Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mundane life.

Life has been mundane recently. Nothing much happened and I came to realise that I've been doing the same thing everyday. Whenever I got home, I will be like a walking zombie, not sure what my surrounding has come into.

I eat, revise and I sleep.
Woke up, I study, eat, study, eat, revise and sleep.

As for Saturday, meeting up B is sucha a chore now. Both of us wanted to spend our weekends at home. Most of the time, it was him who sacrifice his stay home time to come over to my place to see me. When you see it at the other point of view, it was me who was just plain lazy to meet him up. Haha!

Nope, B and I is still going on fine. Our daily routine of talking on the phone in the night is still on. Just that meeting up is much lesser than it usually was.

When came into a conclusion, I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO THE HOLS IN 2 WEEKS TIME! :D But in this 2 fucking weeks, exams exams and still exams.

Good that the eyesore has been gone. From then on, I'll just keep my mouth shut. Remember, Karma!!!

I kept playing with the grouping thingy. Hahahah! So fun!!

I know la, see my face sian right? I dont care lor. Lol!

On the other hand, I shared some thoughts with B yesterday. He was effing pissed. Hahahaha! Shant say much here.

To Gino And Tiff
I dont know if you do read my blog. But I just wanted to tell the both of you that although I didnt go down to visit your Dad, its doesnt mean that I dont care. I still care alright? Im lost for words but I really do wish that your Dad will have a speedy recovery. Have faith in your Dad and God. I believe that he will recover very soon. :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I miss my long hair.


I feel like growing my hair again! How how how!! But Im so used to having short hair for almost 2 years already! Shall see about it. Paiseh ar, the above picture was a lil too bright. I used SE phone to edit the effects. :D That was actually taken 2 years ago.

Im going to thread my eyebrow next week again. :D And I still have not get B his birthday present. =.=" So busssszzzziiieee. Nvm, shall bring him along to get his present. No time to go shopping la, must wait till 14th June which is holiday starts and it is also his birthday as well. =.="

See, Im so bussszzziiieeee!!

B told me this yesterday, "Love is allowing the person to hurt you, but trusting the person not to."

How true?

Gage it yourself.

I believe in Karma, do you?

Remeber, must believe in Karma. I think I should stop whatever Im doing. Im afraid Karma will fall on me. I DONT WANT!!!! *Pouts*

It was such a hectic week this week. :( Tests coming up and I've yet to do any revision for it. Im so dead. Very dead, and extremely dead. But what was stopping me from revising? Idk. Bah!

Anyways, was viewing my friendster's profile and I came across my puppy, Kobi! Initially he was with us, but I gave it to B. But B couldnt handle him because he's extremely naughty. So, B gave me back and we breed him for around 1 month and gave him away. Know why? Because, my DarlingBoy and Kobi was extremely playful and they ransacked the whole house. =.=" When I got home I have to double the workforce. Clean double of the pee and poop! Its super tiring. XD But I really do miss Kobi. He learn things fast. :D



He always do this when Im still sleeping on my bed. XD

See, he's such a cutie, how can you not miss him? I wonder how is he now.

Alright, I've managed to keep my blog alive for the rest of the week. XD


p/s idtiap.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


On regard of the post I made earlier, please ignore it. :D But Im sooooo not gonna delete that post. XD Even its referring to a "it" or a "he/she", I dont fucking give a damn about it.

Anyways, school was alright today. Nothing much happened but its boring. Contradicting eh?

Sidetrack a lil, I took pics with Kiki when I got home. Its so loved!

Pictures time!


If you try to bully me. My Boyboy will bite your backside till you cant shit forever. Your faeces will be disposed through your mouth! Wahahaha!





Okay, thats all! I've got a few more pics to upload. But the fragrance of the foood my mum cooked makes my stomach go wild. Hahahahaha!

Bye babess!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Rest in peace, Durian.

