Thursday, June 24, 2010

Photo spam with my boyfriend!

Just came back home not long ago and was in a good mood to take some peektures! This explains why the massive spam of my face. Heeeeee!

Anyways, no need guess la! I did edit the pictures! The contrast and all taken by my phone isn't very nice. So I had to do some adjustments to these pictures. Okay, I did not make my nose sharper, make myself flawless,  make my eyes larger and make my mouth smaller. If you wanna see the non-edited version of my face..

Here goes:

I looked so pale and blah~ I prefer the edited version though. :) Looked more radiant and I just feel that it is nicer. Haha!

Had an interview with the VP from UOB just now. Was so nervous and I felt so pressurize. Luckily Nick was there to make the atmosphere not as tense. And, it definitely train me to type faster man. I was afraid that I missed out some points that she said. Denise and Henry was there to help me to listen too! All thanks to them and it made the interview a success! Was so glad that we're half way done. Now I'm left with Econs. 

Ben's gonna book out tomorrow! Yippie yay! I can't wait!! But first, I have to go back to ITE to collect my graduation cert! Damn it. The thought of travelling back to Clementi irks me big time. Arghhh!! I should have gone to the graduation ceremony. Aiya, whatever! After that I'm gonna wait for Ben at CCK mrt station. That will be like... 6pm? :( Nevermind, the wait is worthwhile!

Miss ya boy.