Friday, December 28, 2012

I'm still loving you

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I'm so exhausted.. :( 

But the money is worth it, I think. 

Bye peeps. 

And happy birthday to my dearest Jieyi!!! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New job

Sooo.. I started a part time job and I'm so lovin' it! Hehehehehe. Able to keep all the stocks that I want. Yippie yay! Pay quite good too. Hehe.

I've been offered a job! And the pay is freaking awesome for a freshie like me. Benefits are super awesomeeeee and they are even willing to pay for my studies. Oh my.... I don't know if I should. Hmmmm.. Best thing is they are willing to wait till I graduate. Maybe I should wait till when I'm almost graduating then I'll make a decision. Hehehehe.

Anyway, ditched iphone 4 and I'm now loving my s3. Thanks daddy! You the besttt!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Who stole my cheese?

Just watched a very meaningful video played by my lecturer today. It was about accepting changes. And yes, I can relate to it pretty well. Changes happen all the time in life. It is about if you are ready to accept it with an open heart or are you gonna shut yourself up and believe that just by waiting things will just get better. 

You know, there's always something that you should know the more you sit there waiting, the more it is not gonna be solved. Yes, I know some things just can't be solved. But tell me what are the chances of you trying to solve it and yet succeeding? 50/50. 

People change, things change, everything change. Even the economy are having changes every single time. 

You just gotta step out of your comfort zone and see the change in a whole new way. Maybe it benefits for the better of everyone and maybe it don't. But if you don't try accepting these changes in life, you'll forever be stucked in the awful situation and hoping that things will just get better but it never will and the suckiest feeling is that everyone is moving forward, but you don't.

So, I've accepted this change in life. Have you?

Start accepting the change. The change of flaws with people, the change of a better person and the change of your own self. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

As skinny as a stix

Hey everyone.

I'm so depress. I'm dying to be skinny. Everyone is losing weight and yet I'm gaining. It's so unfair max!!! I need to be skinny. I must be skinny!!

Mommy always deceived me that I've got heavy bones. NOT TRUE. But I feel myself being very meaty. They said that if you lose weight, your breast becomes smaller. I don't mind lor. Skinnier is better looking than having big breast! And moreover, I think mine won't shrink till sb jia lat cuz my family line all women have at least a B cup. 

WALAO I WANT TO BE SKINNY. I know actions mean a lot but fuck you lah. Where got time in Singapore to jog jog here and jog jog there. Somemore my hse area all under construction. Later kena rape and kidnap by bangala. Aiya but I can't stop myself from eating those nice food. :( 

Shit it lah. Why I cannot control.

Wa sb depress. Don't care. I WANT TO BE SKINNY.

Kiki says fuck you to all of you who thinks that his owner is fat. _|_

Monday, December 3, 2012


Thursday, November 29, 2012



I'm feeling so so so much better now. Ears aren't block anymore! Yippie yay!

But I've got a downside. :(

My complexion is super bad for the past month. I've been buying those unnecessary beauty products to cover up. Yes, I did not intend to treat it. But I came to a realisation this week that I should stop covering and treat it!! So lazy to make up every morning laaaaaa. And I don't wanna it to become a habit! And then... I finally bought a whole new series of skincare products. Hopefully it works for me and I can have nice beautiful skin just like my teenage years!! *fingers crossed*

Anyway, a pic of my face's condition right now.

Hehehe don't wanna put big big to scare you guys. This is enough. Very bad right. :( It's not that I'm having rosy cheeks, its me being very sensitive at my cheek area that's why its red. Sighhhh what happened!

I really hope I can do a before and after photo. If you know what I mean. Slamming all the creams and acne patch. Those blemishes just wouldn't fuck off. So sick of it. If the products that I'm using now works, I'll share with you guys.

Please pray for me to have better complexion! Kamxia!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Kiki love

No one can replace Kiki in my heart. No one. Simply love him so much.

I depend on him to let my emotions stay right. Yes. Probably he's the one who makes me feel sane.

Love of my life!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Stucked ears


I'm still sick. Been a week. The phlegm doesn't go away and my ears are stucked!!

Any remedies for clearing the stucked ears? I believe its caused by phlegm. Should I visit the doctor again? Cuz I don't wanna waste the money.

Anyway, I haven't been talking about my babyboy much. Hehehe and here's a photo of the cutie him. Just couldn't resist his cuteness. And he's getting smarter and smarter each day. < 3 him so much!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Awesome friends + 1

I'm so glad to have my awesome friends to stand by me. <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
Plus one. You're just awesome too.

Love you people who brought laughters into my life. Be there for me & listen to my endless rantings on random stuffs. I never stop.

