Thursday, March 18, 2010

A week of not meeting & better........

I've not been meeting Ben for more than a week. He kept texting me to meet him but I kept rejecting him because I'm feeling so tired and it feels so good to be back home. And, after a week of hesitation and "mai la mai la" attitude, I finally agreed to meet him today! Wahahaha! Know why? I had a bad dream last night. Damn scary lor. I think I shouted & cried. Wahahahahaaa! Woke up with a sore eye. Must be got cry one la~ If not how the hell would I have sore eyes?

Anyways, my purpose for this post is..... My complexion got better! WAHAHAHAHAHAA! After only a few pills like maybe... Err.. Less than 10 pills!. Wooohoooo! I'm very very happy & my Mom kept assuring me that the pills really did improve my complexion! Mai siao siao, 1 pill $1 okie! There's only like 30 pills and it's only enough for a month. Imagine every month I consume the pills...

12 x 30 = 360

1 year have to pay $360 for the pills.

Okay la, not very expensive. It's better than those wanna eat money kind of clinic saying "Okay you buy this wash. This is face wash, toner, day cream and night cream." See see touch touch your face and tadah~ 100 over bucks. Eeyer, eat money! That is why I keep hesitating should I go to the National Skin Centre (my dad asked me to go) for consultation.

You know how desperate I am to get my previous complexion back after my chicken pox or not?!?! Very desperate lor! And I used my savings to go buy those stupid face wash. Brighten skin one la~ 100% clear pimples one la~ Buy toner la~ Buy all sorts of facial products la~ NO USE LOR!

Kns, cheat my money. I even went to buy those brightening acne serum from The Faceshop. Pump less than 40 times no more liao! Cheat my money. Still let me see the picture of the woman before and after using. Kns. Must be photoshop lor! And I tell you, if it is cheap maybe less than 15bucks I won't gei gao la. But I tell you it's around 40bucks lor!! FYI, I not very rich so don't kp saying aiya 40bucks only what. You 40bucks nothing I 40bucks is everything.

I still remember, last month, I went to Google about getting better complexion. And some of the Netizens say things like use baking soda, toothpaste, lemon and so on. So I was thinking... Hmmm.. Toothpaste ah? Toothpaste every household have what~ So the night before I sleep, I went to apply toothpaste on the spots. Good game~ Morning wake up with hot red spots. Make it even worst! Very pain and itchy. Damn it man. I was thinking, hoh seh liao~ This time I make my face's condition even worst with my own bare hands!! I freaked out lor!

So haha, not everything you google on the web is gonna work lor! Lesson learnt man.

This is my complexion now! Although I'm still having some blemishes, but I can guarantee you that it did became better! Things like redness is gone! And, I did not wear any make up on. Not even eyeliner that I die die must wear every time when I go out. I adjusted the color of the picture a little. 

Okay, this is the original picture before I adjusted the color and contrast. 

I'm actually very tan in real life. Not so fair like the picture above. And I don't like my pictures to be so so fucking fair till cannot see the features only can see the mouth and eyes. Hehe! 

The pills really did help me! Thanks mom for that!
