Sunday, October 19, 2008

shag tired exhuasted.

I love you so deeply,
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.


Heeeee. Just googled some poems from the net and hence, I think this poem is so sweeet! Decided to share it with you guys!

Alright, I know I have not been updating a proper post from the day I started school. My wrong. But you guys have to understand that the journey to and fro from school is enough to kill me. And I have to wake up much earlier than the others because I stay at the very deserted place of Yishun. Totally out of the way from the Central of Yishun and there is only a pathetic bus for me to get to Central. And, the bus always kept me waiting for donkey minutes before it finally arrives.

On the contrary, I have 2nd thoughts about ITE. I feel like quitting school. I think this place is sooooo not for me. I dont know why. Dont ask me. I just feel this way. Okay, whatever.

Timetable for this term is better. Start school late, end school early. Start school early, end school late.

And Nebaby have been mugging for his O's for this 2 weeks. As a very good girlfriend, I coached him. Dont widen your eyes. I am not as bad as what you think, moron. Surprisingly, he understand what I am teaching and I feel glad about it. Something about Nebaby which makes me wanna support him and not give up on him.

"Baby, I know the anxiety you have been going through lately. Please, please dont give up till the very end. I know you have put in a lot of effort. I will try my very best to help you as much as I can. 2 more weeks. You are left with 2 more weeks before everything end. You can do it!! :D PIA ALL THE WAY! Love ya."

His new toy.

For this current song on my blog, it was actually from the movie called Juon. Very catchy hor?

Actually, I am already very tired. But I still did make an effort to blog a lenghty post this time. Just wanna let you guys catch up with my life for this week. :)