Friday, June 11, 2010


Was at Ben's profile looking through the photos he took. Miss him so much. At least, its better than the days he went Bangkok on April. The days he went Bangkok without me was hell. I suffer from insomnia every night till the very day he was back in Singapore. At least for now, he can sms or call me whenever he is free. YAY! I'm starting to get used to it already. :) I know Ben is still trying to adjust to his new environment so as his girlfriend I should really give him lots of encouragement to help him pull through this difficult phase in his turning point in life. 

Both of us had been chanting everyday for the better of him and us. I should really be thankful that he brought me into this religion. You know, it really has an impact on me. For without him, I would have been so loss in life and nothing will change. I don't wish to bring up my past anymore. For now, Ben and I will be focusing on our goals and our future. :)

Just ended our call 15 minutes ago. Although we only talked for a mere 12 minutes, it really does makes me happy!! Heh. You know, he told me over the phone just now that his instructor asked them this morning if they had seen the "thing". Must be somebody saw "it" thats why the instructor mention about it. OMG LOR! So unsafe and blah~ Really worry about him man. Nevermind, I'll chant! Asked him to keep his beads under the pillow to give him some sort of security! 

Anyway, I really miss him a lot and I want a hug. :(

7 more days! 7!! Persevere!
