Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bear this in mind

"It is much more valuable to look for the strengths in others - you gain nothing by criticizing people's imperfections."

Get it?

Everyone, you, me, she, he, them, we and whatsoever should stop criticizing people's imperfections. Seriously, don't tell me you never do that before. Everyone criticizes. Say, "Her outfit today is ugly.", "Ewww.. Why he's with this girl when she ain't pretty at all!"

But.. come to think of it. I think some people ought to be criticized.


Anyways, my Mom pissed my Bro big time. I think she's the one at fault because she speak without thinking!! ALWAYS DO THAT. Sometimes, even me, cannot tahan her lor. Ya ya ya, being straightforward. But we're a family ain't we? Why must you even pass those hurtful remarks and complain to your mom. -.-

Mommy, this is something that you NEED TO LEARN. You fucking need to. Am serious. My mom needed lessons on "How to communicate well with others".

Gonna read a book now.

Monday, December 28, 2009

What is the World turning into?

I'll just summarize everything in this post.
I've got something more important to share than my happy days.

I've enshrined the Pendent Gohonzon home. :)
Was feeling so nervous then.
Ben's Mom & Sis came to support me.
Ben's Mom bought me the necessities, Shan Lin bought me a Calender Book and Lucretia bought me a book. Thanks!
Had lunch at a restaurant. It's nice. But I forgotten about the name of the restaurant!
Down to Tamp1 and straight to Uniqlo.
Bought a turtleneck top for Ben. Dark green in color.
Back to NP and I went shopping alone.
Bought a brown colored box and a 2m ribbon.
Back home.

Ben's off day.
Gave him the present I bought him.
I was so blur!
The price tag actually dropped into the bag and he found it!
Before he even open up the present, he alrdy knew what I am gonna give him.
Plan fail. :(
Had lunch & walked back to his place.
Tried on his top and he look good in it.
Slack till night & I went home.
Nighty talk was good but I am too tired to continue the convo.

Today; Monday
Woke up in the afternoon. Wasted my whole morning away.
Aunt came over to my place to bake pineapple tart!
Omg, I'm so badddd.
But the tarts don't taste nice.
And then....
I saw a friend of mine posted a video on Facebook, "The Peter Connelly Story".
I clicked play...
And it is very very very disheartening...

Although... Although I do not like kids. But, I still feel for this child here. How can they do this to an adorable blue eyed child? I'm glad he is now safe in the arms of the angels now.

Lets not curse the parents. But I believe in Karma. They will definitely get their retribution. Definitely...


I am having the super unbearable gastric pain right after my lunch! Sigh.

Movie later with Ben, Bodyguards and Assassins.


Bitches.. They come and go.

Ever so loved EMINEM!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Held - Natalie Grunt

Two months is too little
They let him go
They had no sudden healing
To think that providence
Would take a child from his mother
While she prays, is appalling
Who told us we'd be rescued
What has changed and
Why should we be saved from nightmares
We're asking why this happens to us
Who have died to live, it's unfair

This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held

This hand is bitterness
We want to taste it and
Let the hatred numb our sorrows
The wise hand opens slowly
To lilies of the valley and tomorrow

This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held
If hope is born of suffering
If this is only the beginning
Can we not wait, for one hour
Watching for our savior
This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held
We'd be held

This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held

This is what it means to be held.....


You're nothin'. I'm nothin'. We are nothin'. No one is anything.


I'm sorry.

I just can't...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Many many thoughts

I've just finished reading my past post. All of it. Every single paragraphs, sentences and words. This blog, 2 years old as of 2008 and 2009. Everything in here consist mainly of my ITE life. How fucked up and how I bear grudges and how I hated ITE. Till now, I still bear those grudges. I won't forget how you wanna fucking bring me down and brought me umpteen misery. Till then, I am still thinking why you wanna do that. Maybe you wanna feel superior. Thats stupid. You can never be because you're one hardcore loser who wanna bring ME down and YOURSELF up. You're already losing just by doing that.

I will never ever forget how you gain sympathy from others and made people known that you are not the one at fault. I look down on you. THIS MUCH!

You guys are never good people to mingle with in the first place. Wasted my time & many people's time for having to listen to craps.

