Friday, October 30, 2009

tongue or brows?

Tongue or brows pierced?

Any suggestions?

Time flies..

I had already lost count of the date. Just when I saw a person’s tagboard with the date, 30th Oct 2009, I went to double click the time on the computer, counted 2 days after and it will be our monthsary again. How time flies..

Channel 8 is now showing the Olympic show and they are skating! OMG!! Ben is gonna bring me buy my skating shoes this coming Monday! Weeeeeeeehehehehehehe! Damn happy and excited about it man! From then on, I need not have to jog & jog & jog anymore! I’m gonna skate here and there, there and here. Tour the whole Yishun! Wahahahaha! Can’t wait! You can sense my kan jiong-ness or not!! CAN RIGHT?! I sb happy and excited! :D

1 more month of school and its gonna be my term break again! WAHAHAHAHAA! See how time flies. Moreover, I want it to pass by damn quickly so that I need not have to attend school! Such a bore~

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! SB HAPPY AND LOVE!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just a quote for every girls out there. :)

Sometimes we tend to be in despair,
when the person we love leaves, but the truth is that this is not our loss.
Its theirs, because they left the only person in the world who would never
give up on them.


Everyone I know is getting married/already married. WOW!


I asked Ben when is it gonna be our turn. He said something like this...

Dora the explorer says (12:01 AM):
... we i have a house?
whenwe r both with stable income and jobs

Dora the explorer says (12:02 AM):
isint it better

莉芳 says (12:02 AM):

Dora the explorer says (12:02 AM):
but b4 married u muz have your girl night out mah..

Dora the explorer says (12:03 AM):
ur wish to get have ppl jio u right... i will steal 500 guys wallet and give u..den u can start running

LOL!!! The stealing 500 guy's wallet is an inside joke.

And.. I smiled.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Beautiful Song..

Beautiful, beautiful song.

Friday, October 23, 2009

What I Love About You

I love the way you look at me,
Your eyes so bright and blue.
I love the way you kiss me,
Your lips so soft and smooth.
I love the way you make me so happy,
And the ways you show you care.
I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
And the way you're always there.

I love the way you touch me,
Always sending chills down my spine.
I love that you are with me,
And glad that you are mine.

- Crystal Jansen -

I know for the past few days all my post consists of Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben.. Pardon me!! Must have bore you guys out! And, please don't stereotype me as I-don't-have-a-bf-I'll-die category. We have been meeting lesser and lesser as time goes by. So, please don't make noise.
My pay's yet to be in account. Damn dulan. Want me to go back work for you then you jolly well have to pay me! You no pay, I no work! And I am in need of the money lor! Argh! I wanna buy my stuffs!!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I did not attend school today! Was feeling uneasy and unwell. I hate being a woman. Hate it! Why do I have to suffer this every month! Lying on the bed, tolerating the pain and whats more? Vomit. Seen the doctor about vomiting and she said its because of my hormonal change. Eeeww.. That suck and it's every month!!

Yayyy! Ben's not working tomorrow and he's coming over to my place! Yippie! He has been really lovely towards me these days. The tantrum that I made, make him realized that he has not been spending much of his time with me. Hehehehe! And, it is confirm plus chop that we will both get our roller blade shoes! Woohoo! I can't wait!! But dad doesn't sound too keen on me buying the shoe.

On the 7th Nov, I'll be going to the exhibition at Science Centre (Body Works) with bro & sis! Wahahahaaa! Can't wait.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

agreeing with this

Being vague & unfocused when you chant is like shooting an arrow without looking at the target.

Ever since my prayers was answered and I give thanks to Gohonzon, I've stopped chanting. In other words, I've not been chanting for the past 2 months. Very bad. Ben kept constantly reminding me to chant but I did not. I'm used to chanting together with him whenever I'm at his place. 15 minutes or even a short 5 minutes with my mind focused is more than enough. But why am I not doing it anymore? Only me, myself know the answer.

Yan Ling called me last weekend. I wonder when can I meet her because I want to share my experience with her. A feeling so good that I almost cried. I'm truly touched..

This is how it leads me and it will lead me forever. I've taken up this courage and now.. I strongly believe it. Thanks to Ben..

It is indeed a real life experience and I experienced it. Thank you.. Now I know what Ben's parents & sis is trying to tell me..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

turquoise is the color

My dad paid his friend to change our bathroom's door. Now look super chio. Although I don't really fancy the color, but it is definitely better than the previous one! Hehehe!

And I soooo wanna get myself a roller blade shoe! Ben & I are gonna buy one each and blade together in the park. Hahahahahaaa! So lovely~

I don't know what else to blog. There is nothing on my mind.

Waiting for Ben to return me a sms to see if he wants to stay-over tonight. Since school's in the afternoon tomorrow, why not? But I need him to reply me asap so that I can change the bedsheet for him.


I wonder when is Ben gonna get his license. -.- SSDC so many fucking people and you have to book your practical 2 months in advance! Bullshyt. WTF is wrong with SSDC sia. From what I know, the passing rate from SSDC is the lowest. My gawdddd.


Monday, October 19, 2009

he solves everything..

