Sunday, December 8, 2013

Some 'me' time

Hi guys!

Finally I've gotten some alone time these past few days. Done with both of my assignments and exams are coming!!! :( Oh nozzzz.. 

Exams that are dreaded the most. Tons of writing to do and have to really read up. Needless to say its all write and write. :( 

Gonna work so hard!!

Been sick for about a week! Damn the immune system always gone wrong. Finally feeling better and the phlegm is gone. 

Celebrated Kiki's 8th birthday on November. Bought him a doggy cake!! Super cuteeeeee together with his party hat. Hehe.

Love of my life. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Stress - OVER!

I've been feeling really stress for the past few days. The essay topic is so difficult and I practically spent my entire week working on it but gotten it all wrong when my tutor guided us through. :( My tutorial was on last Wednesday and the dateline I set for myself was on Sunday but the submission dateline is on 25/11. I wanted to follow my guidelines strictly so that I've got time to edit and improve.

After knowing that I'm actually not on the right track, I freaked out. Literally. Panic attack again, hands and feet turned cold. :( Heart was thinking 'DIE LIAO DIE LIAO OMGGGG.....'. Felt so stressed, stupid and useless!!! So I spent my remaining 4 days working on it day and night and finally done everything up on Sunday night! I emailed my tutor my essay for him to vet through..

In my heart, I'm thinking 'Confirm a lot of things do wrong and need to edit a lot plus like a lot of things never add in. And i exceeded my word limit and cut out on a lot of things I deem important'. In short, I'm not confident with my work even though I managed to stick to my dateline. I've never felt so insecure and aimless for my school work before. NEVER. I panic attack once again. But I was thinking, since I sent an email to my tutor to vet through my essay, I STILL GOT TIME TO EDIT AND IMPROVE. And, that made me feel better.

I waited for his reply.. Patiently..

And TODAY while I'm at work... I got an email.. DENG DENG DENG!

It's from my tutor and he said my work is the best thus far. And I'm all good for submission. YIPPIE YAY! A relieve. A HUGE ONE. I'm so happy!!!!! But I wanna be the best! I wanna get a distinction!! And I shouldn't be so 'ya-ya' about it cuz there's always room for improvement! :D And now, I know I'm on the right track, I can start to add in a few more things. Heehehehehe. OMG, I know its nothing to be happy about.. But to me this is very important and I'm feeling so proud of myself. Mom always look at me like very heart pain like that.. Everyday tell me "You ok or not. Don't know then ask your classmate or teacher la. See your face like very stress leh.." <3 br="" nbsp="">

My face now is as happy when Kiki is planting kisses on me. LURVE!

Anyway, just wanna be thankful for your time and effort to keep reminding me to relax and don't stress myself too much. :P Without you, I think I would have gone berserk. Hehehehe. Thxya! 

And, got into an accident just two weeks ago. You see all the bad things come at one go. But luckily everyone is fine and no one's hurt. Need to really go pray pray for keeping us safe. We were only by a few inches to the right and the car would have just make us become roti prata. Luckily we aren't all the way out! Really lucky. 

Ok what else..

I think that's all? Yup! 


Thursday, October 31, 2013

FML - not over yet


I know I shouldn't be starting this post so negatively but.... Things have not been going on very smoothly for me.

My life for the past few days was nothing but trouble. Work is so shit. My boss is shit. My supervisor is shit. Even the authorities of Singapore isn't to any favour to me either. They gave me so much trouble that I feel that I'm so choked up. I don't know if I should say it here but I need to protect myself right? So I guess I shall not say anything.

It was the biggest lesson learnt in life. This whole situation wasn't entirely my fault. I was misled, humiliated and helpless. I feel that life is just so full of shit. I hated them. I hated that company for putting me through this. I hated them for "cheating" me of things that was rightfully mine. I hated them to the fucking core that I just want them to die so much! I hated the authorities for misleading me and not helping me at all. I hated everyone that was in involved in this situation!!!

I know I should not be cursing them but what they have put me through was totally inhumane. Me? Just a young woman who has yet to enter the inhumane work life was put through all of these shits. I lost control of my emotions. I cried so much and have never felt so depressed before. Day and night, I worry about having to fight the case. I'm so lost.

Who are they to put me through all this. WHO THE FUCKING HELL ARE THEY?!

FYI, before you guys starting wild guessing, I DID NOT go MIA on work and get sued. I dare to say I am a very responsible employee.


