Monday, October 19, 2009

he solves everything..

Had my lunch with Bro at Ichiban Boshi. Chawanmushi is the love!! Anyways, I'm starting to dislike Japanese food. I don't know why. I'd prefer western food now. Hahahaaa! Bro sent me back to Yishun and I met Ben to collect his pants. :)

Been so long since I met him. And I'm very happy today!!!! So, we took a shuttle bus to SSC and bought his headphone from Challenger. Make me so gian want to buy headphone also lor!!! And I saw Mrs Ong over at starbucks. Hahahahahaa! And she asked me how am I doing and etc. So I said I'm going to poly next year and bla bla bla. And the conversation ended. LOL! Nothing to talk to her also leh~

Back to Ben's place. Slack slack slack.

And now I'm home and I don't feel very well. I feel sick! I feel like vomiting and my head is spinning. Am feeling very cold.

I think I should rest now.

6 days more before I can meet Ben again. :(