Had my lunch with Bro at Ichiban Boshi. Chawanmushi is the love!! Anyways, I'm starting to dislike Japanese food. I don't know why. I'd prefer western food now. Hahahaaa! Bro sent me back to Yishun and I met Ben to collect his pants. :)

Been so long since I met him. And I'm very happy today!!!! So, we took a shuttle bus to SSC and bought his headphone from Challenger. Make me so gian want to buy headphone also lor!!! And I saw Mrs Ong over at starbucks. Hahahahahaa! And she asked me how am I doing and etc. So I said I'm going to poly next year and bla bla bla. And the conversation ended. LOL! Nothing to talk to her also leh~

Back to Ben's place. Slack slack slack.

And now I'm home and I don't feel very well. I feel sick! I feel like vomiting and my head is spinning. Am feeling very cold.

I think I should rest now.

6 days more before I can meet Ben again. :(

Sunday, October 18, 2009

that's what they see in me now.

So.. I can sense that they finally felt I have achieved something in my entire life. Yes, me have achieved something which makes me feel sky high and I wanna fly high now. I can feel that they are happy for me, am glad. Especially my dad.

Whatever it is, you're not changing. Since, you aren't changing I find no reason why I should forgive you. All I can say is that 你的朋友终有一天会害死你. I don't wish to quarrel in regards to your friends anymore. It is beginning to bore me out on the topic "your friends". I don't wish to go on further.

I swear I can't wait to graduate from ITE. I've got my mind set. Don't you dare gloat.

And FC, I'm sorry my previous post made your thoughts run wild. Please don't get affected by what I wrote because I'm just ranting. I don't want anything to happen between you and your guy.

Anyways, enough of these fucked up emotions.

Bro is fetching me home from school tomorrow. Yay!! Transport fully taken care of tomorrow!

I hope shits between us will be cleared soon. I don't wish to end up like any other couples out there crying over spilled milk.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

You shone the light of love on me.
I'm very much a loner and I just love the way it is. I indulge myself into deep thoughts and hell, gotten myself into trouble this time. See, I've never told anyone about my internal feelings except Ben. And now he's gone, I'm lost. No, we did not break up. Because his attachment has started, I had to adjust myself to him not meeting me for the whole month. Maybe 6 months. I don't know. I am still adjusting myself to this new "climate". And I can tell you, it's not easy. I've amazingly survived for 6 days and 1 day more its gonna be a week. It's never easy because like everyone says, I'm too over dependent on him. Even his mom agrees with this. Yes, I depend on him a lot. I've YET to become independent. I don't know when I'll be but soon it will. Because I need to. I can't possibly be dependent on him for the rest of my life. For all I know, I'm very lost now. Facing the computer almost everyday and I even went to the extend of borrowing books from the library to keep me occupied. Attachment is a killer because it "kills" your other half emotionally. And I know that he's been trying his best to sms me and call me when he has got the free time. But tell me, when do chefs have any free time? They work round the clock.

And his temper isn't very good these days because of work. :(

When can I see you again?

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I'm starting to hate this blogskin. =S It somehow irks me very badly. *shrugs*

I know I've been "neglecting" this space for quite a long time. And so, pardon me.

Attachment ended and school has started. And I'm dreading the new time table given.

And yay! I've gotten SIMS2 University Life collection and Mansion&Garden stuffs. But I am having trouble getting it to run the whole game! I am very much pissed off with it. Kuku. Gonna lend Cas to install it into Ben's desktop and see if it works. If it doesn't, I'm gonna refund it or something. Make me happy for nothing la!!! Kns!!

And while waiting for Ben to finish his shower, I'm left with no choice but to type some bullshits here. Reason being, I've been on the comp for almost the whole day and I'm left with nothing to surf on the net anymore. Boring~

School's ending at 5pm tomorrow. Damn it! Sibei not looking forward to it. Change to 8am to 12pm la! I am MORE than willing to wake up early and enjoy the rest of the day.

Ooooh yeah. There some loansharks activities around my area these few days and the police came and chit chat with some neighbours. Hehehehe! So exciting!

And got some kuku nathan steal my slippers!!!! So I'm left with no choice but to buy myself a new pair. Argh!

Ben's still showering. So long, machiam girl la!

Oooooh! Did I mention that on the last day of work I saw a... SHEMALE?! CB. Suay!!! Still shake his buttock in front of me. OMG! I tell you, I'm not joking. My heart beat is faster than usual and I nearly faint right on the spot.

Ben's still showering...

He bought me this! Loving it!

And he called...

Sunday, October 4, 2009


And so, I am now over at Ben's place!

Nights all!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New haircut!

And so, I've gotten myself a new hair cut and I can say that I am glad that it turn out nice and much neater than before.

And yeah, Blogger's being a bitch again.
Like duh!!!

Anyways, I took a MC for today because my throat has been hurting me since last week.
But I only realise that there's a lump just right beside the surgery scar this Monday. -.-

Seen a doc at Polyclinic and the doc couldn't give me a very good explanation of that lump. So am now on lozenges and anti-biotics. If the lump is still there, I have to visit the doc again.

And it is hurting me badly.

1 week more and I am free from the attachment! Yippie!!!

And heheheheheheeee!
There's something else that I want to share with you guys but..
Let me confirm it first before I voice it out.

Have a good day!