Saturday, November 24, 2012

Awesome friends + 1

I'm so glad to have my awesome friends to stand by me. <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
Plus one. You're just awesome too.

Love you people who brought laughters into my life. Be there for me & listen to my endless rantings on random stuffs. I never stop.

Meeting the brothers tomorrow!!!! Simply can't wait! Been 8 months since we've hang out together! We used to hang out so much during EMRS days, work at NATAS fair with them and hiding somewhere to smoke together. Those were the times... Super fun and awesome! Reminiscing the past just put a smile on my face. Hehehehe. They took care of me and carry my bag when I'm having my cramps, hold my pad pouch for me, piggyback me when I'm too tired to walk and listen to me rant. Those were the days! Alright! Hehehehe

Okay, I shall turn in now cuz I'm meeting them for breakfast! Our usual prata routine last time!