Saw my title? Yeah, B's hamster has gone way high up to the heaven. I saw him grew up, become as round as a ball, run the wheel when he's only 3 weeks old, his fur changing in color... And then a lump on his chest.

I've owned 2 hamsters before and although the connection is somehow not there, but surprisingly, the hamster seems to understand you.


RIP Durian

RIP my TinyWeenyDurian.

Im trying so hard not to cry, because, it was me who chose him to be brought home.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I cant just stop LOL-ING!

Does anyone you know admit to their stupidity? Like he/she is really stupid or something?

I think retardd has got a higher self esteem than the person whom he/she said he/she is stupid.

Person: "You are stupid!!!"
That person would say: "Yes, Im ever more stupid than what you think!! Im stupid and slow. :("

No, not in a sarcastic manner. :D Aiya, I cant say everything out here. :D



Kiki loves Ben more than me. Believe it or not?


During my return of the first day of school. Joyce played with my waterbottle and her middle finger got stuck. Hahahaha! Serve her right. Guess what? She tried it for the 2nd time and it left us laughing like mad when she cant pull it out again. Lol!


Im stuck!

Look how red her finger is!


A snapshot by Joyce.

Yesterday afternoon, B came over to my place to cook lunch for me. Hahahaha! Yummy! His fried rice was yummy! Although the ingredients were not the best of the best, but it still taste good. Who says fried rice need an egg? With no egg, it still taste nice! :D Thanks B for the fried rice.

And, while B was lying down on my sofa, Kiki jumped on him and lay down on his tummy! The scenario was uberly adorable! I laughed my ass off when Boyboy does that. Hahaha! And I saw B's ouch face I laughed even harder. Lol!


Hahaha! The banana B eating so obscene sia! LOLOL!

I wanna the share of the banana!

Look at how Boyboy was looking at B's banana with his gleaming eyes saying "I WANT TO EATTTT!" Hahahaha!

And you guys know what?

I was eating the banana also leh! And I offered Kiki the banana Kiki dont want sia. And when B fed him the banana, he eat it. *&#&#*(&@ I was like wtf? O.O Boyboy loves B more than me. :( LOLOLOL!

That was how I ended my day with B. Lol! Went over to the nearby mini park sat down and have a drink. Thats all! Simple yet splendid day spent. :D

Lastly.. A photo of me! Later you all forgotten about me. Lol!


Bye dudeeeeeee and babeeeeee!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

To My Beloved Cy.

To my dearest, ChinnYee.

Hey girl!

Like I promised, this post is specially for you. :)

Im sorry that Im unable to call you today because Im very busy with my school stuffs. Assignments coming up and test are coming up as well.

Well, no worries about what had happened in school alright? At least you've got me, who will be there for you for 24/7 if you ever needed me. Im just a phone call away like what you had mentioned in the conversation.

I've not forgotten about you and I will never forget you. No doubt about it. :) You see, we shared the same Surname and most probably our ancestors would be the same and, both of us has got a very hot tempered character. But due to the fact that we are so hot-headed we can really communicate well. Although some misunderstandings and arguments had occurred during the past few years, our friendship are still hanging on and it will hang on forever.

So, not to worry about what other people think of you and whatever they say behind your back. Because, its only me, JenniferNg who knows you inside out. So, who are they to actually judge you?

So, no worries alright? You are forever so dear to me. And this the longest friendship I had in my entire 18 years. :) Thanks for everything.

Yours truly,

New clothes for my blog.

As you can see, I've changed my blogskin to a doggie one! Hahahaha!

And I have made some adjustments to my blog. I believe it looks more spacious than the usual one. :D I've put my counters in my blog too. Teeheee~ Wanna kpo see got how many ppl view my blog. :D Surprisingly, there are like 6 of them viewed today because, I refreshed my page for 3 times due to the adjustments I made. So the 9 hits shown, its not counted la~ Lol!

It should be..

9 - 3 = 6!

People, there's a lack of tags! Please tag more! I wanna see more tags. :D Thanks!


