Friday, October 3, 2008


Sorry if this picture is heavily edited. I had to brighten this pic because it was very dark in the first place. :) The quality of this picture suck tho'.

Yellow Bikini - Checked!
Storybooks - Not checked!
Beachwear shorts - Not checked!
Other items - checked!

Wow wow wow.. I dont know what else I spent on. Maybe food? Boohoooo! I am so broke now! :(

Anyways, just another picture of me&nebaby and the top I bought. :D And I'll just end my post here. Sorry about that. And I believe you wouldn't want to see my face. Hahahaha!

Nebaby looks tired. He's sick for the past 2 days. :(

Top from Wh.

p/s kiki farted 2 times. oh, the third time.