I WON'T let things go so easily. I FUCKING WON'T. I might not be winning now, but I will make you pay back everything that you have done to me.

Just wait and see.

p/s i'm feeling so much better now after getting a tattoo done.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


So.. I cut and straighten plus curl my hair.

From this..

To this..

Rebonded the top part and curled the bottom so that it wouldn't like curtain. Hehehehe! Been so long since I did rebonding and yes I feel like my hair needed to be silky straight for some reason. 

Woohooo loving my Guns'n'Roses top! Bought it at a very cheap deal!

Anyway stupid lovely baby boy.

Forever with funny faces. Boo.

And I'm so stressed up with school. :( Just me but its okay because I kinda like the way it is. Too awesome already. 

Only the first day of school and when I reached home, I immediately start my revision. Who says taking degree is easy? Professors has got something up there manz. Worst, mine is with a hong kee plus british accent. Double combo. :( 

But I kinda like how I am independent now. I take notes and I concentrate really well in class. Probably cuz I know I'm alone and I cannot afford to be missing out on anything. 

This is just the beginning and just another milestone. 

I am ready! 

A step towards my goal. 

p/s can't wait to wash my hair hair hair.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013



Just took these photos just now. Hehehehe my baby love!

I'm so lazy to update the whole of 10 days. But Kiki is doing really well. He is more happy now I guess. Hahahaha!! I don't know why but probably its cuz I've been home the past few days. 

Kiki has been running, eating, playing and sleeping really well these days. And he's on a really strict diet. I stopped feeding him eggs and our kind of flavourful meat. Bo pi his ALT will drop. Please please please pleaseeeee!! 

Ok bye. I'm so lazy to post!!! 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 2

Day 2 into his medication. 

As usual the morning routine for him was the nightmare. But since I'm working late today, I observed him after his medication. He fell right into a deep sleep. Probably that's the medicine that's making him feel lethargic. 

The very kan jiong me always worry this and that too much, so I googled to see if its normal for dogs to keep sleeping. And hahaha yes! They can sleep up to 12 hours a day considering it to be on and off. Okay, felt really relieved!

His pee was back to the normal yellow! Yayyy!! So far he does not have any negative effects towards the medicine! All is good!

And since he can't be doing his scaling, I bought Tropiclean's clean teeth gel for him. Hopefully it does all the work and help remove the plague/tartar on his teeth!!!

Will post pictures of his teeth soon! I wanna see if it really works! Wahahahahaha! If so, then Kiki don't need to go for his scaling anymore! :D

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 1

Had a really hard time feeding this baby his medicine.

He wasn't very cooperative with me with his medicine and struggled quite a bit. Had to rush to work after feeding him his medicine and told my mom to keep a lookout for him if there's any effects.

Checked how many times he urinated with my mom when I got home and it was 4. I assumed that's normal for dogs to pee 4 times a day. His pee was still a little bit of a darker yellow as compared to the normal yellow kind of pee. Fed his medicine again in the night and this time round he was a little more cooperative. Phew!

Everything was fine and he's eating his prescribed medicine of L/P! Thank god for that!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My dear kiki

Been 3 months since I've updated. 

Today was a really bad day. 

Kiki was supposed to go for his dental scaling today but as the clinic couldn't reach me yesterday and, Kiki didnt fast after 12mn and so, his dental scaling was not successful. Didn't want it to be a wasted trip down to the clinic, I still decided to go ahead with the consultation. So I was thinking that since we're already there, why not send Kiki for his blood test first so that next week he will be able to go straight into his scaling procedure. As you know, blood test usually took about an 30 minutes to an hour for results to show. Didn't wanted to stay at the clinic for long so I decided to bring Kiki home first. I waited for a few hours... At that point of time, I didn't have much of the mood to do anything. I kept telling myself that the blood test result should be perfectly fine since Kiki hasn't been feeling sick or whatsoever. 

His test results were out...

Dr Chua explained to me that Kiki's liver has some problem. Normal ALT for dogs should range between 10-118. But Kiki was at 165. Although the vet assured me that this problem is just a very very mild problem since his ALT isn't that high but it was safer to take precaution now. I heed the advise. And so his scaling appointment was postponed to another two weeks time. 

Hopefully after the full course of medication, his ALT will drop to an acceptable range and he can go ahead with the dental scaling. Then, I will watch his diet very very closely and feed him with liver/gallbladder supplement to keep the ALT at a healthy range. Sigh.. I don't know is it due to aging or was it his previous injury. There are many possibilities. Kiki did not have a very much needed care when he is a puppy till 1yo. It was till we bought him over that his fur started to grow and his weight increased. 