This is so loved~!

A day's out with B.


There will be no pictures for this post. :) So, you will peeps will read my post till cock eye ok? :D

Finally, I get to see B for a freaking 3 weeks of not meeting each other. After school, Im on the happier side of the mood because I know that in the night we will be having our dins and follow by a movie to catch! :D

So, when I got home I replenish my energy by sleeping like a log. Teehee!

Met B for porridge for our dins because Im still unable to eat lots of food la. BUT! The porridge at 924 is yummy!

*Im lazy to blog liao*

Okay, SO I watched Indiana Jones for the movie. Rate: 8.5/10

Its nice but I wanna see more of it.

Something caught my eye ytd and Im gonna get it by next week. Hopefully..

p/s Something pissed me off big time yesterday after school. Shit you, bitch!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My gratitude towards these people. :D

Firstly, I wanna say that JENNNGLF is super duper tired. Or I should say that Im almost onto the fatigue side. I slept at almost 1 last night and I woke up at a freaking 5.45am this morning. I believe that my eyebags are quite obvious. Unless you are blind or cock eye, you cant see it. :D Hahahaha!

Anyways, I learnt Tables this morning. Its like everything is back to square one. =.= I think that I should practice at least 4 times a week on WPB. Guess WHAT?!

OFA do until Progress Test 2 liao lor! @&^#&^@^# Although I did do at home but Im stuck on Assignment 22. I know I can continue other assignments but BUT BUT, blame it on my laziness. Damn!

On a happier note, I enjoy my day with the girls today. Very much love from me. :)

Cheeky! I wanna say that you are very much loved by me. :D You're the first person I met in school and surprisingly we click WELL. Am really glad to meet you. I feel honoured to have sucha nice friend like you. You are always the JOKER OF THE DAY which makes us laugh our ASS off. Continue this way SO I WILL LOOK FORWARD TO SCH! :X W/o you, life would be so dull in school. LOVES!

Teehee, like what I said to Joyce, I LURRB EUU DEEP DEEPX WORRXZX. :X The first time we actually talk was during the decoration of our class's notice board. :D From then on, I find that you are a very nice girl and cheerful too. And SURPRSINGLY, I click well with you too! Glad to know you as my friend. And, thanks for helping me with my work when I was absent for school for nearly 3 weeks!! You are very much appreciated by me! LOVES!

She's the most gullible YET adorable girl I have ever met!
Like what I said to Joyce and Eileen, you are LOVED BY MIIEEE TTOOOOSSXX. :D C'mon bring me some HOT HOT gossips like how you always did. Teeheeee! And, you are the girl that I dote on the most in the clique because you always blur blur. Im scared you kena cheat by ppl!! And, thanks for helping me with my work when Im absent for 3 weeks!! Very much appreciated. LOVES!

I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW YOU MORE! The forever so quiet girl. :D Nevertheless, I love your quietness because I LOVE YOU LIKE HOW I LOVE LEEN, JOYCE AND SS! :D LOVE YA!

Thats alL! Im very tired thats why I anyhow write. But its from the bottom of my heart. BYE!

p/s CY! Yours will be up on the next post becos Im feeling very tired. Sorry! Mwaks!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sweet Huzainie!

Once in a blue moon, Huzainie will come talking to me. :D He's a very sweet guy. Since secondary school I have been like admiring him. Not those kind of admire but I find him cute. Haha! And A VERY NICE GUY! Hahahaha!

Look what he said to me. :D


He says that he wanna skin me. Hahahaha!


Look what he said! Simply sweet. Hahahaha!

Wa lao, perfect to be a bf lor. *WINKS*


It just a lil sweetnothings and you cant even do it. Hais.

Lover's Concerto

As you can hear.

