees
Serenade the clouds with their melody
Oh! See there beyond the hills
The bright colors of the rainbow
Some magic from above
Made this day for us
Just to fall in love
You hold me in your arms
And say once again you love me
And if your love is true
Everything will be just as wonderful
Now, I belong to you
From this day until forever
Just love me tenderly
And I'll give to you
Every part of me
Oh! Don't ever make me cry
Through long lonely nights without love
Be always true to me
Keep this day in your heart eternally
You hold me in your arms
And say once again you love me
And if your love is true
Everything will be just as wonderful

I find this song very nice and meaningful. :D


I think Im having mixed emotions now.

Upset + Disappointed + Angry + Lost

I dont know what you want and I dont wanna know what you want anymore. Been with you for almost 3 years now and I must say, I dont think I understand you very well.

Everything is so wrong these few weeks. I dont know what you are up to. You left me in the lurge not knowing what to do or how to salvage this anymore. Every word which comes out from you makes me wonder whether should I believe you or just feign ignorance. From the previous post, just take it as I didnt say that to you but to some other people who cherish or love me.

I noticed, when Im sad or angry, I would indulge myself with food food and MORE food. Or I would sleep my way through..

I dont know what is love anymore, do you?