Friday, March 5, 2010

Taiwan Trip - Day 1 plus some other overdue stuffs.


“Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he’s owned a dog. A dog can show you more honest affection with a flick of his tail than a man can gather through a lifetime of handshakes.”
Gene Hill 

25th Feb

Met up with Ben before I leave for Taiwan. Those kind of ai mai ai mai kind of feeling is very irritating. I forgot what happened that day. And, he's looking so tired and weak. That's because of his attachment! That bloody place is a torture. And he fucking skinny la! -.-

26 Feb

Our flight is at 12pm. So, I woke up at 7am to prepare because we gotta reach there 2 hours before the actual flight. Check in our luggage and so on. Time passes so damn fast and it's 11.30am already. Gates opened, passengers on board and the flight leaves exactly at 12pm! I think, everyone has every reason to like Singapore's Airline! The taking off and landing is swee one lor! It's not bumpy at all. Thumbs up for Singapore Airline man! ^^

Changed seats with my Mom because I want the window seat! Hahahaa!

It's a 4 hours 10 mins flight, if I'm not wrong. Plus and minus the minutes. And, I watched The Blind Side during the flight. LOL! Not bad, but I don't find it touching leh. Hmmm.. I've gotta comment on the food because... I always thought SATS food is the best out of all the others. But.. er.. Their chicken is fucking tough la! Must be chicken breast! Luckily my grandma chose the pork one. If not I think she will have a hard time chewing that damn piece of chicken! 


And, you know what? My grandma made a new friend on the plane. LOL!! So cute and funny la! That lady is actually from Taiwan and she's studying at Australia. Ooooh yeah. Initally I thought she was from China because of her wannabe ang moh accent! Whatever it is, she's a nice lady and she helped my grandma with the controllers and ordering of drinks. :) 

The arrival counter at Taiwan. I must say, it is extremely messy!! People are everywhere!! And ahah, I'm still far away from the counters. 

At the waiting area waiting for our coach. 

Our coach! Quite cosy la. LOL! Not so disappointing.

Our tour mates. Very friendly and nice people. :)

Okay, our tour guide name is Chen. So he brought us to this restaurant. I don't know what name it is but...

The food, to me, is inedible! Fucking not nice and I feel so home sick at that point of time. :( I only take a few mouths and thats it. My chopsticks and bowls lay there for the rest of an hour. And they don't use spoon one leh!! So I have to use the chopsticks to "kiap" the rice! Damn sian and spoil appetite!

My cousins! Both very skinny la!! 

Back to the coach and it's gonna be a 2 hour ride to Tai Chung! FYI, our plane landed at Tao Yuan which is at Tai Pei if I'm not wrong. Finally reached the "hotel". OMG! I nearly faint at the sight of it. I thought it's gonna be a hotel but no lor!!!! More like a motel FFS! I wanna cry. Very dirty, very quiet, no swimming pool, no customer service. OMG! I would rather die. When you're traveling, the most important thing is to have a beautiful place to stay in la!! IT IS VERY IMPORTANT! The lift is... smelly and whatever shit you can think of la!

Our room. :(

The moment I step into the room, I almost burst out crying la!!!! The place... left me speechless. So I complain to my Mom and I niam and niam and niam non stop. This is sooooooooo disappointing. Last resort.. I called Ben to fucking complain to him over the phone and I jit tao feel like buying a tix and head back to SG man. I miss home. 

FIRST DAY ONLY LEH! I miss home like crazy shit.

And so, after settling down with our stuffs, we headed out of the hotel and tour around the area of our hotel. The traffic... Damn crazy!!! Fucking scary and I don't even dare to cross the road even when the green man is on. IT IS THAT CRAZY!! I practically ran across the road when the green man is on la! It is a hell of experience for me. First is the hotel and now the traffic. OMG. Kill me plszszz.

Alright, so we entered this bakery shop. Finally something nice and cosy and presentable. :) The cakes are very beautiful!!! And we bought some bread because we had to go to the mountain top the next day in the morning.

Very pwetty please! It's like fucking cheap la!! 4inch for 180NT. Singapore dollar around 7.90!! I tell you, if you see these cakes around in those high end bakery shop it will cost you a bomb lor! Chao chao you need 20bucks in SG to buy these cakes. 

Headed back to the hotel. Wash up and lay down on the bed.. Can't slp.. Miss home like crazy.. And I finally doze off.. 

End of day 1!