If you're not having any hearing aids or smth. I've put a song in my blog. Everytime when I go to ppl's blog, I will definitely stop their music because their songs doesnt make me feel very affectionate leh. But for some people's blog like Joyce or Leen, I wouldnt stop their song because its nice! Im not bias or msth, but Im stating the fact. Visit their blog to listen to the songs! Joyce & Eileen. I dont like people putting stupid songs with hardcore beat la. Thats my point of view. :D

Anyways, this is the song's lyrics. Sing along with it~~

How gentle is the rain
That falls softly on the meadow
Birds high up in the trees
Serenade the clouds with their melody
Oh! See there beyond the hills
The bright colors of the rainbow
Some magic from above
Made this day for us
Just to fall in love
You hold me in your arms
And say once again you love me
And if your love is true
Everything will be just as wonderful
Now, I belong to you
From this day until forever
Just love me tenderly
And I'll give to you
Every part of me
Oh! Don't ever make me cry
Through long lonely nights without love
Be always true to me
Keep this day in your heart eternally
You hold me in your arms
And say once again you love me
And if your love is true
Everything will be just as wonderful

I find this song very nice and meaningful. :D


I think Im having mixed emotions now.

Upset + Disappointed + Angry + Lost

I dont know what you want and I dont wanna know what you want anymore. Been with you for almost 3 years now and I must say, I dont think I understand you very well.

Everything is so wrong these few weeks. I dont know what you are up to. You left me in the lurge not knowing what to do or how to salvage this anymore. Every word which comes out from you makes me wonder whether should I believe you or just feign ignorance. From the previous post, just take it as I didnt say that to you but to some other people who cherish or love me.

I noticed, when Im sad or angry, I would indulge myself with food food and MORE food. Or I would sleep my way through..

I dont know what is love anymore, do you?

Sexy BABE!!!!



A quickie post before I head over to the sofa on-ed the tv and watch Your The One on Channel U!

This is specially for you.I have never ever write this kinda stuffs on my blog before and this is the first time I did this. Be honoured okay!!I wanna tell you that I love you because, to me, your the most loving/sincere/doteful/understanding bf ever. Altho you made me lose trust on your several times, but nevertheless, I build the strong trust in you again.Thats because, you proved me wrong. I believe my love for you would never go wrong. :D

Im not very good with my words. But thats all I can say. :)

Erhem! For the You Know Who post, I will post it asap ok! GO WATCH TV LIAO! BB!

BTW HOR! I HATEHATEHATE the F5 SIA! That one the THERE, THE JIANGTINGTING or smth. I know she's from other country one la. DONT LIKE HER! Stupid. Her voice like robot like that. OKOK! BYE!

Monday, May 19, 2008

My Dad is a baddie.

My blog is soooo dead these few days. :D I know I have been blogging about the poxy on me and still, the poxy on me. :D So for today, this post is gonna be a picture post! Haha! Well, these pictures are not pictures of me nor places I have been to. So... Take a look!


My bootiful leg of chicken pox! Damn disgusting I know. Teehee!


Hands of chicken pox. Another disgusting one. Teehee!

And guess what? On the 3rd day of me suffering from chickenpox, my Mom actually ate this right in front of me! @@&^#^@&*(^@ Knsknsknsknsknskns! SEE!


But I must say, this chocs is wayyyy tooooo niceeeeieee to beeeee eaaatteeen.

Rmb I told you guys that Im gonna make a card for my Mom on Mday? Yeap! I did make a card. Hah! But I didnt see her cry leh. =.= Because, the very shy me asked her to read the card while I was asleep. Hahahahahaha!

Mday CardPhotobucket

The before. And the after. :D Nice bo? I know my chinese word suck. Haven been writing chinese words for almost a year liao leh. Lol!

Last night, while my Sis&aI were watching HBO on SCV. We came across this show which makes my hair stand on its end. Tmd. These aliens have pointy heads lor. Very disgusting lor. Im sure its much more disgusting than my poxy ok! So, the kpo me wanted to continue watching la. So I actually finished watching this freaky show. But I must admit that some part of the show super hilarious. Lol! Didnt know that aliens will have sexual arousement one leh. LOL!!!