Or should I be blaming myself for not taking care of him well that's why his liver started to show signs.. 

But he seems to be perfectly fine.. 

Lets all hope for the better. 

He WILL be fine. His ALT WILL drop to an acceptable range. 

Please keep him in your prayer. Very much appreciate it. 

I'm not ready for anything to happen to him yet... Not any sooner..

I will update daily on Kiki's situation for the full 10 days of the course of his medication.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Two jobs

Wanted to update my food hunts but I'm just too lazy.

I'm so drained out everyday. I'm now holding two jobs and it's really tiring me out. But... When I see the money comes in.. I'm like hehehehehe yay!!

Oh anyway, I'm at work right now. Brought along my Macbook to watch some shows. My current weekend job is more relaxed and my supervisor is okay with me doing anything as long as I get my job done. Hehe, lucky lucky. If not I would have died of boredom. Just in case you are wondering what kind of job I'm holding right now, I'm working in a tuition centre in Yishun. Travelling just made it more convenient for me to lug my laptop to and fro from work. *phew*

The second job was tough. Like really. :( Although its my dream job but it really drained me out to my minimum. I'm literally left with no energy at all after my work. And yes, my dream job is being a pet groomer. :) I love dogs so much that no words can describe la! Those who really know me well would have know how crazy I am towards these animals. And yes, I commit myself to this job.

My degree?

I am still taking it in October. :) Fret not, holding a degree cert is equally important as anything in my life. I gotta work extra hard for these few months because I'm supporting myself for my degree. It's gonna be so tough. Bro is just lending me the money so that I can get it quick but at the end of the day, I still need to return it to him. My brother is always so awesome. :D

I'm starting to make changes in my life. To live it better. I really did made quite an effort to change myself. And I keep up with my words. Remember me saying that I am gonna donate part of my salary to an animal shelter? Yes, I am doing it now. The sum I just contributed this month was quite a bit because I wanna contribute to Billy's medical expense. That poor furkid has maggots growing on his raw flesh and the wound is as huge as the size of my palm. Or maybe even bigger.. Probably a men's palm.

I know money is important.. But I just wish to help these animals while I can. Although I can't foster them but I'm willing to finance them and make them live a better life. Doing all I can to help. Although I won't be able to help all the animals but at least I am able to make a difference to some of them.

Alright, talking about my second job, I'm learning and working at the same time. :) And my boss just told me that I learn things very fast! Haha! I reckon that's because I love my job and I'm giving my best.   And I hope I can be emotionally stronger. Because one of the customer's dog just passed away and it saddens me so much. Just one day before I just groomed him and the very next moment, he's gone...

That's why people say "Life's short, live it while you can".

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New hair + treatment

It's been a month since I've last updated!! Omg how time flies. My graduation ceremony is in 2 weeks time and I've gotten myself prepared! Hehe. I know you must be thinking what's there to prepare about. But you know you gotta look your best! 

So, on my off day, I've decided to went ahead and chop off 2 inches of my hair. :D Finally the split ends and the awful hair color has been trimmed off! Love my black hair. Other than those trimmings, I also did hair treatment! Now my hair feels bouncy bouncy and smooth. Super love! Treatment does help! And it's my first time doing it. I think horrrr.. Need to treatment every two months for maintenance. Hehe! Right! 


I should really start applying for my uni. :( I'm so caught up with work that I k.o immediately when I reach home. Should really stop procrastinating and start with the application! Sighhh.. Then it will be another tiring ordeal for me all over again. Half work half study, can die. :( :( But what to do... For the sake of my future, everything is worth it! 

Oh god.. My eyes are closing while I'm typing this.. 

Oh! And I'm loving my job. It's my dream job!!!!!! Woohoooooo yeah! 

Okie, night everyone. I'm so drained out. Peace!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

More updates!

Hang on...

More updates coming up!!!

I've started my job so I'll be a little busy than I was previously!

I've got a few stuffs to share! Please check back next week. :D

Friday, March 29, 2013

KURA Japanese Restaurant - JB

My babyboy!!! Super love him!!! *muaaaacks* Quality really bad cuz taken from the webcam. Teeeheeee!