Meeting the brothers tomorrow!!!! Simply can't wait! Been 8 months since we've hang out together! We used to hang out so much during EMRS days, work at NATAS fair with them and hiding somewhere to smoke together. Those were the times... Super fun and awesome! Reminiscing the past just put a smile on my face. Hehehehe. They took care of me and carry my bag when I'm having my cramps, hold my pad pouch for me, piggyback me when I'm too tired to walk and listen to me rant. Those were the days! Alright! Hehehehe

Okay, I shall turn in now cuz I'm meeting them for breakfast! Our usual prata routine last time!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm sick + Banana Nut Crunch

I'm officially sick, like again. :( I've been falling ill for the fifth time this year. It's too much isn't it? 

I probably would need some vitamins for my body. And my gastric is worst these days. The pain was so unbearable. Really.. Sigh. I wanted to do a scope but I'm scared. So I dropped the idea. 

Hate to be so weak. And I lost my appetite again. It was really good just a month ago. I know its really unhealthy like that but I kinda like it. Means I can return back to my ideal weight. Hehehehe. Awesome. 

Anyway, you guys should really try banana nut crunch cereals by POST. It's really good and healthy. Post's cereals are always so yummy. Just couldn't resist it.

I'm gonna pour myself a bowl now and take my flu medicine and sleep! I need my rest. I wanna get well soon!!!! 

Take care people.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Make up + Spring Court Restaurant

Hey everyone!

So I went to have my Dad's birthday lunch at Spring Court Restaurant located at Chinatown. Exact location is at 52 Upper Cross Street. The food was alright (to me). Whole fam was raving about how yummy it was but I find it okay. Their famous dishes was the popiah and peking duck. Peking duck was alright but the popiah really didn't interest me at all. It was so bland and I'd prefer popiahs that you can get anywhere at just $2/$3. But I should really give two thumbs up to their duck and century egg congee. It was my first time having such yummy congee. Oh, and their har gao is really good too. Better than Swee Choon's! These were my two favs! Other than that the food was pretty average. :) 

So, enough about food. Talking about make up. It has always been my passion and I've been watching make up videos since I was 16. I shan't say that I am really good at doing make up but tbh, I feel that I'm improving. I just bought NYX make up palette over at John Little sales two days ago. I've yet to use it but I'll do so soon! Hehe. 

For today, I only used two colors on my eyes. Okay, maybe three. For my lids, I used Victoria Secrets whitish kind of grey and for my outer corner I used Bodyshop's black shimmer pot. :) L'oreal white shimmer for my inner corners. Kinda satisfied with my eye look for today. Hehehehe. Eyeliner wise was Revlon's colorstay eyeliner in black. 

Click for larger image! :)

The whole look with my dog. Hehe.
And yes, after lunch we went to People's Park and I literally died there. I was so angsty. Everyone just pisses me off. And that place is so smelly and argh.. I just really dislike that place so much. I'm never ever gonna step into that place anymore. Was really a nightmare.

Went Clarke Quay to meet bbm and we both headed over to City Plaza just cuz he wanted to have Poon Nah's mee hoon kueh! And yes, that place is such a heaven for me cuz I bought a top for only $15! Good good deal.

Okay, I should stop buying clothes cuz I've got 5 dresses that I have not wear yet. Omgah~

Right, and we went to NTUC and I bought my dinner there. Yeah, cup noodies, banana nut crunch (awesome healthy cereals), canned soup and bread. But... I only had cup noodies for my din. Cuz I'm just simply too lazy to cook!

Anyway, I'll do a short review on my NYX palette soon when time allows me. Heh cuz I'm gonna be busy with projects soon!

Bye people and I hope your weekend was a great one!

Xoxo. <3 br="br" nbsp="nbsp">

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm feeling so much like a failure.

People are helping in every ways but I didn't even know what to do. So many people caring, texting and calling.. Failure isn't it?


I just got this bad feeling.


I've been so worried about so many stuffs lately. It was till today that I finally or waited for the moment of truth. 

Was kinda depressing. But it's alright, I guess we will be able to pull through this tough time together. 

Nothing is impossible unless we try. :) 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

MUSEE Platinum

So, I went for my MUSEE Platinum IPL consultation yesterday. It was a pretty short 25 minutes kind of consultation. I don't think the explanation was good. But oh well, hopefully the service and the treatment will be good.

Anyways, I got this package at a really cheap price. Unlimited IPL treatment for only $98! Not sure if the deal is still on.


I got this gift for free!

Its some kind of massaging thingy with ginger gel. Hmmmm.. Its all in Jap and I don't understand a single thing. I don't even know what it helps me with. Hahahahaha.


