Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Taiwan trip Day 2

Seriously speaking, I've forgotten about my trip to Taiwan already. My bad. Blame my laziness. Well, let the pictures do the talking then.

Basically, it's a very boring trip for day 2.

I nearly died at this place. It's actually a temple on a mountain top. We stayed at this place for a full 16 hours. We sat on a stool. Mind you, a stool. My back's aching and it's the first time that I hate sitting down! We can't move about and my patience is limiting every hour. Told myself not to throw any tantrums. And yes, I did not lor. But I scolded a aunty for pushing me when we're about to leave. Had a bad bad diarrhea since then. All in all, pardon me for saying that it's bullshit. How can... that... man.... be.... able.... to.... traumatize... the.... humans.... and... led.... them.... to.... be.... barbarians.... when.... receiving.... their.... so.... called.... good.... fortune.... If you were there, you wouldn't like it too. Trust me. I think I had to stop this one day. Make my Mom come back to realization. Hmmmmm..