Alright, so for dinner today I had some Japanese food. Been having Japanese food really frequently this month from ramen to sushi to bento to don to whatever you can think of for any Japanese food. It's a really small restaurant located at JB. I don't know the address of this restaurant but I know my way there. For many of you who frequent JB, you should know that there's this thai massage place called Sabai Sabai near Shell. Yes! If you know where Sabai Sabai is, then you should know where this restaurant is! Cuz its just a few shops down Sabai Sabai. :)

I've been wanting to try this Jap restaurant for the longest time but didn't have the chance. Its either I didn't have the mood for any Jap food or the restaurant is closed. :( The opening hours for KURA is really short. IF I'm not wrong, it opens at 12nn to 2.30pm then 6pm to 10pm.

The exterior of the restaurant really caught my eye cuz its so Japanese-y. Hhahahaha! It really feels like a Jap restaurant with a sliding door and wooden made windows. The moment I slide the door open I was flabbergasted! Its a really small restaurant and felt really cosy. Each diners have their own space and they even provide private room for their diners.

The varieties are not a lot and they don't really sell a huge variety of sushi. More of dons, ramen and whatnots.

Part of their restaurant when I first stepped in.
THEIR POTATO SALAD IS TO DIE FOR. Order when you're there and you will get what I mean. 

Not a fan of sashimi but THIS IS REALLY GOOD.
Udon's a little bland but I put in some red seasoning and it tasted so damn awesome! Really love it!! Portion is huge as well.
Tonkatsu rice set. This is mehhhhh. The pork cutlet is a little too cold. The side dishes were not that fantastic as well.

Overall, its worth giving it a try. The only yumminess that I would return would probably be the potato salad. All these dishes plus two drinks cost RM78. 

Note: Throughout our dinner, we've seen two Japanese dine in there. I guess its a place for the Japanese living in Malaysia who misses their hometown food. 

Goodnight people. Have an awesome weekend! xox love

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Back for some updates! Very much kicking and my hair grew longer and longer and I'm growing fatter and fatter! Shox sadz. Can't resist any good food.

Frankly speaking, there isn't much things to talk about. Just that I've finally officially graduate from NYP with my BM diploma. :) *shouts yay!* Received my conferment letter and my official transcript few days ago and I was with all smilezzz. Teehee! I'm really happy! But the next chapter is gonna happen in a few months time. Time to pen down amazing haps in my life!

And it's confirmed that I'll be taking my degree! Probably this October cuz I need to send my transcript to the University for approval. *fingers crossed* Hopefully I need not need to take any bridging course. Really don't wanna waste the money for some useless bridging. :( Just wanna quickly get my degree and I can officially join the inhumane corporate world. Yup, I am all ready.

Anyhoos, so now I'm practically a slacker. I did nothing for the past one month. Just that I travelled to bkk and had some eenie mini getaway to our neighbourhood country. Wanted to go Batam tomorrow but I think the Good Friday crowd is gonna kill me big time. *I hate crowd max.* Been really keen into traveling now!!

Has been diligently taking care of my skin. Be it the body or the face. My face's condition has improved tremendously. Like really. Although there are still some scars from the previous zits but the pimples are not popping that frequently anymore or maybe even none. That's a good thing. And for my body wise.. Need to really start all the moisturizing. I moisturize every night before I go to bed and sometimes when I'm home the whole day, I'll moisturize day & night. I don't want to have old & saggy skin when I grow older and older. :( For my face, I changed my entire skin care products to a brand new one. And yes, behold!! I am using the most disgusting skin repair gel on my face every day. The snail cream! Hahahaha!! I guess it's better than the horse cream or something! And for night, it's the Naruko brightening and firming cream (for aging). Yes, I'm starting to use the aging products for prevention!!! I don't wanna look like I'm 28/29 when I'm actually just 23! Teeheeeee. See, hard work pays off! I didn't skip any of the steps at all. And even if I do, I'll never skip my toner.

Life and the people around me has been treating me well. That's probably cuz I have been really positive these days and I feel a lot happier now. I used to think that by having many people around me is something important. But for now, these few people around me is really enough for me. The more people in your life, the more drama you get. And yup, I am seeing things in a brighter perspective and I made myself improve. :) To be a better person. I am still improving. I guess I'm slowly changing my temper and I didn't flare up that easily anymore just that the last few fuckers in school really is some cunts. Well, its over!

I guess that's all? I'll blog more! Bye and happy long weekend! XD

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Siao and normal









Very normal... Hahahaha. Had a hard time removing the lipstick. :( Wanted to head out after that but my whole lips area too red! Had to use make up remover. Heeeee.

