Thursday, March 28, 2013


Back for some updates! Very much kicking and my hair grew longer and longer and I'm growing fatter and fatter! Shox sadz. Can't resist any good food.

Frankly speaking, there isn't much things to talk about. Just that I've finally officially graduate from NYP with my BM diploma. :) *shouts yay!* Received my conferment letter and my official transcript few days ago and I was with all smilezzz. Teehee! I'm really happy! But the next chapter is gonna happen in a few months time. Time to pen down amazing haps in my life!

And it's confirmed that I'll be taking my degree! Probably this October cuz I need to send my transcript to the University for approval. *fingers crossed* Hopefully I need not need to take any bridging course. Really don't wanna waste the money for some useless bridging. :( Just wanna quickly get my degree and I can officially join the inhumane corporate world. Yup, I am all ready.

Anyhoos, so now I'm practically a slacker. I did nothing for the past one month. Just that I travelled to bkk and had some eenie mini getaway to our neighbourhood country. Wanted to go Batam tomorrow but I think the Good Friday crowd is gonna kill me big time. *I hate crowd max.* Been really keen into traveling now!!

Has been diligently taking care of my skin. Be it the body or the face. My face's condition has improved tremendously. Like really. Although there are still some scars from the previous zits but the pimples are not popping that frequently anymore or maybe even none. That's a good thing. And for my body wise.. Need to really start all the moisturizing. I moisturize every night before I go to bed and sometimes when I'm home the whole day, I'll moisturize day & night. I don't want to have old & saggy skin when I grow older and older. :( For my face, I changed my entire skin care products to a brand new one. And yes, behold!! I am using the most disgusting skin repair gel on my face every day. The snail cream! Hahahaha!! I guess it's better than the horse cream or something! And for night, it's the Naruko brightening and firming cream (for aging). Yes, I'm starting to use the aging products for prevention!!! I don't wanna look like I'm 28/29 when I'm actually just 23! Teeheeeee. See, hard work pays off! I didn't skip any of the steps at all. And even if I do, I'll never skip my toner.

Life and the people around me has been treating me well. That's probably cuz I have been really positive these days and I feel a lot happier now. I used to think that by having many people around me is something important. But for now, these few people around me is really enough for me. The more people in your life, the more drama you get. And yup, I am seeing things in a brighter perspective and I made myself improve. :) To be a better person. I am still improving. I guess I'm slowly changing my temper and I didn't flare up that easily anymore just that the last few fuckers in school really is some cunts. Well, its over!

I guess that's all? I'll blog more! Bye and happy long weekend! XD