Friday, October 31, 2008

Last entry...

I've privated my blog for the last 2 days and I got to say that I didnt update anything at all.

I've made up my mind. I will be 'deleting' this blog of mine. Maybe not. I'll just change the url of this blog and nobody will know. Or maybe... I'll just leave it the way it is for the next 10 years. All in all, no updates on this blog anymore.

Just to update you guys about this so that you can just remove my link from your blog. Neways, I'll be keeping a journal over at livej. So if you wanna kpo how my life is, just head over to...

But I guess most of the posts will be locked for my own reference, not even my friends over at livej will get to read it. All I should say is that, if you care, YOU will care. If you dont care, dont poke your noses into my life and looked as if you cared. Some friends, you just have to let go... Simply because they are the ones I mentioned..

Partying tomorrow with Nebaby&friends. Gonna enjoy myself hell lots and get everything off my mind.


p/s i will be leaving this post for a week. after a week, i'll change the url of this blog. dont bother to search for it, you wont get to know it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a decision

I've decided to keep my hair long. Wont be cutting my hair from now on. :)


I wanna save money and buy contacts!!!! So many things wanna buy lor. Kns.


This is called adorable!

Monday, October 27, 2008

damn pissed

Where has all the commitment gone to?

I really dont wish to say this, but did you ever thought of me?

I do not wish to continue this anymore.



“There are very few certainties that touch us all in this mortal experience, but one of the absolutes is that we will experience hardship and stress at some point.”

How true?

Neways, Nebaby just left my place. I went over to his place last night, and he came over to my place this afternoon.

I really wish to say some things out but where can I find this particular courage from? I really wish to say "STOP IT". Tell me, how should I put these 2 words into my mouth?

Somebody give me a little of your courage please. Ahh, this is so shitzzsz. Damn shitty, I know. And I do not like the way you are doing things. I repeat myself, I do not like it. (Read this on livej.)

On the other hand, I have sketch out a model of how my product should be like and I'll show it to the teacher tomorrow. Hopefully, he will understand what I am implying on. LOL!

I repeat myself again. I DO NOT FUCKING CCB LIKE THIS KIND OF SHITZ! You guys will never understand because you guys didnt even gone through this before because you guys are just one fucking ccb passerby. Passerby who only speaks/types but no action done. I really wanna be frank about the whole situation. If I am given the chance to just point the gun right into your fcuking ccb emo piece of fucking shitass nb face, I WILL.

But Im not given a chance to. :( HOW SAD.

Do your BLAH and I will do BLAH. Cmon, give me some mental support so that I will continue to work my ass offffff.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Just got home from Nebaby's place!

Had to coach him with his studies and me, being the very kpo aunty, I found a very weird looking hat. Hahaa!

You know what Im thinking?

He play with it, so I also play lor! Hahahaaa!

His lousy camera skills.


For dinner, we had this...

Potatoe salad!!!

FYI, his Mom make very very very nice potatoe salad lor!! Yum yum!

Hee and this sentence really make my day. :)

It is said that if a woman is still beautiful in the morning just after she wakes up, it means she is really beautiful, I am sure you are one of them :).

Although this person might be telling lies, but you tell me, which girl see liao wont happy? Btw, this isnt Nebaby who told me lorrrr!

Say Im naive I dont care! _|_


what a nice weather!

La mia stella brillante!

What a nice weather of the day to start off with! The sunlight shining into my room really makes my day! With the rain splattering on my room's window, it is the perfect atmosphere to lay down on the bed with a cup of coffee and a book in your hand. With the warmness of Kiki sitting beside me, it will be the best of the best!

A perfect lighting.

The raindrops on the window.

As the saying goes.

“There is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."

Alright I shall end this post with this good weather!

p/s i am hooked onto human pets!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

worn out

i miss you.

Me enamoré ciegamente de él

Projects projects projects!

Interview interview interview!!

Stress stress stress!!!

Omg, I know I have been talking about my projects over and over again. But the thing is, the stress level for those upcoming projects really hit me so hard! No, not me, its us. My group! Although all the teachers have agreed that our projects is good but no, I do not want it to be good. I want it to be superior.

Alright, actions speaks louder than words. Shits aside. Okay, no, there's another shit coming up.