Yes, I do swear and smoke and drink and get irritated/agitated very easily. But this does not mean that I am a bad person. You know, you can't always judge a book by its cover. You have to read it, understand it. Just like how CY&CO, my family and Ben read me and understand me inside out. Did you guys even tried reading me? No. And, I think you got the wrong info about me dude.

Looking at the past post made me realized that.... I've grown fatter & uglier. Very much. I don't know what happen. It just came so suddenly.. Bit by bit and this accumulates and became such an eyesore. Damn pathetic.

I realized..

My life of 2009 is such a bore. Not much happenings.

Ben is halfway through his attachment already! 3 months more baby. 3 fucking whole month!

Looking at the past post on how happy I am with him, how crazy the both of us were and how he made me angry makes me smile unknowingly. The way I rant on how he made me cry and whatever shit really did made me laugh. Tsk! Still behaving so much like a child. Aiyoeh!

I'm glad for the past few month's post were all about happy moments! So glad so glad. Life's getting better & better each day! Relationship with Ben is getting stronger & stronger each day! He even said that he wanted to get the both of us a ring to symbolize our relationship and the years shared.

All I know is I am a happy going on 20 years old girl.

How time flies... Seeing me graduating in 3 months time is such a relief. Seriously, I can't wait & I never will miss any shitty people there. I am more than happy to fucking graduate! Yay!!

As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. . . I will always keep falling in love with you.

From being a teen at the age of 15 years old to a 20.
I see this future.

Fuck yeah!

I think my pimple is getting worst...... Should be the blemishes.

What the hell happened?!?!?!

Damn emo right now. No mood for anything.

Gonna meet my Mom now to get myself a new specs.

Damn sad.

Pimples, Blemish. Sigh......

Merry Christmas!

Wed, 23/12;

Alright, so my Sis & I took a train to Clarke Quay, walked to Attica and find CY&CO. Damn pek cek while finding my way there because the directions were kinda messy and IT WAS VERY CROWDED.

*Let me just conclude everything.*

We danced.
They got high but not me.
My Sis got thirsty.
Headed to the bar and ordered lime vodka, ribena vodka and tequila shot.
Back to the dancefloor.
Shake like dunno whart.
I felt out of breath because those people are so damn motherfucking tall. Fucking crowded. Mad shit crowded ok!
I said I wanted to find a seat to rest.
Who knows.....

I got wasted.

Laugh la.

I tell you. It was soooooooo bad that I nearly black out and piak straight on the floor man! My legs were like jelly and I couldnt even stand up straight. BAHAHAHA! Laugh! I must admit, I am damn fucking lousy and I cannot hold my liquor very well. But heh heh, I never vomit like some drunkards did! I swallowed my puke. NO LA! I tried to control and I very well can tahan till I reach home. PRO OR NOT! I think I blabber nonsense while I am on my way home. Shhhh.. Don't tell me secrets ok!

The very "cui" me. I was in a fucking terrible state. HAHAHAHAA!

Attica alot of cute ang mohs leh!

Thurs, 24/12;

Woke up with rashes again. Damn jia lat. Vehly the itchy to the max this time round! Slacked my whole afternoon away surfing the net and whatsoever. Damn sian. Was waiting for the time to pass so that I can bathe and give Ben a surprise at his workplace.

FYI, I was supposed to reach there by 6pm.

I dilly and I dally and thought that I can reach there by 6pm so I went to bathe at 3.45pm. HAHAHA! You're right, I'm late! So before I leave my place I called him to double confirm if we're meeting. Gei siao la. You know gei siao gei siao mah!

Me: Hello baby ah! Busy?
Me: Oh, no la! Later meeting hor?
Ben: Ya. (fucking noisy in the background)
Me: Orh. Okay lor. You 6pm end right?
Ben: Yaaaa. Call you after I end work, busy now.
Me: BABY!!! WAIT! I tell you hor you 6.15pm then punch card.
Ben: Why leh?
Me: Aiya, just 6.15 then end la. See you. Bye!

The convo is smth like that.

And I reached Marine Parade zun zun 6.15pm! Wahahahahaaa! Clever or not! And he zun zun 6.15pm end his work. Lol! I think he already knew that I am going over to his workplace to find him, so he isn't surprise at all upon seeing me. FAIL.

Back to Yishun again.

Queue up for KFC. YAY! Cab to his place. Yummeh drumlets. Fattening. But I like!