I'll keep you guys updated on the IPL treatment! :D

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I feel that I made you lose everything

Morning thoughts

Morning world.

I've no idea why am I awake at such early timing these days. Does it spells old? Cuz old people tend to wake up extremely early. Sigh. 

Sometimes don't you think that why are you still waking up the next day? You know, the peaceful death is to die in your sleep. How great. I don't wanna die in pain nor sickness. Given a choice, would you want a slow painful death or a fast and painless one?

You know I weighed the consequences.

Slow painful death - you can see the people you love longer. Say for about a few more months or even up to years. You suffer great pain every time.

Fast and painless - Die faster but you can't see your loved ones.

Sometimes don't you think life give you shits all the time? You feel ashamed, lost, unfair, angry and depressed..

Haha, maybe I shouldn't sound so depressed. I am all okay. Just some random thoughts when I woke up. And I think I'm thinking too much cuz I always feel as though I'm dying while I'm on the road. Like I've got the sudden fear that a car might hit me. I don't know why am I thinking this way. Don't ask me.

Anyway, that aside. 

I'm trying my best to lose weight again. 


Saturday, November 10, 2012

I'll be there for you

I'll be there for you no matter what had happened. This is my promise to you. Although I know that things may change from then on but I will always be by your side no matter rain or shine. I know that things will be difficult and life is gonna get tough but you should always stand on this ground that you always deserve something better. You, deserve better more than everybody does. Cuz you're just so wonderful. No matter what path or what the future holds for you, be sure to live everyday with smiles and laughter. You gotta live each passing day knowing that I'm always here for you.

Please be strong, my dear. Learn to be happy cuz there's many things awaiting you to discover in the future. You shall stand firm and go through this passing phase. It's gonna be over soon and you shall see rainbows once again.



Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Many a times..

Morning world. 

I woke up with a bad dream but the only person that came to my mind was you. I've had the repetitive dream of the exact same people for three times in this two months. Maybe I shall go google what does it signify. 

I just took my breakfast and now here I am lazing on my couch blogging and thinking about stuffs. Random stuffs. 

Ya know, I'm pretty worried about my future. But at the same time I don't know what I should do. One thing that irks me pretty badly was people who has the money to study but didn't want to or just simply wasted the money. Didn't even know how to be grateful of their life. I really do wanna take my degree. I wanna go Australia to take my vet degree. But it's so expensive.. Then I had an alternative, I'll continue my path of HR. But it doesn't make any difference cuz its money we are talking about. Sigh. Suck to grow up and think about such stuffs. 

Anyway, many times I feel that people feel that I ain't serious about my life. Come on, how much do you know me? I can guarantee that I think about my own life more than you going around poking into other's business. 

And yup, I've finally not give a damn about anything already. I'm so tired of caring for people I love and yet they took me for granted at times. I really don't give a fuck anymore. Just at the right time came my sober senses to realize all this. Good, so that I can concentrate on my studies this semester. Last semester was a pretty bad one with people affecting me so badly. This semester was a fresh start. :) 

Shall prepare myself for school. Ciao!

Monday, November 5, 2012


It's only the second week of school and I'm due for the proposal of International Business. Sigh, 3rd year last semester already and the school is trying to flood us with so many things. :(

You know, I used to always tell people to choose a school which is nearer to their place cuz the travelling part really plays an important role. But when I come to think of it, it isn't entirely true. I chose NYP for the sake of it being near my home but I now I shall say that I'm a little regretful about my decision. :(

I shan't say that I hated school. But the Business Management school runs its system that isn't really to my liking. BM students does not go through FYP but on the other hand, we went through something called Teaching Enterprise Project (TEP). This TEP thingy replaces our FYP. Yupp. You will think that its gonna be damn awesome that there's no FYP. TEP is as good as FYP. You're solely graded on your performance and how much you can fucking bootlick. It's not that you put in more effort and you shall see results. My GPA used to be above average than many others. Always maintaining it at least 3.0 and above. But this TEP shit really pulled me down. I don't understand how this works. Which made me boil cuz well, it isn't fair to me.

What more can I say? What's done is done. All I wanna suggest for people who are going to the route of Poly, please think twice before you choose BM courses in NYP. If you're a person who is good in art and crafts and well bootlick and whatnots, please choose this course. If you aren't then don't suffer like I do and choose other NYP courses instead. Just a simple piece of advise. But then again, don't let whatever I wrote affect your decision! :)

Oh man.. I'm feeling so hungry.

Oh and I need to buy clothes for my macbook!! And maybe some wipes. Don't wanna it to collect dust. Hehehehe.

Cheers people have a good day and I shall go read some politic for my IB project. Lovelove!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Macdonald

Fugly brows. :( One side is higher than the other.

