Wednesday, December 23, 2009

MY features.

You know, I've heard people saying how they envy me with my sharp nose and small mouth.


I tell you guys, I HATE IT!

I wish my nose can be fatter A BIT. A BIT HOR!
I wish my mouth can be a little bit wider.


You know, people actually asked me whether do I have a nose job. Lim bei diu ni ah! Nose job. Nose job your head! Real one ok!


Body Worlds yesterday was AWESOME!

I get to see naked bodies and woooo, their willy and vagina and how they intercourse. WOW. Bro & Sis felt extremely disturbed somehow. But! For me! I like it! Hehehehe. I've always wanted to see human's organs and so on~ Anyways, Bro&Sis felt that there were some kind of bloody smell. LOL! I smell nothing! Oh yeahhhh.. No photo takings are allowed. Too bad. Visit it yourself la! Great experiment! Hahahahahah. 20bucks!

Pay $1 more for both Science Centre and Body Worlds!

Dian Xiao Er for dinner aftermath. Mmmmmmmyummmmmmmeh. My first time dining in and yeap! Sibei 好吃呀!

3 dishes with 3 bowls of rice. Make me very hungry now!

Side track a little...

There's one thing that I've been regretting for years.. And its... WHY I NEVER TAKE CARE OF MY TEETH WHEN I REMOVE MY BRACES! :( Now a bit crooked leh. But, come to think of it, it's the dentist fault! She didn't want to make new retainers for me! I told her that it IS VERY PAINFUL WHEN I WEAR MY RETAINERS! She fucking refuse to listen and do a new retainer for me. Siao charboh. Fucking bitch. I remembered how she poke and squeeze those metal things and poke and poke into my mouth. Very scary and painful. And just because she had to squeeze a big plate of metal thing into mouth she uses her knn sb full force to open my mouth and squeezed it in. Im left with blisters on the side of my mouth the next day. Very pain..

See, putting on braces for me is a nightmare. Be it the pain after the colorful bands or whatever shitz. Plucking the 4 teeth is a fucking huge nightmare. Blood practically flow out of my mouth. (You know how not nice blood taste like! So don't expect me to swallow my blood!) Very nice. Like vampire. Hehe. TWILIGHT!

Aiya. Whatever la. The more I think now, the more pek cek I am! That stupid FEMALE dentist. Old woman. Tsk! I REMEMBER YOU! Name tag still put SENIOR. Ah hah! It is just because you're old!

Quit whining.

Something to be happy for.. Bro just gave me a hundred bucks for Christmas! Woooooohoooooo! Last year only 50! Now 100! Yippie! Means this year I guai. So he gave me more. Next year more guai means plus 50 again! Wahahahaha! 2010 coming! Cant wait.

2 months more is my 20th. OMG. Mom keep stressing me about it and I really don't wanna think about it. 20 LEH! Out of teenage and into a young adult liao. Sbs la.