And... it was a good night.

Sad that he had to leave for work this morning.


Fri, 25/12;

(Learn from those people color the "christmas" alphabets)

Decided to pack & clean up my make up area! Damn dirty with glitters and powders everywhere. See liao pek cek. Somemore it is something that you have to keep clean. So I washed my brushes and clean my make ups.

See how dirty the water is! So girls out there, PLS PLS PLS wash your brushes every month/week. Best is week la!

Okay, I believed that every girl who owns a eyelash curler will have mascara stucked on the curler. So wet it with water and remove it with your make up oil! Easy to come off! Trust me!
Look as tho its a brand new one!

Dry it! Common sense la!

Clean all my make ups one by one. Patience required ok! Because you have to be very careful not to wet the colors!

While I'm doing my cleaning, Kiki's dozing off. AHA!


Dino tickets! Hahaha! Ben & I gonna go next week! Yippie yay!

Grandma bought this for me when she went HK for hols. Prettay huh~

This was how my Christmas was spent.

This Christmas no feel.

I can't sleep. So in need of sleep!

Thursday, December 24, 2009



Wednesday, December 23, 2009

MY features.

You know, I've heard people saying how they envy me with my sharp nose and small mouth.


I tell you guys, I HATE IT!

I wish my nose can be fatter A BIT. A BIT HOR!
I wish my mouth can be a little bit wider.


You know, people actually asked me whether do I have a nose job. Lim bei diu ni ah! Nose job. Nose job your head! Real one ok!


Body Worlds yesterday was AWESOME!

I get to see naked bodies and woooo, their willy and vagina and how they intercourse. WOW. Bro & Sis felt extremely disturbed somehow. But! For me! I like it! Hehehehe. I've always wanted to see human's organs and so on~ Anyways, Bro&Sis felt that there were some kind of bloody smell. LOL! I smell nothing! Oh yeahhhh.. No photo takings are allowed. Too bad. Visit it yourself la! Great experiment! Hahahahahah. 20bucks!

Pay $1 more for both Science Centre and Body Worlds!

Dian Xiao Er for dinner aftermath. Mmmmmmmyummmmmmmeh. My first time dining in and yeap! Sibei 好吃呀!

3 dishes with 3 bowls of rice. Make me very hungry now!

Side track a little...

There's one thing that I've been regretting for years.. And its... WHY I NEVER TAKE CARE OF MY TEETH WHEN I REMOVE MY BRACES! :( Now a bit crooked leh. But, come to think of it, it's the dentist fault! She didn't want to make new retainers for me! I told her that it IS VERY PAINFUL WHEN I WEAR MY RETAINERS! She fucking refuse to listen and do a new retainer for me. Siao charboh. Fucking bitch. I remembered how she poke and squeeze those metal things and poke and poke into my mouth. Very scary and painful. And just because she had to squeeze a big plate of metal thing into mouth she uses her knn sb full force to open my mouth and squeezed it in. Im left with blisters on the side of my mouth the next day. Very pain..

See, putting on braces for me is a nightmare. Be it the pain after the colorful bands or whatever shitz. Plucking the 4 teeth is a fucking huge nightmare. Blood practically flow out of my mouth. (You know how not nice blood taste like! So don't expect me to swallow my blood!) Very nice. Like vampire. Hehe. TWILIGHT!

Aiya. Whatever la. The more I think now, the more pek cek I am! That stupid FEMALE dentist. Old woman. Tsk! I REMEMBER YOU! Name tag still put SENIOR. Ah hah! It is just because you're old!

Quit whining.

Something to be happy for.. Bro just gave me a hundred bucks for Christmas! Woooooohoooooo! Last year only 50! Now 100! Yippie! Means this year I guai. So he gave me more. Next year more guai means plus 50 again! Wahahahaha! 2010 coming! Cant wait.

2 months more is my 20th. OMG. Mom keep stressing me about it and I really don't wanna think about it. 20 LEH! Out of teenage and into a young adult liao. Sbs la.



Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Tsk tsk tsk.. Guys guys guys.

Monday, December 21, 2009

what what in the butt.

Why my nose so small ah?!?!?! UGLY SIOL!

Good times never end. :)


Ben said I lost weight. O.O
Don't make happy for today and the next day you said I gained weight.
I knock your head with coconut then you know!

