Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ben's 21st Bday at Kbox (part 4)

Yesterday went for a mini celebration with Ben and his friends for some gatherings and his belated birthday. :D Ditched our plan on dining at either Meltz or Carousel. Went kbox instead for their dinner buffet + singing session!


His eyes wide open and me with the exact same expression. -.-

Wrong and awkward angle! Makemy face so huge! And me trying very hard to take picture of us and squeeze myself in! Lol!! *excuses*


For the past few days, I've been putting on lots of make up and its seriously killing me!!! I hate, I repeat.. I HATE to remove make up everytime! I find that its a chore to remove it. And you cannot just wash it away with just water! You have to use make up remover, cotton pad and whatever shits that is used to remove! I can stand in front of the mirror for 20 minutes to fully remove my make up. Now you know.. Why I dread it so much! 

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE to make up. I love to experiment new tutorials and using the eyeshadows to "color" my eyes. I love it! The satisfaction was enough to kill me. Hahahaha! Its just the aftermath of removing it dreads me. :(

Anyway I love my eye make up yesterday!

I'll blog the colors I used in the next post! The maroon brown can't really be seen from this picture! 

You guys should really await for the next post! Hehehehehe! I'll blog what I used and how I do my make up. Although me not a professional and my make ups are all learnt by some youtubers.. I am willing to share! Because sometimes, Caucasians and Asians eyes are different. So what the Caucasians wear for their make up might not be suitable for us Asians! And also, our eyes and double eyelids ah.. A bit smaller and less deep than theirs. Hhahahaha! 

Alright, take care everyone and enjoy your weekends! 

And lastly, it was a hell lots of fun this week!!! Ben and I really enjoy ourselves a lot! 