Disgusting right?! He was at the golf court playing golf la. Tmd. And my Sis find the alien cute leh!! Another freako. Lol!

For today, my Dad is sucha baddie. He actually brought back lobster for dinner today!!!! @##^@&^@#*@ I really wanted to tear so much. :( He knew that I cant eat seafood for the time being and he actually bought this back home!!! Sad anot! Knsknskns.


Tempting? YES! VERY! Everybody in my family gets to eat it but I cant. :((((

Lastly, pictures of my very cute Kiki asking for food. TEEEHEE! Super adorable ok!!


My parents are very unglam. So I uses shapes to cover up their face. :D Sorry!




I love my OWNER!!

Giggles* Kiki says he loves his owner. HAHAHAA! Buay bah. :D But he definitely 100% chop chop love me de lor. Because whenever I stay out till late night, my family says that Kiki will wait for me at the main door till I reach home. And sometimes, he will cry. TEEHEE!

For tomorrow, I will be heading down to B's place. :D He ask me over de lor. Not I wanna go one. But due to the fact that I haven been seeing him almost 2 freaking weeks, I decided to dropby his place tomorrow. Wouldnt know what time I will be heading over to his place myself, but I will try to be early. :D Therefore, I need to sleep as early as possible today!

Next post will be up regarding... You know who! Tata~ And goodnight to peepos!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Still on MC.

I went to visit the doc again this morn with my dad. No no, biscally I went alone because he as the usual self, go la kopi with his friends la! Lol! So I went to the clinic myself.

There's smth I need to rant on before I start my day out with you guys. This 2 person working at the clinic's counter aka the clinic assistant/medicine prescriber/whatever you call her. SUPER GUAI LAN LA! #&@*&(# Feel like slapping their face. So rude and damn annoying. I didnt write my full name down only what. Need to say me ar?! Kns. And I believe Jennifer Ng with my IC no. on the paper is good enough for her to take out my card liao lo. Stupid bitch.

So back to topic. The doc says that I cant go back to school yet. :( Im given another 2 days MC and I have to visit him again this coming Wednesday. Hopefully, I would be able to return to school by Thursday. I really wanna go back to sch la! So boring at home and from what Joyce said, got many many free shows lor! So, am sorry girls that Im unable to return to school. Miss you girls loads!! :D

I've not been meeting B for hmmm (counts fingers and toes) 2 weeeks?! :( Everytime I say he will drop by to visit me right, end up its only for 2 hours? Not enough not enough lor!!!! I dont like! Argh. I wanna meet him on Friday. And, my poor B is sick just like me. :( Running at a high fever of 39.5 yday!! Hais. Hope B will recover soon because Im recovering at a speedy rate, I think. Lol! Rest well my darling boy. :D

I gave my handmade card to my Mom yesterday. Hehe! And Bro's gf came ytd to have dins with us. Keke!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Cause' the hardest part of this is leaving you..

Extremely bored at home!

Hello! I've been stucked at home with these chicken pox on my skin for 11 freaking days!! Can you imagine, how long have I not stepped out of my house already!! Im not suppose to be seen by the public like what my dad says because some ignorant peeps will call police. =.=" Lame. LOL!

Guess what? I went to the doc again today and he gave my another 2 days MC. HELL! I wanna go back to school!!!! I missed out so many things leh!

For OFA, I've completed up to Assignment 21. Dont know you guys completed till where already but I just typing and doing and typing these assignments. Lol! And, Im stucked on assignment 21. Very difficult leh! Nobody to guide me along. BoO!

B's coming over to my place. Hehe! I miss him sooooooo much x100! I wanna go shopping after I'd recover and his birthday is coming!!!! I dont know what to get for him this year. Every year I'll get him a cake, but I think this year will be an exception year because I cannot eat cakes due to my chickenpox. So, might as well dont get him one.