Must be the vomiting and the lost of appetite I had.
You know, my vomit few days back got fishy smell and hell loads of rice stuck in my throat.
Sb shiok right.
I practically vomit my dinner out.
I nearly die and I teared.

When is my hair gonna grow?

I met Ben just now. <3>hanky panky.
PLS, I wouldn't do that.
Wo shi su nu oki! SAY YES.


I wonder, will Wednesday be a fun night.
I've got too much thinkings.. Like.. how to lose weight.. how to be taller.. how to clear those muthafucking blemishes on my fucking face.. how to kill sluts.. how to make ben love me more (duh! jj).. how to be the best gf, which i alrdy knew i am one! but i wanna be the best of the best of the best of the best of the best cannot isit?! how to make kiki lose weight.. how to make my damn fucking dog stop barking at passerbys.. how to not be witty.. how to not swear too much.. like fuck.. how to stop whining.. how to stop menstrual pains every month.. alot alot more..

Seriously.. I can't wait to graduate!

On a happier note, me, Jennifer is going to the Gohonzon Conferment Ceremony this sunday! Which means I'll be bringing the pendent Gohonzon home that very day!

Body Worlds tomorrow with bro&sis. :)

Goodnight & why am I worrying for nothing?


Saturday, December 19, 2009

a quick post

Met SS, headed to MINDS.
Went off early because I had to attend an orientation by Adonis.

Met CY, train to Bugis.
Walked to National lib, then to Adonis office.
Fucking funny, the woman talked.
But she's nice.
Fill up the form. In dilemma. I wanna take up the make up course.
I'll see.

Walked to Suntec.
Find CY's bro. Met a 15 yr old boy.
Funny shit.
Have mee sua for dins. Not v.nice. Bubble tea is nice.

Slacked at basement.
Saw a little girl with horrendous make up. I gasp.

Find the boys.
Trained to Clarke Quay with CY and Joe.
Slacked at Central's basement.
Wei Jie came. Burberry parfum smell so nice.
Damn fucking cb kena locked up in the shopping centre.
Panic like spider.
Up to level 1. Heard ppl shouting "EH GOT PPL KENA LOCK INSIDE!!!"
Security guard came. Key can't operate shutter. DIE LIAO.
Up to level2.
Down the escalator. Nice. We're saved.

Walked to YelloJello.
I nearly got wasted.

NR1 home.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


MiMi's back to her owner.

I'll be back! Damn sian and restless these few days!
Backache and tummyache and sleepyhead.
Came all at once.

Spent my first day if hols with Ben.
The rest myself.

Waiting for Monday to come again.

MINDS Event tomorrow.
Meeting CY tomorrow.
Next week's gonna be hectic.
Ladies night, party, stayover, Ben, Christmas, cooking, small little lovely convos..

Found a 2 days job.
My Agent introduced me.
Office job, I like.

Backache, tummyache is a killer.

PMS, hardcore.
Hopefully come on SATURDAY because I WANNA GO OUT WITH CY TMRW!

Missing Ben...
It will be another New Year that we've been through.
Love it.
No fireworks this year, 31 Dec. :(
He's working, I'm working.

Back's still aching.
Gonna send an email NOW to NewEra for their super lousy cannot be played RE2!


Friday, December 11, 2009

confident NOT

I don't believe in jealousy or haters.

I believe some people are so insecure that they have to

put down others to feel better about themselves.

It's true, have you ever seen a confident person

"jealous" towards others? Confident people are too

busy to be jealous.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Oh wow! Nice. My darling KiKi hurt himself.

This time, front leg and he's limping.

CCB! I damn angry I tell you.

I'll keep KiKi away from his sister from now on. AHHHH!!!

My poor darlingboy. :(

You know what's the most atrocious thing? My dad accused me of hurting him. WOW! Like FFS, I love KiKi so much probably much more than him and why would I wanna do that?! Whatever. This is fucking atrocious man. Make me boiled upon hearing his absurd accusation. nabei.

Tell me, how am I gonna study later when this shitz happened and it is worrying the hell out of me! jibei.

