Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Wed, 23/12;

Alright, so my Sis & I took a train to Clarke Quay, walked to Attica and find CY&CO. Damn pek cek while finding my way there because the directions were kinda messy and IT WAS VERY CROWDED.

*Let me just conclude everything.*

We danced.
They got high but not me.
My Sis got thirsty.
Headed to the bar and ordered lime vodka, ribena vodka and tequila shot.
Back to the dancefloor.
Shake like dunno whart.
I felt out of breath because those people are so damn motherfucking tall. Fucking crowded. Mad shit crowded ok!
I said I wanted to find a seat to rest.
Who knows.....

I got wasted.

Laugh la.

I tell you. It was soooooooo bad that I nearly black out and piak straight on the floor man! My legs were like jelly and I couldnt even stand up straight. BAHAHAHA! Laugh! I must admit, I am damn fucking lousy and I cannot hold my liquor very well. But heh heh, I never vomit like some drunkards did! I swallowed my puke. NO LA! I tried to control and I very well can tahan till I reach home. PRO OR NOT! I think I blabber nonsense while I am on my way home. Shhhh.. Don't tell me secrets ok!

The very "cui" me. I was in a fucking terrible state. HAHAHAHAA!

Attica alot of cute ang mohs leh!

Thurs, 24/12;

Woke up with rashes again. Damn jia lat. Vehly the itchy to the max this time round! Slacked my whole afternoon away surfing the net and whatsoever. Damn sian. Was waiting for the time to pass so that I can bathe and give Ben a surprise at his workplace.

FYI, I was supposed to reach there by 6pm.

I dilly and I dally and thought that I can reach there by 6pm so I went to bathe at 3.45pm. HAHAHA! You're right, I'm late! So before I leave my place I called him to double confirm if we're meeting. Gei siao la. You know gei siao gei siao mah!

Me: Hello baby ah! Busy?
Me: Oh, no la! Later meeting hor?
Ben: Ya. (fucking noisy in the background)
Me: Orh. Okay lor. You 6pm end right?
Ben: Yaaaa. Call you after I end work, busy now.
Me: BABY!!! WAIT! I tell you hor you 6.15pm then punch card.
Ben: Why leh?
Me: Aiya, just 6.15 then end la. See you. Bye!

The convo is smth like that.

And I reached Marine Parade zun zun 6.15pm! Wahahahahaaa! Clever or not! And he zun zun 6.15pm end his work. Lol! I think he already knew that I am going over to his workplace to find him, so he isn't surprise at all upon seeing me. FAIL.

Back to Yishun again.

Queue up for KFC. YAY! Cab to his place. Yummeh drumlets. Fattening. But I like!

And... it was a good night.

Sad that he had to leave for work this morning.


Fri, 25/12;

(Learn from those people color the "christmas" alphabets)

Decided to pack & clean up my make up area! Damn dirty with glitters and powders everywhere. See liao pek cek. Somemore it is something that you have to keep clean. So I washed my brushes and clean my make ups.

See how dirty the water is! So girls out there, PLS PLS PLS wash your brushes every month/week. Best is week la!

Okay, I believed that every girl who owns a eyelash curler will have mascara stucked on the curler. So wet it with water and remove it with your make up oil! Easy to come off! Trust me!
Look as tho its a brand new one!

Dry it! Common sense la!

Clean all my make ups one by one. Patience required ok! Because you have to be very careful not to wet the colors!

While I'm doing my cleaning, Kiki's dozing off. AHA!


Dino tickets! Hahaha! Ben & I gonna go next week! Yippie yay!

Grandma bought this for me when she went HK for hols. Prettay huh~

This was how my Christmas was spent.

This Christmas no feel.

I can't sleep. So in need of sleep!