I think I did not fare well for the interview of BOD. Super upset about how I portray myself. :( Ahhhhh~ I was practically jittering. I can feel that my whole body jitter while sitting down at the hot seat, as though I need to pee. Absurd, I know. Never feel this way before. This is the first time ever.

Whatever. It is over now. :D Just pray for the better.

Oh ya. There's this 2 malays guys asked for my number when I am walking out of school today. Spoke to me in Malay and I told them "Im a Chinese." SEE! People mistaken me as a Malay lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Told you guys already! HOR CHINNYEE!


Thursday, October 23, 2008


No puedo esperar a volver a hacerte el amor otra vez. Echo de menos todas esas noches. Te quiero.

None other than you.

I am so so so so in love with this guy here.


Took a leave off school today.

Nothing much happened because I slept the whole afternoon away. Waste of time. I know, don't have to remind me.

Shared some childhood stories with my Sis last night. Both of us laughed our ass away.

Well, thats all. Bye pretty faces!


I dont know why you're making it that obvious. Perhaps it is because you want me to notice it. Let me make myself clear now, I dont give a damn about you. Not a single bit. Stop being such an irritant. There is no way I would be deceived by you, for you tell too much lies. Whats so great about lying about this & that? Dont act pity in front of me again. I dont take this kind of shits. :) YOU annoying piece of da bian.

Yes, I am heartless. So? I loooove it. :) Why pity humanity when animals need us more than human does? Seen too much cheebeebs people. Thats why my mindset changed. Dont blame me, blame the people around me. :D

Thank you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the ultimate!




The reason why I am being here is because, I feel like typing some no sense see cal stuffs. Get it? No? Its nonsensical babe.

Every morning while I am traveling to school in the very packed train with stupid people, kiasu people, ignorant people, lao aunty, lao uncle, pregnant teen, pregnant old lady, smelly people, smell nice people and lastly, the 'die-die-must-sit' people I would plug my earphones to my cellphone and to my ears and listen to....


For today, they talked about the story called 'Dear John'. Oie oie, I read the storybook leh! Award winning book and I tell you is a must read! :D

Okay. And this unknown guy wrote in to class 95 and said about he himself got cheated (its related to the book, read it and you'll know).

The girlfriend: "Dear Blah (I forgot his name, he was actually serving his NS overseas), I think we should break up because I have cheated you twice while you're serving your NS. And I think it is unfair to you and to me. Please send me back the photo that I've sent you. Thanks."

So, the guy actually went to collect every girls photo from his mates and send it back to his girlfriend.

The guy: "Dear Girlfriend, please choose the photo of you in the pile of photos and send the rest of the photos back to me. Thank you."

FUNNY A NOT! Laugh please. Fake laugh also can. HAHAHAHAAA!

Anyways, in conclusion, listen to Class 95FM in the morning from 6am to 11am! I know it starts at 6am but I am not sure whether does it end at 11am or not. :D


p/s read the book! guarantee chop its nice!

to the stranger.

Hi stranger!

Are you a Fujifilm camera salesman promoting your products? If you were me, you would rather choose a fujifim camera, but your not me. Its like me liking green, and you scolding me stupid just because you like yellow. Who are you to call people names? If you like a fujifilm camera, then go get one. Me liking my canon camera doesnt obstruct you in any way. And I did mention that its not necessary for me to buy that Canon camera anymore. Which part of it do you not understand the 2 words "not necessary"?

Go buy your Fujifilm camera and be a happy person.

Anyways, I'll take it as your just saying your point of view. :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the greeeed.

I wanna get these:

- Sony Ericsson C905 (Coming soon!)
- Canon Camera (Not necessary)
- MAC Brushes (Not necessary)
- New Eyeliner
- New school shoe (Canvas/Covered)

Currently only these few. :D

Will save save save for my phone! Read its specifications online and *claps* superb function available! 8.1 megapixel here I come!!!!

Oh, btw, C905 is not out on stores yet. Sony Ericsson will send an email to notify me if its out on stores. :D I got do research before buying phone one lor! Heee. This week, am able to save 30moolahs! WAHAHAHHAAA! Baobei wait for meeeeeeee!

Maybe... Maybe I'll get it as my birthday present!! *Winkz*


Very touching.

Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then
Spin me around 'til I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure I was loved

If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
How I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again

When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way, I would run from her to him
He'd make me laugh just to comfort me
Then finally make me do just what my mama said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance, one final step, one final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
'Cause I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again

Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how my mother cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

I know I'm praying for much too much
But could you send back the only man she loved
I know you don't do it usually
But dear Lord she's dying
To dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream

R.I.P Luther.



So stress.

And because I am that stress, I overshot my bus ride. -.-" I was supposed to alight after 2 stops but I didnt. And I alight at the 3rd stop where it was on the middle of the highway. Super scary can! I practically ran for my life across the road while cars are driving at super duper fast speed. *Phew* And, I am finally here safely. :D

Projects, projects & projects!

Stress level: 101%

I need to guide Nebaby for his O's & I need to think of proposals and ideas and whatevershitszzsdz for my project. 3 projects due in around 2 weeks?! HOW CAN!! Moreover, this is only the 2nd week after school reopen. :(

Mr George says that my idea can be used for a national thingy one la. Which means govt might buy my idea and sell it to the public! :D Credits to...


Sunday, October 19, 2008

my faithful dog.

The connection.

shag tired exhuasted.

I love you so deeply,
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.


Heeeee. Just googled some poems from the net and hence, I think this poem is so sweeet! Decided to share it with you guys!

Alright, I know I have not been updating a proper post from the day I started school. My wrong. But you guys have to understand that the journey to and fro from school is enough to kill me. And I have to wake up much earlier than the others because I stay at the very deserted place of Yishun. Totally out of the way from the Central of Yishun and there is only a pathetic bus for me to get to Central. And, the bus always kept me waiting for donkey minutes before it finally arrives.

On the contrary, I have 2nd thoughts about ITE. I feel like quitting school. I think this place is sooooo not for me. I dont know why. Dont ask me. I just feel this way. Okay, whatever.

Timetable for this term is better. Start school late, end school early. Start school early, end school late.

And Nebaby have been mugging for his O's for this 2 weeks. As a very good girlfriend, I coached him. Dont widen your eyes. I am not as bad as what you think, moron. Surprisingly, he understand what I am teaching and I feel glad about it. Something about Nebaby which makes me wanna support him and not give up on him.

"Baby, I know the anxiety you have been going through lately. Please, please dont give up till the very end. I know you have put in a lot of effort. I will try my very best to help you as much as I can. 2 more weeks. You are left with 2 more weeks before everything end. You can do it!! :D PIA ALL THE WAY! Love ya."

His new toy.

For this current song on my blog, it was actually from the movie called Juon. Very catchy hor?

Actually, I am already very tired. But I still did make an effort to blog a lenghty post this time. Just wanna let you guys catch up with my life for this week. :)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

so cooool

If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves

If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

If you were a river in the mountains tall,
The rumble of your water would be my call.
If you were the winter, I know I'd be the snow
Just as long as you were with me, let the cold winds blow

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

If you were a wink, I'd be a nod
If you were a seed, well I'd be a pod.
If you were the floor, I'd wanna be the rug
And if you were a kiss, I know I'd be a hug

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

If you were the wood, I'd be the fire.
If you were the love, I'd be the desire.
If you were a castle, I'd be your moat,
And if you were an ocean, I'd learn to float.

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

Friday, October 17, 2008


I pray.

I pray that he would be alright.

Please, dont take him away from me.
I need him.


a dedication.

The Glory Of Love.

Tonight it's very clear
As we're both lying here
There's so many things I wanna say
I will always love you
I will never leave you alone

Sometimes I just forget, say things I might regret
It breaks my heart to see you crying
I don't wanna lose you
I could never make it alone

'Coz I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of
Gonna live forever knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

You keep me standing tall
You'll help me through it all
I'm always strong when you're beside me
I have always needed you
I could never make it alone

'Coz I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of
Gonna live forever knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

Just like a knight in shining armor
From a long time ago
Just in time I'll save the day
Take you to my castle far away

I am the man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of
Gonna live forever knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love(3x)


I heard you singing this song over&over again. So, I decided to put this song in my blog just for you. :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

You knew it.

What would you do when you are down, upset or happy?

Scream for joy?
Hide your tears?


Neither nor?

I dont know about me. I am a very much I-Don't-Know kind of person. Therefore, my day leads in a very mundane way.