So, I guess many of you have guessed that I've gotten a MacBook Pro 13 inch retina display two days ago. It was only today that I actually sat down and toggle with all the functions. Imma such a noob ya know. :( I guess its a little too complicated for me. Man.. What should I do?

No doubt, its better than many other lappies out there & yes, the resolution and all is superb. I've never seen anything as clear and define as this before. It's really really awesome. My sis can't wait to get home and enjoy this little hmmmm laptop? with me. Hahahaha.

I still can't figure out how should I play with this. Guess its too pro for me. Haha okay, lame. And suddenly I just can't seem to watch my favorite youtube videos anymore. What happened? Omg!

Any kind souls willing to teach me how to use this technology? I'm dying because I can't figure anything out. Please help me!!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Macbook Pro

Hello, say hi to my new 13.3 inch baby. :)

Damn awesome. Omg, I'm super loving it. <3 p="p">

One day cruise trip

Spent my last Saturday with my parents at somewhere near big sea. Hahahaha. No idea where we are at but we're on a cruise! It was.... hmmmmm.. an unforgettable experience. Both good and bad in some ways. Anyways, hehehehe I wont quite a bit at the casino area. Wa, I damn good in big and small sia. Hahahahaha!

That's all. Nothing much just that hahahaha its so funny cuz everyone was staring me for the wrong things. LOL! I feel so paiseh.

Anyway, school reopened. And I'm all ready to chiong for this last race. :) And internship results will only be out after two freaking months.. Man.. I can't wait!

Friday, October 26, 2012

JGs - Sauce

Spending our last day of internship together with my favorite people completes it all! What more can I say? Awesome meet up yet again. Sharing things and laughter around the table with a bottle of beer. Can't wait for our graduation trip with them! Gonna be so damn awesome. 

Love them girls! <3 p="p">
Sometimes, I really do feel that with such handful of friends around you is more than enough. Tell me how many friends will you be able to share your everything with? For me, I know they are the ones who will listen and be there for me. :)


So, I'm gonna separate today's post into two. One if for my end of internship and the other was my night out with my JGs.

Finally, this 10 weeks of internship at Singapore Zoo has ended. Indeed, it was an awesome experience that I had. The joy, fun and laughter. The mistakes, blurness and stressfulness. Never forgettable. Caught a glimpse of the real working life and I believe there's more to come. Really thankful for my supervisor and colleagues for the guidance all these while. No words can describe how grateful I am towards them.

The person I really thank was my supervisor. She's really patience towards me. I really don't know how to put it to words. Really, these 10 weeks of spending my days in the Zoo made me speechless on how awesome this precious experience it was to me.

Thank you guys for everything!! :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

You did all these to me when you told me not to do it to you.
Too much thoughts that I wished to share.

When can I really share what I'm going through now? I don't even know how to put it to words..

It just hurt so much...
So tired.... of the heartaches...

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lost faith

Sometimes I just lost faith in all guys.

The one who cheats, cheats.
The one who beats, beats.
The one who bastard, bastards.
The one who claimed to love, does not.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hair cut + Lili's early bday celebration!

So, I finally went for a hair cut! Trimmed a lot this time round. Received compliments about my hair. Hehehehe. Those ugly dry and split ends is gone! 

Anyway, Lili's early birthday celebration yesterday! It was a pretty last minute preparation and luckily our plan really worked well. Had din tai fung for our dinner after work. I was the last to reach. Feel so pai seh. But can't blame, I work all the way at some ulu mandai road. :(

For some reason, I think this prawn meat dumpling is so much better than the usual authentic Xiao Long Bao.

Catch up with each other and its cut cake time! 

Tiramisu cake from Bakerzin. 

Happy early birthday to our dearest LILI!! 

It was a really simple celebration with the Joogwees. I guess all of us were pretty exhausted from work. Simple contents in life. <3 and="and" awesome="awesome" be="be" bkk="bkk" damn="damn" girls="girls" gonna="gonna" i="i" is="is" know="know" love="love" much="much" nbsp="nbsp" p="p" seriously="seriously" so="so" the="the" these="these" trip="trip">


A short update. 

I had this awesome conversation with one of the new staff who is starting work soon. She's really nice. How long did I not have such an awesome convo with a stranger. We talked as though we've known each other for years. I'm really glad we managed to hold the conversation so well. Initially was to help my sup let her sign her Letter of Appointment but we ended up talking. Hahahaha. 

If only life will just end with a flick of the fingers. *bam* And you're gone with no pain. 

I've got no idea why am I always so cold towards others. :( It's like they are trying to hold up the conversation and I don't even bother. I guess its just me. I'm just so like that.