Maybe I'll bake something. Cookies?? Nah! Maybe I'll ask my sis to give me the recipe for making durian puffs (special ones, of cos!).

Bye! I think Im blogging till out of point already. Lol!


Sunday, May 11, 2008


Why must it be this time, this day, this hour that I am feeling this way. I dont feel good.

Some times, I wish that I could be more open myself so that Im able to voice things out easily. Or maybe I dont have the courage to even speadk up for myself sometimes.

Oh So Emo.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Im in deep shit!

I asked SooSian what did they learn these few days. Surprisingly, the only just started the Chapter on Tables. I thought they would have long started chapter 9 already. Thank god for that.

On the other hand. I read through the notes on tables and find it kinda easy to handle. BUT! BUT! BUT!! When it comes the the Excercises of Chapter 8 on the book. I couldnt do it. Really!!!! You ppl must take a look at the explanation of what the book says! OMG!! So difficult lor. :( I dont want to not know anything in any topics lor. Argh! Super fustrating not knowing how to do it one leh!! So different from what I read lor. And I think they should put more effort in compiling the notes and giving more examples. Because, I believe that WPB need full explanation and notes. These notes are insufficient for me to know shits abt Tables!!!!! Seriously, give us more notes la!! And, this topic is very difficult lor. :(

Luckily before WPB was taught, I've got my hands on html codes. And I just only manage to be able to come out with the codes. Just manage only leh. Not those pro pro who flick the fingers and TADAH!! A webbie came out.

I swear this is gonna be the last time Im gonna get sick in this 2 years of my education. It suck and it doesnt feel good. Hais. Enough of ranting.

On a happier note, I still manage to do the Tables codes!! Wahahahaahaha!! Happy!!~ But I just only to scrape through it. I know how it works already and it is all thanks to SooSian for sending me the examples of her work she helps me in solving my prob. :D Happy! Thanks dear. :D

Sidetrack abit, Im feeling sad.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Down with fever again..

Im having fever again. Wth! Its not as high as yesterday's. 38.6 degrees this time round. I think I should go take a rest and stop staring at the comp.

I thought I've recovered from my fever. I really feel like crying. Really.. Nobody's home. I want my MUM!!!! Yeah, say Im a crybaby. But this kinda feeling is undescribable.

Hopefully I will recover in 7 days' time. I've missed alot of lessons. And BFD is having test this afternoon. Hope that the people taking the test know all of the answers. :) Goodluck ppl!

And Im deeply touched by Eileen,Joyce and SooSian. They wanted to visit me today but I rejected. I dont wanna pass my virus to them. Thanks for the concern and it is deeply appreciated. Indeed, they are a bunch of great friends. Love you guys! And, I've joined interact club as my CCA. They are having orientation tomorrow which I am unable to attend to. Im sooo looking forward to this week's orientation but Im down with chickenpox. How suay?! This is the first time during 2008 I am looking forward to something lor.

B says he's gonna dropby my house later to see me. Am happy but worried. First thing first, I dont want him to get infected. Secondly, I miss him loads. Maybe he should just stand outside the window 1 metre apart and look at me. Hais, Im in an ugly state now. With calamine lotion all over my face and body. Super scary! I dont even dare to look at myself in the mirror. Guess what? I haven bathed for 4 freaking days!!! Eeew. I wanted to bathe so much but I cant. The itch is killing me. Seriously..

One last thing, I pity Kiki lar. Usually he would sleep with me by my bedside on his crown seat. But this time round, we have to sorta quarantine him. Yes, QUARANTINE! Because, he's a doggie and you know.. I shan't elaborate much tho'. Im already half dead and my chest is painful. Tell me, does chickenpox suffer so much?? Doc says that I must visit him on the 16th again. I hope he allow me to go school after the 10days MC.

I miss school, class, B and durian puffs/cakes/logcakes/anything to do with durian.