Anyway, wishing light. <3 p="">

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hard work really pays

I'm gonna unofficially graduate in 2 days time. How time really flies. I've never dreamt to have come this far. 

Since secondary school I am never ever fond of learning. People call me "Ah Lian" in school, been to the principal's office multiple times, given warning letter countless time and almost got dismiss from school four times. Never ever a goody goody student that was well liked by the teacher, played prank, made the teacher cry and skipping class most of the time that I finally got caught. Frankly speaking, I kinda enjoy it. Didn't realize the importance of education till I finally gotten my o level results and I scored a whooping 41 points. I threw away my pride and begged for forgiveness from the school to give me another chance to retake my o levels in school. My parents told me, its either you go back school to study or you work. But I wasn't all ready to work and the more am I not ready to go back school and face those teachers who hated me so much before. You know, the pride and the embarrassment I am gonna face.. I just couldn't take it. But in the end I went back to school, failed my o levels the second time with 39 points... Not much of a difference.

Went to apply for ITE, business information technology. My form teacher is really really a nice guy. Super encouraging and always so patient. I worked hard, got into NYP with a GPA of 3.91. Super proud of it!

Then now I'm in Poly, although I don't really have much achievements I still worked hard. Just that some assholes gave me shits during TEP that totally pulled my GPA down. I really don't fucking deserve it. But its okay cuz I worked hard for my IPP, managed to pull it up a little. Am still trying my best and strive hard for my final exams. 

And there you go.. That is how much I went through during my 5 years of life. I changed, become better, differentiate the importance and now here I am typing this telling my dear ones that, with hard work you will definitely succeed one fine day. 

All these, I earn it myself. No one taught me what I should be doing. No one. I was being looked down but I stand firm and pull through it. I encounter many problems but look, I am still here, making a difference in my life. Although during this period of time, I didn't have any achievements, but I am sure I will one day. :) I worked hard for the things I want. 

Looking back, it was an amazing journey. I took a longer path but I gained many experiences in life that many don't. 

I will make it big one day. I will. :) I can feel it. I can see the future of me being what I want. 

Thanks to those people who really helped me a lot during this phase of life. I am entering into a brand new phase very soon. Problems will definitely occur but you don't learn without problems or hardships.  

I am really grateful. Really am. :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And so, as you get older, you try more new things.
And as you get older, your age becomes a secret.

Anyways, I am so into reddish things nowadays. And I am currently so obsessed with lip stains. I buy but I didn't wear it out. Loser! And my complexion is getting better. Hehehehe. :D And I became fairer. >:( I don't want to be fairer. I want me to be tanner. Maybe time for some tanning session after exams!

Last Saturday...

They surprised me! Initial plan was just a simple dinner and a get together cuz it has been so damn long that all the 5 of us actually meet up. The cake is really really good!! Layers of crepe with whipped cream and custard and strawberries. Yummerz! Anyway, its at Paris Baguette. I wanna go for their all day breakfast next time! Hehehehehe. 

Thank you girls so much! <3 p="">

Just two photos to end off this post. I'm so in love with my new cammie. Awesome pictures! <3 nbsp="" p="">

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Welcoming 2013

Hi everybody, I got into.... SIA! That explains my red lippy lips. HAHAHA NOT! I'm not up for it. Not skinny enough to be one. :P Just kidding people, no serious stuffs!

I know I disappeared for quite a while. Been busy with my school projects. My gawdddd..

Anyway I'm graduating soon!! Self proclaimed! In just 5 more days. 5 more freaking days and I'm getting my well deserved diploma.

Was wondering what is gonna be ahead for me for year 2013. I'll definitely get my degreh~ Hhahaha. But the financial wise.... Hmmmm.. A little tight. Probably I will take a loan. I'm going all out for HR. Kinda like this industry. I'm not so confident about SIM. Maybe I might consider SIM too. Idk... :( I'm in such a dilemma. Sighhhh.. Life just have to make decisions.. Decisions that affect you for the rest of your life. 

Okay, maybe I should stop being such a nerd and stop talking about studies.

I can't wait for 1 March. I am gonna go bangkok in like 25 more days!!!!! Freaking can't wait!!!

Maybe I should consider joining the air lines. But I don't think I can cuz I got tattoo. :( Idk.. I don't know what I want right now. Okay, maybe I should give it a try. HEE! Aiyaaaaa.. :(

Alright, bye.