Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Have hair, have no hair


Kiki totally look like a freaking fat white large rat. Of course, he looks better with fur lah! Tsk~ Who doesn't? I mean if humans were to shave their hair off, they will look fugly isn't it? Like y'know, Ben shaved off his hair and look at him now.. Woooo! So handsome. Heh heh, he is an exception! I don't know why. Ever since he enter NS, his complexion is better, his face glows and he became fatter! 

I reckon it was because when he's waiting for his enlistment, he would spend his whole day playing that bloody useless non living thing, PS3. You know, the radiation and whatever harmful rays that emits from the TV and all made him looked restless. The reason for him getting fatter is.. I-don't-know-why. Maybe because of all the starchy ewww yucky food. It definitely doesn't taste like dog food because Kiki's dog food smell so good and I make him nice nice dinner sometimes! You bloody people don't assume that I tasted Kiki's food okie! But really, the food that Ben is having over at that place serves food that is worse than dog's food. 

The good thing that Ben enters NS is he's not lum nua anymore. He's so freaking neat! :( When he came over my place the other night, he was saying that "Eh, your room so messy!!". Wa lao, my room never change at all even before he go NS lah! It was me who was always helping him to clear the mess in his room. Now... hais. Nevermind. Next time he can do all the housework and I'll go out and earn money! Hahahaaaa! 

The bad thing? I miss him so much. :( 

I met up with CY last evening at the circle line platform! So sua ku lor me. :( Lol! Luckily there's signage and arrows pointing here and there to get me to the platform. Eh I tell you, even if there's signage and arrows, some people just couldn't get their ass to the circle line okie! So I'm consider good. HAHA!

Anyways, CY brought me stuffs she bought from Bei Jing and Hong Kong! Yippie yay! Okie, the things she bought from BJ (hahahah, bj?) isn't to my liking la. =X Sorry dear. I gave the chopsticks to my Mom! Hahahaaa! The stuff she bought from HK is very the to my liking okieszz! She bought My Beauty Diary Mask for me me me ME! I've been using their series of mask(I've tried 3 "flavors") since last year. The truffle mask is the best of the best! Been wanting to try the Black Pearl series and she bought it for me as a gift! 

I did the mask last night for 30 minutes. Removed it and massage my face gently to let my skin absorb better. Waited for it to dry and I went to bed. This morning when I woke up, my face feels so smooth and supple! Say yay to nice and beautiful skin! 

Okay, if I were to compare truffle mask and black pearl mask.. I'd still prefer truffle! Reason being, truffle lightens the scars on my face and it hydrates pretty well and of course, the aftermath is super smooth. Don't think Watsons sell truffle mask eh? They only sell the black pearl, bulgarian white rose, strawberry and apple? Not so sure though. Correct me if I'm wrong. :)

So far, I've tried using the Bulgarian White Rose(whitening), Q10(anti-aging), Black Pearl(Whitening,firming) and Truffle(lighten scars/freckles, whitening and regenerating)! I would say, I really recommend MBD. :)

I bought it online for a cheaper price. Heheheee! 

Oh shiat. Why am I even helping MBD to advertise. Whatever. Good things ought to be shared! 

Packaging si beh cute. WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR?!