How I wish my sis's home now. At least I know somebody will help take care my darlingboy for me and I can put my mind at ease in studying.

p/s sometimes i just dont want kiki's sister to be over at my place. she's such an attention seeker. i felt bad writing this but fuck, this is how i feel. i cannot even cuddle darlingboy when she's here. she will just push darlingboy away. pui.
p/p/s i wonder why she wanna do this!

Change of blogsong!

Changed my blogsong!


It was recommended by KevJumba. ;) Thought it was nice and catchy so decided to put it in my blog.

Ahhhh, I think I'm crazy over Kev. HAHAHAHAA! Like bimbo only.


Thursday, December 3, 2009


I was wondering.. Why is blogger so lag today? Youtube is perfectly fine for me though.


I was wondering yet again...

Have you guys ever think of your past relationship/s when you're in a relationship now?

For me, yes I do. Can't help but to think of it.

Because it was a bad one.

Damn fucked up and whenever I thought of it, I was thinking, why so dumb? Yes, dumb. Stupid.


And have you ever think of your guy's past relationship and wanting to dig all his dirty little secrets out from his pocket?

That's childish. So, stop doing it.

Everyone has a past. So shut up and move on.

Thats for me and you to learn. Yes, learn to move on happily with him and build a relationship that his next gf would be jealous of.


KevJumba, my fav! Sucha a cutie!

Omg, I just love KevJumba! He's soooooooooooooo cute! Heheheheheheee!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy 4 years 3 months to Bennifer.


Okay. Frankly speaking, I don't how to start blogging about yesterday. All I can assure you is that I am extremely happy eppy happy yesterday! No other words can describe this feeling of happiness. All I can say is that I'm.... overjoyed.


Okay.. I'm having migraine. Damn it. It came at the fucking wrong time. When now, I am trying to put my beautiful memories last night into words, the migraine just became effin unbearable! It made me somehow lose the ability to think properly. Ahhhh. Shit whatever.

Anyway, I just wanna share my happiness with you guys. :)

So, yesterday was Bennifer's 4 Years and 3 months of togetherness. Actually, we don't intend to celebrate our Anniversary at all. So, celebrating our Anniversary is not our main purpose. Our main purpose is to spend our Tuesday together, shopping around, having nice food and enjoy the Christmas lighting together.

Sad enough, Ben got to work on Christmas Eve and Day itself. Him, being the super duper love hearts Christmas season person, forced me to go town with him to look at those stupid nonsense lighting and song. You guys will never know how much I dread going to town because of the crowd. I don't like myself to perspire and having any contact with others because sometimes, it is so fucking overcrowded that people just have to brush their hands against you or something. Something like that. It is damn annoying and I hate it! Boo!

Alright, our first stop was to Park Mall. Cabbed there and we wanted to have Fish&Co. In the end we went to some ulu kind of restaurant at the basement and he had some korean noodles or something. Haha! Not nice. Thumbs down for that.

Headed to PS Carrefour to get my Skates. Service damn bad and don't have the skate I wanted.
Saw Carebears on the stage performing. LMAO! Laughed at the mineral water thingy. ;)

Bused down to Suntec City's Carrefour.
Finally gotten my skates.
Jennifer's a happy girl.
Hunt for Ben's Hush Puppies shoe.
Couldn't find.
Forced to head down to town.
Cabbed there.
Find his Hush Puppies Shoe.
Couldn't find.
Ben's disappointed.
I shopped & shopped & shopped.
Settled down at Spageddies for dinner.
Head up to Fruit Tart Shop for dessert.
Slacked. Laughed like siao char boh and he laughed like siao ta bor.
Went toilet.
Up to OC's 11th floor.
Up again to OC's 12th floor. Enjoy the breeze, damn shiok. Me like! He like! We like!
Everything's so sweet... till.. it started to drizzle.
Trained home.
Cabbed to my place.

My first time trying Yami Yoghurt. Not nice leh~
Don't know why some people go gaga over it. Meiji ones taste better.
Ben loves the colourful flakes tho.

Ben is Mr Busy now. :(
Couldn't find a Miss some-bo-dee-ah that suits me. Haha!

I didn't know my toes were super long la till I saw this photo. LOL!
A break for the both of us before cabbing down to OC.
Anyways, this pair of heels nearly killed me. I did not expect to be walking the entire ytd!

Lush 99.5fm at OC!
No much people listen to it anyways.
I was hoping it is gonna be Class 95fm because I wanna see Glenn.

