Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy 4 years 3 months to Bennifer.


Okay. Frankly speaking, I don't how to start blogging about yesterday. All I can assure you is that I am extremely happy eppy happy yesterday! No other words can describe this feeling of happiness. All I can say is that I'm.... overjoyed.


Okay.. I'm having migraine. Damn it. It came at the fucking wrong time. When now, I am trying to put my beautiful memories last night into words, the migraine just became effin unbearable! It made me somehow lose the ability to think properly. Ahhhh. Shit whatever.

Anyway, I just wanna share my happiness with you guys. :)

So, yesterday was Bennifer's 4 Years and 3 months of togetherness. Actually, we don't intend to celebrate our Anniversary at all. So, celebrating our Anniversary is not our main purpose. Our main purpose is to spend our Tuesday together, shopping around, having nice food and enjoy the Christmas lighting together.

Sad enough, Ben got to work on Christmas Eve and Day itself. Him, being the super duper love hearts Christmas season person, forced me to go town with him to look at those stupid nonsense lighting and song. You guys will never know how much I dread going to town because of the crowd. I don't like myself to perspire and having any contact with others because sometimes, it is so fucking overcrowded that people just have to brush their hands against you or something. Something like that. It is damn annoying and I hate it! Boo!

Alright, our first stop was to Park Mall. Cabbed there and we wanted to have Fish&Co. In the end we went to some ulu kind of restaurant at the basement and he had some korean noodles or something. Haha! Not nice. Thumbs down for that.

Headed to PS Carrefour to get my Skates. Service damn bad and don't have the skate I wanted.
Saw Carebears on the stage performing. LMAO! Laughed at the mineral water thingy. ;)

Bused down to Suntec City's Carrefour.
Finally gotten my skates.
Jennifer's a happy girl.
Hunt for Ben's Hush Puppies shoe.
Couldn't find.
Forced to head down to town.
Cabbed there.
Find his Hush Puppies Shoe.
Couldn't find.
Ben's disappointed.
I shopped & shopped & shopped.
Settled down at Spageddies for dinner.
Head up to Fruit Tart Shop for dessert.
Slacked. Laughed like siao char boh and he laughed like siao ta bor.
Went toilet.
Up to OC's 11th floor.
Up again to OC's 12th floor. Enjoy the breeze, damn shiok. Me like! He like! We like!
Everything's so sweet... till.. it started to drizzle.
Trained home.
Cabbed to my place.

My first time trying Yami Yoghurt. Not nice leh~
Don't know why some people go gaga over it. Meiji ones taste better.
Ben loves the colourful flakes tho.

Ben is Mr Busy now. :(
Couldn't find a Miss some-bo-dee-ah that suits me. Haha!

I didn't know my toes were super long la till I saw this photo. LOL!
A break for the both of us before cabbing down to OC.
Anyways, this pair of heels nearly killed me. I did not expect to be walking the entire ytd!

Lush 99.5fm at OC!
No much people listen to it anyways.
I was hoping it is gonna be Class 95fm because I wanna see Glenn.

Stupid Christmas lighting he wanna see. -.-

Service is good. Food is not bad.
Rating: 3.2/5
Ben failed them. Haha!


Ben's. Not very nice. The sauce is tasteless and the chicken is not marinated.
Mine's better!

Fruit Tart Shop!
Die die must visit this dessert shop if you're gonna go OC!
I love the crust.
Anyways, there are 3 bases. Cream, Chocolate and Cheese. :)

Look how pretty these tarts were. I guarantee plus chop chop, the real tart looks exactly the same as those in the menu!

Changed to a more comfortable foorwear. My heels nearly left me KO-ed
and left Ben pek cek.
Cos I keep niam niam niam. Hahahaha!

Ben's to-die-for caffeine intake everyday. Bad.
Smoke, drink.

Poor Ben had to carry my skates around. He's really sweet to me ytd.
In fact, he's been soo sweet to me ever since I met him.

My Strawberry Chocolate Tart. Damn nice!

Mmmmmm... Savoring every mouthful of the tart..

Ben's Banana Chocolate Tart. He love it! LOL.

Me: Baby, whats the name of your tart.
Ben: Banana Chocolate Tart.
Me: Ooooh.. Okok. Then mine is Strawberry chocolate tart right?
Ben: Ya.. Eh, no.
Me: Then?
Ben: Yours is fucking retard.
Me: *lmao*

Guai lan face!

YAY! I finally got my skates!

Thanks B for the skates! Last night when the both of us reached home, we did a trial. Haha! And its very fun! Just love how he guided me! Teehee! Feel very safe leh. Next week will be him teaching me how to skate! And and and, he has got 2 days off next week! YAY!!

Ahem, no skipping of lessons anymore. :P

Did I mention that I love my loots? No? Ya, I love my loots. :) FYI, Ben did not pay my loots for me. Well, maybe for my undies but not for my bag and shoes. So don't be mean and say I'm whatever whatever whatever.

What I wanna get I will pay myself. Thats me! And Ben did offered to help me pay for my loots. But I rejected okay! :) He had bought me my skates as promised and I'm more than happy already. Moreover, he need to get his own stuffs too. Like his Hush Puppies shoe and sweater and so on..


It took me 3 fucking hours to blog! I believe its my longest post so far from my years of blogging. Hahahaha! I'm happy, so I'll blog more! Anyways, its just me, penning these thoughts and memories down for memory. Who knows when you'll forget? Reading back your past posts will help you frehsen up your mind. ;)

I'm content.

Thank you Ben. Thank you! Hope you like the Marc Jacob shirt I bought you. Imma see u wear it oki! I jsut feel extremely pampered last night.

And I've been smiling to myself for the whole of today when I think of the happy moments last night! Heheheheheheee!

Love ya!

Nights people!

p/s i miss my sis. :( she left for hong kong already! sigh. and the lanvin parfum cost a bomb altho its duty free!!!!! how can it be?! bah! :(

p/p/s dearest princess of the wasabi, please do get well soon! better recover fast fast so that fc&i can meet you.. ahem.. fast fast!