I forced myself out of bed.
I go to school.
I study.
I study.
I study.
I took a very packed train home.
I eat.
I watch tv.
I sleep.

Tell me, what should I do to bring colors to my life. I dont need rainbow colors, but at least a very nice and soothing color of... Baby pink? Sky blue?

And please, I couldnt bring myself to forgive you.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008



End end end end end end end end end.

Please end this.

Ok. Bye.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I am drinking cranberry juice now! Helps to flush your system mah~ Heeee.

Some random thoughts:

Cyber world is getting boring day by day. Agree? There's nothing for you to do except for youtubing and playing games.

I feel like closing down my blog! Lol!

And my whole body is god damn itchyyyy! And I am very very very tan. Look like huan kia la! Cb. But I loooove being tan because I've got no more blemishes on my face! YEAHH!!

I love Kiki a lot.

I dont think I am at fault.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

I dont care.

Rainbows apologize for angry skies.

Pictures after Sentosa:


Sean, Janelle, Louis, JiaJun, Nebaby, Me:

Where's my face>

Pitures from Sean.

My boyboy:

Life's a pain. Life's a pain when people malign you and shoot you back with hurtful words when you thought he/she is the person whom you can trust/rely on. This mindset totally changed me overnight.

You guys never understand this&that and you guys thought about this&that. Just because I didnt do this&that, you guys assume this&that. And you didnt even bother to understand my situation and you push all the blame to me.

You left me with one word: Dumbfounded.

To think that you can actually understand but you didnt. To think that I thought so highly of you. What a disappointment. A total disappointment...

More on livej..

Friday, October 10, 2008

Getting burnt

Extremely burnt. Changing of new skin. Fun! Laughters! Red skin + painfulness. Fulfilling dinner. True colours.

Nebaby says: You look much toner than before. I like your new tan! :DD

Bro says: You look sooooooooooo tan and ugly. :(

Mum says: You seems to have lots of fun! :D

Kiki howls: Welcome back master! *Jumps with joy


Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Bintan Trip.


Me and Sis at Tanah Merah Ferry terminal. Me and my Sis on the ferrrrrry!

Dad&Mom on the ferrrry!

The small tornado we saw while travelling towards Bintan. SUPER SCARY AH!! I was soooo amazed by how the tornado was formed. It was this short intially (the picture) but a few seconds later, it grew longer and longer!! Omg!

After an hours ride, we finally reached Bintan!!!

Welcoming Us! I feel very awkward. I dont know why! Hahahah!

As our check in time is at 1430, we headed over to Pasar Oleh Oleh for our lunch! Yum yum! The fooood there is yummmmmy!

LNote: Sg's time and Bintan's time is difference by one hour. Say if SG time is 1430, Bintan time would be 1330.


The Pasar Oleh Oleh.

Headed back to our hotel when the time is up!

Our bedroom. :D

Went for a swim. Headed over to get our foot massaged! Hahahaha! This is the first time I'm doing and wow, is shiok de lor~ I slept while the person was massaging my leg. Heeee.

Bro, Mum, Sis.

Back to the hotel room, washed up and waited for the shuttle bus to bring us over to The Kelong for our dinner!


While waiting.

Dad, Mom, Sis, Sunset, The Kelong.

Who wouldn't love fooooood?

-Back to Hotel.-

Jen VS Jas.

The Morning Sun.

The Morning Us.

-Had buffet for breakfast! Yummmmmy! Everything is so nice! :D Headed over to the beach.-


The different shades of blue.

My Sis&I

The 2 Sisters.

-Only me and sis went over to the beach. The rest headed back to the hotel's room to rest. Lol! They missed out the fun man! Hahahahah! Back to the room and pack up~ Headed over to the lobby and have our lunch.-


Bye bye Bintan.

Yeah.. I went there only for 2 day 1 night! Wahahahaha! But I think its more than enough already! If you're a beach lover, you would definitely want to go to Bintan. If you're into shopping, please do not go Bintan. Nothing for you to shop. Basically its the beach which attracts tourists. :)

I wanna go play facebook now! So hook on it! Hahaha! Actually, I dont intend to blog today nor this week because I've got so many things to do. Moreover, I dont feel like blogging. :D But, Idk I blogged it out naturally. I know my posts are extremely summarised because I dont have time to go on details. Pictures speaks a thousand word, right?