Stupid Christmas lighting he wanna see. -.-

Service is good. Food is not bad.
Rating: 3.2/5
Ben failed them. Haha!


Ben's. Not very nice. The sauce is tasteless and the chicken is not marinated.
Mine's better!

Fruit Tart Shop!
Die die must visit this dessert shop if you're gonna go OC!
I love the crust.
Anyways, there are 3 bases. Cream, Chocolate and Cheese. :)

Look how pretty these tarts were. I guarantee plus chop chop, the real tart looks exactly the same as those in the menu!

Changed to a more comfortable foorwear. My heels nearly left me KO-ed
and left Ben pek cek.
Cos I keep niam niam niam. Hahahaha!

Ben's to-die-for caffeine intake everyday. Bad.
Smoke, drink.

Poor Ben had to carry my skates around. He's really sweet to me ytd.
In fact, he's been soo sweet to me ever since I met him.

My Strawberry Chocolate Tart. Damn nice!

Mmmmmm... Savoring every mouthful of the tart..

Ben's Banana Chocolate Tart. He love it! LOL.

Me: Baby, whats the name of your tart.
Ben: Banana Chocolate Tart.
Me: Ooooh.. Okok. Then mine is Strawberry chocolate tart right?
Ben: Ya.. Eh, no.
Me: Then?
Ben: Yours is fucking retard.
Me: *lmao*

Guai lan face!

YAY! I finally got my skates!

Thanks B for the skates! Last night when the both of us reached home, we did a trial. Haha! And its very fun! Just love how he guided me! Teehee! Feel very safe leh. Next week will be him teaching me how to skate! And and and, he has got 2 days off next week! YAY!!

Ahem, no skipping of lessons anymore. :P

Did I mention that I love my loots? No? Ya, I love my loots. :) FYI, Ben did not pay my loots for me. Well, maybe for my undies but not for my bag and shoes. So don't be mean and say I'm whatever whatever whatever.

What I wanna get I will pay myself. Thats me! And Ben did offered to help me pay for my loots. But I rejected okay! :) He had bought me my skates as promised and I'm more than happy already. Moreover, he need to get his own stuffs too. Like his Hush Puppies shoe and sweater and so on..


It took me 3 fucking hours to blog! I believe its my longest post so far from my years of blogging. Hahahaha! I'm happy, so I'll blog more! Anyways, its just me, penning these thoughts and memories down for memory. Who knows when you'll forget? Reading back your past posts will help you frehsen up your mind. ;)

I'm content.

Thank you Ben. Thank you! Hope you like the Marc Jacob shirt I bought you. Imma see u wear it oki! I jsut feel extremely pampered last night.

And I've been smiling to myself for the whole of today when I think of the happy moments last night! Heheheheheheee!

Love ya!

Nights people!

p/s i miss my sis. :( she left for hong kong already! sigh. and the lanvin parfum cost a bomb altho its duty free!!!!! how can it be?! bah! :(

p/p/s dearest princess of the wasabi, please do get well soon! better recover fast fast so that fc&i can meet you.. ahem.. fast fast!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tranny or a real woman?

Anyway, this picture says it all. She's a fucking 6'8" model, Amazon Eve. Okok, this picture (to me) she does not seems like a tranny. Anyway, I think she's a tranny. Sorry. But you have to see the videos! She does look manly in some ways and the way she walk is kinda... weird? Hmm.. maybe she's too tall or something. But whatever. THAT ISN'T THE POINT. I still think she's a tranny. Teehee!


If I'm the model standing next to her I think I'll fucking breakdown. Like what, she's soooooo fucking tall. I think I am shorter than the normal size model and that makes me look like a fucking midget. :( Damn sad. Oh, is AE's breast bigger than the normal size model's head? Seems like leh. And her hands are fucking huge! LIKE OMGWTF.

I think I am a little exaggerating. Yao Ming also so tall what. But hor.. He's a cheena. Cheena country got weird people. So I think its normal? Idk~

Ahem, guys with ego problems don't watch this. LOL!

IF she's really a tranny I wonder how she lay down on the operating table to get her breast implant and her dick cut off. =S




Sorry if I sounded mean previously.


p/s if she's really a woman, i sort of pity her in some ways..