MotherDays' coming, have you guys prepared the gifts for your lovely mommies? Im gonna make a card this year. Hmm.. the last card I make was when Im Primary2. :) Im gonna write something touching for her which makes her cry cry and CRY! Hahahaha! I wanna let her know I love her mah, altho' she's quite annoying sometimes when it comes to housework. :D


p/s I think after my recovery, I WANNA ENLIGHTEN MY TASTEBUD ONCE AGAIN! Everything is so bland. I HATE IT!

Itchy!! Painful!!

Hellp peeps.

Im down with CHICKEN POX! :( Actually, I've got chicken pox since Sunday. But I didnt noticed it till Monday.

I wanna munch on so many many many things.

Chicken wings, Sakae, LJS, Chocolates, Subway's double choco cookie, TamTam, Maggie Mee (TomYam), Toblerone, Cadbury milk choc, Pariss, Seafood esp Oysters, Chicken Chop, Fish fillet, Nuggets and so on.. Many many!!!

I dont like this feeling lor. Make me suffer only. But for today, Im able to come online because.. my fever is finally gone. Yesterday my temperature rise up to 39.6 degrees!! Abit more I can go hospital liao. =.="


Sunday, May 4, 2008


Im having serious bodyaches! :'( Am I having fever soon? I hope not. Please please, dont let me fall sick at this point of time. And, my gastric pain keeps going on and off. My head is spinning and I feel extremely weak. I feel like vomitting!!

Blame B for passing me the viruses. Hate it. I've never feel this way for 2 years liao lor.


There's a stupid talk tmrw and I gotta wake up as early as 5.30am in the morn. How to survive for the rest of the day like that?!

I hate hate hate HATE SCHOOL! Stupid fucks.

I hope nobody will irritate me tmrw because Im not in the mood to laugh, joke, talk and whatever~ Esp YOU! Yes, YOU! CB YOU! Control your laughter next time. PLS! For goodness. Blah~

B's Chicken Chop! YUMMY!!~

Today I have got the I-WANT-TO-BLOG attitude. :) Hehe!

Erhem, just to start with something glorious today. :D My soon-to-be-chef B whipped up something yummy for dinner today! I'm so proud of B that he managed to cook something presentable. Normally, the things which he will usually cook will be either scrambled eggs or his favourite pancakes. Nonetheless, his maggi mee will always be his best dish. :D But! For today, he actually cooked chick chop! Its totally yummy and still, YUMMY!!

And.. B's finger got cut because of me. :( Not because that he accidentally cut his finger while cutting the veggie. Its because we are playing some childish game. And I somehow cheated. Dont tell all of you what game. :X Bascially, we are just competing only la. Lol!

B's finger


PICTURES TIME! Not much of it tho'. :D





Wa, tempting bo?! Lol!


B! Its candid shot by me. I didnt ask him to do the flexes. :D

Lastly.. A picture of LAONIANG!~ Lol!


Thats all for today! Goodnight! Im gonna play Viwawa BIG 2.5! Lol!

Friday, May 2, 2008

The time spent together..

This week, the time spent together with B was totally awesome! :) The time spent with him was much more than I had expected. A great start to start with! :D I hope more will come soon! Haha! Oh, and and, he gave a card handmade by himself. This was the first time he drew something for me! Other than the delicious brownie he baked last year during our 2 years anni, this card was another greatest gift by him! Hehe! Of course, he did pay for my shopping trips some times but not always. Im a very understanding girlfriend! Hehe! Enough of self-praising.

I think this post might be a wordy post. So beware.. :D

I collected my new spectacles yesterday! Yeah!!~ Im very happy with the new specs Im wearing now. Btw, I like my hair now. XD


My new look.

Anyways, Kiki and B got their haircut too! Hahahaha! 3 of us got our hair cut!!~ B's hair looks nice but so beng-ish. =.=" Kiki look like one alien doggie now. Hahahaha! But still, both of them is my love!!!!







Okay. Thats all. There are a few more pictures to be uploaded but Im tired already! I need to sleep. :D Goodnight!